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About Fergasun

  • Birthday 11/28/1980

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  • Birthdate
    November 28, 1975
  • Washington Football Team Fan Since
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    Northridge, CA
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  1. And why would Trump drop out of the debate? Why can't he just say, "I agreed to ABC on Sept.10.... i will debate any time, any place. So we will keep the Sept 10 date. Hope it goes better for the new guy than the last one." Fox News is asking to add 17 September.
  2. I was having a casual discussion at dinner with my college age son and wife and for some reason my family started talking about Japanese War Crimes and human experimentation efforts --referring to "Unit 731". Both of them were like, "we know so much about the human body due to the human experimentation". And my wife, "the Japanese would go to schools and kidnap young girls." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_731 I had never heard of this until yesterday. While I had known about Nazi human experimentation. Am I the only person not familar with this?
  3. Her first stump speech was [paraphrasing since I don't remember] "Let's move forward, not backwards." I think that is pretty simple. Have you heard Trump's? America is suddenly a ****hole and if you don't vote for me, it'll be swallowed up by all the ****.
  4. This is actually pretty lame and underwhelming. If I was running for office I would ask to be driven around in a black S500, with the interior set to exactly 71 degrees. And I would tell them what my spread looks like, like a rock star (unlike them it would be fruit and veggie trays, with Iced Tea). Actually, maybe JD Vance asked for Diet Mountain Dew, Snickers bars and Lays potato chips.
  5. Can we re-visit all the polls on "Would you elect a convicted felon to the White House." 'Cause there was supposed to be a huge swing that would determine the election. That's really discouraging. Trump's not even legally allowed to run his own Corporation without a judge appointed observer.
  6. I read the New York filing. Pretty much on point with what I expected. Of course the Tweets and OGE form are public record (Supreme Court pointed this out) and there's no threat to the Office of the President to allow private conversations as evidence. They also hit Trump on some procedural objections that his lawyers didn't make. And then they said, "even without all that stuff, there is so much other evidence."
  7. I have never been more excited to cast a ballot for President. I know. I know. I will watch the Dave Chappelle election night SNL skit a lot. But darn... I really want to turn the page on old rich white male power.
  8. @Renegade7 This is her best shot. She's gonna take it. And if not, maybe she can impress Dems for 2028. Who had her over Whitmer, Shapiro, Newsome, etc. when talking about 2028? No one did. Yes, maybe for obvious reasons. America is not too racist to vote for a black (Obama) or too misogynest to vote for a female (Hillary). But black and female? Let's go Gen X, Millenials and Gen Z! Let's show our parents and grandparents its a new America. And I don't even think it would have been fair for anyone else to step in either (they would be dealing with having to establish campaigns). Ans her "negatives" match up against Trump.
  9. Speaking of timing. Biden dropped out perfectly to avoid lots of talk on the Sunday AM shows which have been pushing the "blitz convention narrative". NYT and others wanted headlines that were like "Dems in Disarray!". Yet, Kamala has pretty much consolidated full support. All within a week. According to news sources, Biden called 20 lawmakers/colleagues in the 10 days post debate. Kamala called 100 lawmakers/colleagues in the 10 hours after Biden stepped down. If she loses, she likely will find it hard to get another shot. And some of the polling I have heard about. Older Democrats have the racist/mysoginost issue too.
  10. If the JD Vance memes get 100k people nationwide to vote for Kamala.... count me in!! BRB while I go photocopy some pages of his book and do something neferious. We had Swift Boats and other BS campaigns before now.
  11. You do realize that this is a key job of Congress -- oversight of the Federal government. And they probably carry weight with local and other authorities. And they have significant legal authority to compel testimony and collect documents.
  12. Is it weird, or is it just me that the "Press" doesn't seem interested if Trump was truly struck by a bullet, or shrapnel. As it was originally reported, Trump (and others near him) were struck by shrapnel. Then, all of a sudden he posts on Truth Social, a bullet hit him. If shrapnel is true, than maybe he wasn't an inch from death and he didn't "take a bullet for democracy" (as he claims!). But he gets to embellish and lie about it. Again, not sure why this sticks with me. But the FBI director, Chris Wray seemed to imply in testimony yesterday that was not clear if it was a bullet or shrapnel. I mean, it wouldn't matter really but for Trump using it as a central part of his stump speech. Also. Fox News has proposed a 17 September debate. I think I am assuming the 10 September ABC debate is on. And they may add a second debate.
  13. Olympic soccer is great. I love seening some of the younger players. And it looks like they are actually doing real extra time, like the World Cup 15 minutes of extra time is wild!
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