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Presidential Election: 11/3/20 ---Now the President Elect Joe Biden Thread

Message added by TK,


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Just got back from the eastern shore...


I realize Trump supporters are the ‘loudest’ and all but sheesh.  I took 404 on the way in through Delaware, it seemed every 50 yards there was another Trump sign.  Not one Biden sign to be found.  Trump flags all over boats in OC.  Trump flags and signs littering properties the whole way out down 50. 


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58 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

Just got back from the eastern shore...


I realize Trump supporters are the ‘loudest’ and all but sheesh.  I took 404 on the way in through Delaware, it seemed every 50 yards there was another Trump sign.  Not one Biden sign to be found.  Trump flags all over boats in OC.  Trump flags and signs littering properties the whole way out down 50. 



Well that is lower, slower Delaware......

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2 hours ago, tshile said:


I’ve seen 1 Biden sign all weekend. 

Meanwhilr I’ve seen a trump sign in every other boat and every other dock. And back where I live it’s nothing but Trump signs. 


Does that say something about the number of signs or the type people who choose to display them?

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21 minutes ago, Springfield said:


Does that say something about the number of signs or the type people who choose to display them?


I'd prefer to think that the Democrats are classier and therefore wouldn't trash their yards with stupid signs.  It's like how you wouldn't put a bumper sticker on the back of a Mercedes.

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Just now, Spaceman Spiff said:


I'd prefer to think that the Democrats are classier and therefore wouldn't trash their yards with stupid signs.  


Precisely. I'm voting Biden, no questions asked. I'm also not putting up any silly yard signs because I'm not changing anyone else's mind with a stupid sign. Cause I'm not an asshole and my life revolves around more than politics.

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The discussion about signs, etc leads into a thought about candidate enthusiasm that I'm curious about. Granted, people have displayed political signs around election time for a great while, and there have always been people on the right who have complained about the "libs," and vice-versa.  And we have had some pretty charismatic presidential figures over the past 40 years that I've been old enough to realize what was going on, from Reagan to Clinton to Obama.


But is it just me, or has the current climate brought out a more "boisterous" (for lack of a better term) atmosphere, particularly regarding Trump?  Another way of asking this is....did conservatives (and I consider myself one) express the same amount of fealty toward Reagan, GHWB, or W that they seem to do toward Trump?  It just seems like there's a reluctance for a large amount of people on the right to criticize this guy in any way, to even say "He's a ****, but I'm going to vote for him because I'm more aligned with the GOP on social/economic issues."  I was flipping through a newish book by Adam Carolla the other day and he thinks this big Trump support is a reaction to the ultra-PC environment that we seem to be in. But "PC" is really nothing new, IMO.


Anyway, just was curious as to what people thought. 

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I think people are being played to think the way they do about Trump.


One thing that people don't like is to be wrong. Once they are certain that they are right, it's nearly impossible to convince them that they are wrong. I also believe that conservatives are less likely to admit fault due to their nature. So conservatives have been forced into supporting Trump because it would mean that they were wrong in their own judgement. It also means that if they shun Trump then they feel like they've joined the other side. There are some splintering conservatives who outwardly denounce Trump but really, they're few and far between. For as much stuff as the Lincoln Project puts out there, I don't really think it's effective in any other way than having liberals go "Man, those are great republicans. See, they can talk bad about Trump. Maybe they can convince some Trump supporters to follow their lead." I don't think it moves the meter at all and Trump supporters are dug in deep and getting louder.



Let me also add. I think that Trump supporters are relentlessly bludgeoned over the head with a narrative that claim that the liberal, socialist, mainstream media, democrat party, Black Panther, Black Lives Matter, rioters want to end their way of life. To overcome this liberal oppression they need to exercise their 1st amendment rights in outwardly expressing their support of Trump.


Their enthusiasm is a direct result of how their "news" sources are marketing to them.

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9 minutes ago, hail2skins said:

The discussion about signs, etc leads into a thought about candidate enthusiasm that I'm curious about. Granted, people have displayed political signs around election time for a great while, and there have always been people on the right who have complained about the "libs," and vice-versa.  And we have had some pretty charismatic presidential figures over the past 40 years that I've been old enough to realize what was going on, from Reagan to Clinton to Obama.


But is it just me, or has the current climate brought out a more "boisterous" (for lack of a better term) atmosphere, particularly regarding Trump?  Another way of asking this is....did conservatives (and I consider myself one) express the same amount of fealty toward Reagan, GHWB, or W that they seem to do toward Trump?  It just seems like there's a reluctance for a large amount of people on the right to criticize this guy in any way, to even say "He's a ****, but I'm going to vote for him because I'm more aligned with the GOP on social/economic issues."  I was flipping through a newish book by Adam Carolla the other day and he thinks this big Trump support is a reaction to the ultra-PC environment that we seem to be in. But "PC" is really nothing new, IMO.


