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About Jumbo

  • Birthday 04/01/1999

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    full-contact origami, breeding military attack squirrels
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  1. It's Cowboy Daze weekend here in Big Sky country (corn hole tourneys, horsies, bulls, fiddles, guitars, and beer everywhere). I like making fun of fake cowboys but these boys are for real. ๐Ÿค  So time to run up my personal playlist of the fun side of country classics.
  2. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/justice-department-endorse-kamala-harris-fear-trump-rcna163069
  3. Gnarly, in its bad definition, kinda fits Vance. But not as well as colloquialisms like pos, ****wad, creeper, asswipe, dickface, etc.
  4. It makes unfortunate sense that Biden had slower reacting amateurs in his digital/social media group compared to hipster fifty nine year old. Imagine the future, hopefully near future, when a worthy candidate in the 35-45 y.o. range is running. Hip, slick, happenin', rad, gnarly, boss, and cool. ๐Ÿ˜›๐Ÿคก๐Ÿ˜€
  5. Thread derailing = tailgate terrorism How dare you, sir. Do you not respect our traditions? ๐Ÿคก
  6. What thread is this again? ๐Ÿ˜„ When the blowhards get going in the tailgate, the blowing gets hard. ๐Ÿ˜› (Boy, I bet boebert could have fun with that sentence #truelifeslutshaming)
  7. There shouldn't be more than about 100 million humans on the planet anyway.
  8. Well, there's some truth and some biased perception there. I agree that sweeping comments, like mine there, are always shaky and I can see how the part where I suggested there was any quick widespread acceptance among Joe defenders that other candidates could beat Trump was overstated. I was mixing it in with defending against any assertions that Joe was a problem from the get go. He turned out to be a great president if you're a Dem. In the first days after the debate, it seemed to me that a plurality of Joe defenders were most reactive against those suggestions that he was a problem choice due to age from the beginning and that some were jumping too quick to write him off, and sometimes too harshly and even insultingly, and not giving him credit for all he's done and the strength of his actual record. But it is true most of the defenders were either just as worried about any replacement being able to beat trump, esp. this late in the game, as their counterparts were very concerned about joe's polling and particularly his likely weakness moving forward after that debate. And I did overstate things on that angle. My linking of my claim that he had done very well as POTUS and in public, counting his lifelong penchant for gaffes as a defense, to the idea there wad widespread acceptance among his defenders that someone else might do better was wrong on my part. ๐Ÿ‘ Interestingly, had Joe had a sotu type performance much of this would have gone quite differently I assume. But he sure didn't, and it just may turn out to be a blessing. Fingers crossed. Also, while the "joe was and is too old" posters were perhaps shouted "at" for some or all of their claims, their side was shouting too. I think "shouted down" usually implies being repressed or even silenced. There was a ton of "loud", not "silenced", clamor for Joe to go. (and imo, the opinions that Joe, as he seemed then and now, had to go were understandable, and I got there pretty quick myself). Heck, just the posts from Momma, Ferg, and Fetus, among others, were constant and they vigorously advocated the joe must go. They sure didn't seem to get "shouted down." All of which was perfectly fine and as it should be. In fact, we even had a few "pro Joe" peeps who dropped off in posting for a couple days, saying the "get rid of Joe" stuff was too non-stop and "loud." Perhaps they thought they were "shouted down" too. Perception, confirmation bias, and emotions. Makes all discussions more fun! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ฌ
  9. https://apnews.com/article/georgia-state-election-board-0141f8011dc9e7c054ed73f63dbf5f58
  10. Vance holds membership in a tragically large demographic: the "reprehensibles." They're worse than deplorables, but not as bad as Juggalos who "matured" (in the sense that fly larvae "mature") into Tool fans. ๐Ÿง
  11. Yeah, I don't have much respect for the "told ya so, we knew Joe was too old from the beginning" crowd because we all knew he was old and that there were other potential candidates that were worthy and could maybe win, but those for Joe also correctly thought he could be a guy to beat Trump and govern effectively. And "we" were certainly right. By any reasonable intelligent standard he actually had a stellar and effective presidency right up until his decline seriously affected his ability to present well in media, and if he isn't already affected in actual governing by his wearing out/decline, he likely would be soon enough. After the first fifteen minutes of the debate debacle and the stumbles later in it, I was nervous about the matter but had soon figured he was going to need to step down because both the reality and the perception (with its political consequences) were going to require it to beat Trump (that trump is electable is an absurd reality, but it is reality). But now it's all good imv, for Joe, his posterity, and for the Dems. I think it will still be a real fight to win this campaign, for both normal and nefarious reasons, but it's very doable. Here's hoping the Dems are unusually united and effective. ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿคž๐Ÿคž
  12. I've noted our shared positive impressions ๐Ÿ˜of certain heartthrobs from way back then to now. Morena Baccarin is another one. I went gaga for her when she showed up in Serenity and V. Ever since, she's just been one of my faves in every way. Random off topic "V" connection, do you remember the old TV classic sci fi series with Roy Thinnes, "The Invaders"? Landmark effort, great in its day.
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