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  1. I think if Kamala is the candidate it will keep enough Dem votes home for Trump to win. I don’t think they will go Repub, just not vote.
  2. I’d be interested in budget numbers over the last 10 years. Might explain a lot or not.
  3. How does a roof with line of site to the podium not have an agent on it to begin with???.
  4. If the shot did come from a roof, leaving a roof with a direct line of site to he podium would be a pretty big blunder. But still a fog of confusion. Who knows??
  5. Acoustics can be tricky, but it sure didn’t sound like a long gun.
  6. My guess is a mentally unstable lone wolf with a gun. No grand plot.
  7. My thought is either a grazed miss, or a .22 hit at an angle that bounced off the skull. Most likely a graze though.
  8. It’s just sad the USA has come to this. The crazy rhetoric and hate politics are creating this mess. Can’t just disagree with somebody. Have to make them out as stupid and evil if you are different. Unfortunately it seems to be getting worse and more extreme.
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