Anyway, just was curious as to what people thought. 


I think they like being trolls, for starters.


Make no mistake, the "conservatives" these days don't give a Frenchman's **** about any of the traditional beliefs and values that the conservatives used to hold.  It's all about pissing off liberals (mission accomplished) and their side "winning."  It has nothing to do with policy, nothing to do with values...it's just about their team winning.  That's all it is.  That's how the so called conservative Christians don't have a problem backing a guy who's had 5 kids with three women and ****ed a porn star 10 days after his youngest kid was born.  They don't really care about "family values."  They just want their side to win.  

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We can connect with others through a variety of platforms (things we share in common). Which includes thoughts/beliefs, values, and emotions (including love and fear).


Trump connects with people using fear. It’s a primal and very strong emotional state. And he unites people based on their shared insecurities. And he’s really inclusive. Women, hispanics, Chinese, blacks, Hollywood, poor old sick, politicians, Democrats, etc. So literally ‘everybody’ can connect on some level of irrational hate (resistance).


To me, the bigger issue is mental health. You have a significant portion of your population living in daily fear. So much so that they’re completely intolerant of anything that is different (thoughts, behaviours, etc) and their entire identities are wrapped around their fears.

Can you imagine going through daily life feeling so small (insignificant), inadequate and ultimately worthless, that you need to project (blame) onto others(the world) your own insecurities in order to cope? That’s the principle of a victim mindset. 

These people have been traumatized.


And they have found a support group... which makes them feel empowered and emboldened.


And like a true sociopath, Trump manipulates them - a very vulnerable group - for destructive purposes.




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1 hour ago, Springfield said:


Does that say something about the number of signs or the type people who choose to display them?

I get it, which is why I acknowledged they are the loudest group, when it comes to professing their cult-like love for their candidate.


Still disturbing, the amount of it that’s out there.  And it’s not just the usual poor folks trashing their lawns with this stuff.  It’s on the nicer properties, trucks and expensive boats as well.

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2 hours ago, Springfield said:


Does that say something about the number of signs or the type people who choose to display them?


Well I think we need to remember that Trump supporters are also generally more likely to be the kind of people who put those naked woman silhouette mud flaps on their cars/trucks, wear "FBI (Female Body Inspector)" t-shirts, and have "Show Me Your Boobs" stickers on their cars.


To those people displaying a Trump-Pence sticker/yard sign is probably like going to a fancy restaurant (Cracker Barrel).


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Cracker Barrel is OK. I love their country store, good stuff during the holidays. They already got their Xmas stuff out.


These Trumpsters will find out that America will end if Trump's reelected. After Trump has gone after the people they fear, he will come after them; if they don't give him complete obedience and worship. Trump will remake the country into his North Korea.

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In wealthy Loudoun County I have yet to see many yard signs, including those folks who definitely had them before for the GoP, and I think for Trump in 2016.


That may show a lack of support or perhaps less commitment, but they will vote R anyway. I would not expect them to commit to Trump in polls either.


This thing ain't in the bag by a long shot.

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6 hours ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

Just got back from the eastern shore...


I realize Trump supporters are the ‘loudest’ and all but sheesh.  I took 404 on the way in through Delaware, it seemed every 50 yards there was another Trump sign.  Not one Biden sign to be found.  Trump flags all over boats in OC.  Trump flags and signs littering properties the whole way out down 50. 



It's fine, their vote doesn't matter since Maryland is firmly a blue state :ols:

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Out on the water yesterday in my hometown of VB and it’s pretty overwhelming the amount of Trump flags on boats. I’d say almost every other boat, you just can’t escape it even if you want to enjoy a day on the water with friends and family. 

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7 hours ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

Just got back from the eastern shore...


I realize Trump supporters are the ‘loudest’ and all but sheesh.  I took 404 on the way in through Delaware, it seemed every 50 yards there was another Trump sign.  Not one Biden sign to be found.  Trump flags all over boats in OC.  Trump flags and signs littering properties the whole way out down 50. 


Andy Harris is the MD congressional representative. DelMarVa is Trump country. 

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11 minutes ago, max21 said:

Out on the water yesterday in my hometown of VB and it’s pretty overwhelming the amount of Trump flags on boats. I’d say almost every other boat, you just can’t escape it even if you want to enjoy a day on the water with friends and family. 


Two Americas. I'd figure if one has boat money Trump n Republicans prolly appeal to them.




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