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About mistertim

  • Birthday 10/19/1977

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  • Washington Football Team Fan Since
    Since birth
  • Favorite Washington Football Team Player
    Old Skins: Darrell Green New Skins: Sean Taylor
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    There are no other teams. Just groups of people who wish they were the Redskins.
  • Location
    Northern VA
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  • Interests
    guitar, physics, redskins, film
  • Occupation
    Network Engineer

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  1. I never really saw an issue with his arm. It was fine. Nothing amazing, but not weak. Probably NFL average. He should be able to make all the throws.
  2. So he's basically saying 2 things: 1) I don't understand what sarcasm is or how it works 2) **** childless women anyway
  3. Intangibles are great. "Moxie" (a mostly meaningless word) is fun. But those aren't enough to be an elite QB. Elite QBs have top notch intangibles but are also able to put up tons of points and can carry the team if need be. Intangibles without the other stuff mostly doesn't mean much when it comes to being a long term top QB. Also this whole "he motivated the team to do <x>" meme is completely vague. Please explain with specifics. Did the QB help force fumbles with his moxie? Did it somehow make people tackle well? Did he somehow make the OL block differently on running plays? Did his moxie help coaches make good play calls? Did the other QB get so intimidated by our QB's moxie that it caused him to throw interceptions? When you hear people talking about a QB and all they seem to focus on is intangibles, "moxie", or "he just wins"...it pretty much always means that the QB in question doesn't actually do all that much on the field.
  4. There's so much stuff to hit Trump on. Going after him about possibly lying about whether he got hit by a bullet or shrapnel is not the move.
  5. So you've shifted from "Just throw the damn ball! Underthrown bombs are underrated!" to "Well, in this super specific situation it's probably ok" And "Smart QBs throw the ball where only their guy can get it" has nothing to do with your original point. On a bomb like that the QB is just putting it in the vicinity and hoping his guy will get it instead of the DB, or that there will be an interference call. There's also a difference between a bad pass and a bad decision. A throw can be both or only one. A deep bomb to a tightly covered guy with the hope that your WR will make the play while there's plenty of time left in the game, you're not trying to come back from a big deficit, and you have other guys open on other routes that would have moved the chains? Probably a bad decision. Of course if your WR makes a big play then you look like a genius. But if the DB makes the play and intercepts the pass, then you look like a buffoon. That stuff is always hindsight.
  6. It's absolutely hilarious to see the MAGAs crying like babies about this on Twitter. They turn into such PABs the moment someone turns the tables and savages their guy.
  7. This is how you know that Tim Pool woke up this morning, looked in the mirror, and noticed he was going even more bald.
  8. I have no idea what this post even means. Are you...trying to hype up underthrown deep balls to tightly covered receivers? Because...it can work if the DB falls down?
  9. I wonder who is having a bigger case of the regrets right now...Donald Trump or JD Vance's wife.
  10. So if teammates like a QB then he gets credit for the wins, even if he didn't perform very well or do all that much?
  11. Oh good lord. The "he just wins" meme has entered the chat again. That nonsense is like a hydra, I swear to god. Cut of one head, another just comes right back in its place.
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