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About Larry

  • Birthday 12/04/1957

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  • Washington Football Team Fan Since
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    Darrel Green
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    Where the Constitution grants rights to pregnant pigs, and denies them to homosexual humans
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  1. Or maybe they'll be piling on, after said defendants have spent all their money on the first 5 cases.
  2. But Biden doesn't need to win every county. He needs to win the state. Getting 1,000 more people to vote in Atlanta counts the same as getting 1,000 people to vote in Podunk.
  3. Recall an ES poster once commenting that there are few environments more Darwinian than combat. The things that we're doing? Other people are going to learn from. (Anybody think China isn't studying what's going on?)
  4. Recall my dad telling me that occasionally the folks who lived outside the bases in Minessota would get irate about all the airmen everywhere, then the base would have a payday where everybody got paid in $2 bills. Not their entire pay. But every serviceman got at least 10 or so of them. The idea was that for the next two weeks, every business in town would see those $2 bills in their cash drawer. And know that they came from the Air Force base.
  5. To someone who has, at least twice, proposed dealing with the national debt by "seeing if they would accept partial payments."
  6. While there's certainly validity to the "few bad apples" defense, in some cases I think there's an argument to judging an entire group based on the extremists. My #1 example would be to point out the things that Republicans actually legislate. And which they legislate in every circumstance where they can.
  7. Although I do also have to say that there's some validity to the argument of "If you go carrying pictures of chairman Mao You ain't gonna make it with anyone anyhow"
  8. I never said anything remotely close to the horse**** you're trying to attribute to me. What I've done, is to respond to the positions that you have chosen to state. They should be ignored. Because * College students tend to be young. * And "they" (meaning, you have seen cases where at least one person at one of the protests, so lets slap that label on their entire protest) have used a symbol you think they shouldn't. Well, he is Bernie Sanders. I tend not to take him seriously, even when he agrees with me.
  9. Says the poster who's position is that every protester who's position he doesn't like should be ignored, until he can no longer find reports of one single person at the protest doing something.
  10. Change the Biden picture for a Trump one, above, and every MAGAt out there would be genuflecting over what a powerful charismatic leader he is.
  11. You got a problem with cold pizza? Maybe more like "cold, and not assembled".
  12. Anybody here believe for a minute that Melania thinks he's not cheating on her? In fact, anybody here believe for a minute that Trump doesn't intentionally rub her nose in the fact that he's cheating?
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