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About 88Comrade2000

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  • Washington Football Team Fan Since
  • Favorite Washington Football Team Player
    Art Monk
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    Melbourne, FL
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    Skins, Sci-Fi, Movies

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  1. Make human cloning legal. The planet is overpopulated. Best way to help environment; get population down by at least half, in not more.
  2. No this her only shot unless she wins, then 28 would be her reelection bid. She loses to Trump and we actually have elections in 28; she wouldnā€™t win a Democratic primary. If Joe decided not run for reelection a year ago, she wouldnā€™t have won a Democratic primary. This is her only shot.
  3. Saw Deadpool and Wolverine. It was funny. Plenty of cameos from other Marvel characters from the 20th Century Fox era. Gets a solid B+.
  4. Joe gave an ok speech last night but even then he couldnā€™t give it clearly. I think post WH days, his decline might even progress rapidly. If Kamala uses him to campaign, it should only be in the daytime during those 6 hours. Probably deploy him where sheā€™s likely to be weakest- areas that arenā€™t as diverse. It wouldnā€™t be shocking to see a potential Kamala win be made up of different states than what Joe wouldā€™ve needed to win. My early guess if she wins, her EC count would be in the 280ā€™s to 290ā€™s. Iā€™m thinking similar to Bush-Kerry in 2004 and Carter-Ford in 1976.
  5. Well, today is the first day of SDCC. As soon as I see panels posted, Iā€™ll post them here.
  6. Fox does know sheā€™s having a one on one meeting with Benji. Heā€™s meeting her , Joe and Donny.
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