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Presidential Election: 11/3/20 ---Now the President Elect Joe Biden Thread

Message added by TK,


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Jesus the outrageous look I received this morning when I explained that Trumps comments regarding the dead veterans... that basically my default position is that he probably said it because it fits a pattern of behavior so perfectly... and remember what he said about John McCain?!?!?!!


the trump supporters are firmly entrenched. It’s a cult. A cult that carries around about 35-40% of the popular vote. And trump losing in November is just going to be one of many speed bumps in the years ahead of dealing with them. 

honestly we’re probably at the mercy of the GOP to clean their house. I don’t see how anyone outside the cult can reach those within. Even when trump is gone. They’re brainwashed. They’ve been programmed to reject anything that counters their world view. And to view people who have opposing world views as some form of “enemy”

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8 hours ago, TheDoyler23 said:

Sully was spittin’ out there. 

I have no idea how his voice sounds, so I read it in my head with Obama’s. 


The most sincere voice of any POTUS in my lifetime. 

I truly miss having someone in charge WHO GAVE A DAMN.

When you see goodness, embrace it...it rarely comes back around...but we get a second chance with Joe. He cares, and will work for We The People. 

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2 hours ago, tshile said:

Jesus the outrageous look I received this morning when I explained that Trumps comments regarding the dead veterans... that basically my default position is that he probably said it because it fits a pattern of behavior so perfectly... and remember what he said about John McCain?!?!?!!

I was reading a Daily Beast article that had anonymous current members of the Administration, with one saying "Its not that Trump doesn't care about the military.....its just the way he talks makes him sounds like an asshole sometimes."


Which basically that admission can be good enough for me.....well, if you remove the "sometimes" caveat lol


I just try to avoid conversations where it sounds like I'm telling someone who to vote for.  If one wants to vote for Trump based on policy issues, fine.  But at least admit that the guy is narcissistic as hell.  And recognize that his behavior does him more harm than good in getting reelected. I still think he is going to get reelected, but if he somehow does so in a manner where the margin is larger in the EC than 2016, or his popular vote loss is less what it was in 2016......I just don't know what to think.


I heard Laura Ingraham last night opine that before the virus, Trump was heading toward a Reagan-like electoral landslide. Even without the virus, there was no way Trump was getting anywhere close to 400+ votes in the EC this year. The level of delusion and/or dishonesty is crazy. 

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3 hours ago, hail2skins said:

I was reading a Daily Beast article that had anonymous current members of the Administration, with one saying "Its not that Trump doesn't care about the military.....its just the way he talks makes him sounds like an asshole sometimes."


Which basically that admission can be good enough for me.....well, if you remove the "sometimes" caveat lol


I just try to avoid conversations where it sounds like I'm telling someone who to vote for.  If one wants to vote for Trump based on policy issues, fine.  But at least admit that the guy is narcissistic as hell.  And recognize that his behavior does him more harm than good in getting reelected. I still think he is going to get reelected, but if he somehow does so in a manner where the margin is larger in the EC than 2016, or his popular vote loss is less what it was in 2016......I just don't know what to think.


I heard Laura Ingraham last night opine that before the virus, Trump was heading toward a Reagan-like electoral landslide. Even without the virus, there was no way Trump was getting anywhere close to 400+ votes in the EC this year. The level of delusion and/or dishonesty is crazy. 

There is no way he increases popular vote or electoral vote.


Before the virus, maybe he kept the same states and added Minnesota if he won. He still would’ve lost the popular vote by a large margin.


Now if he wins, he will probably at best get around 290. He’s not winning Arizona and he won’t win all 3 rust belt: MI,PA, WI states.



North Carolina started getting mail in/absentee ballots on Friday. By the Sept. 29 debate, a lot of people will have voted.


I still think Joe wins a narrow electoral college victory but the state combo won’t be what you expect.

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While Im glad to see Trump getting hammered for his comment about soldiers, I know it wont change that much.  And that is precisely why I have absolutely positively NO respect whatsoever left for Trump supporters.  They really are about nothing.  This guy has all but taken a giant **** on the graves of America's fallen soldiers, yet the same people that had a conniption when a footballer kneels in what is mistaken as an indirect protest against the military, dont even bat an eye.  Its over.  I cannot hold an ounce of respect for this people anymore.  They must simply change their views, or be removed/quarantined from society.  Period.  

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3 hours ago, hail2skins said:


I heard Laura Ingraham last night opine that before the virus, Trump was heading toward a Reagan-like electoral landslide. Even without the virus, there was no way Trump was getting anywhere close to 400+ votes in the EC this year. The level of delusion and/or dishonesty is crazy. 

Interesting note. IF Trump would have handled coronavirus better then it’s possible that he COULD have won it in a landslide. If he would have taken the bull by the horns and actually been president then he would have gained a huge bump. But history is history and dumbass hoes like Laura Ingram will try to rewrite what actually happened to paint Trump as anything other than a dismal failure.

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22 minutes ago, Springfield said:

Interesting note. IF Trump would have handled coronavirus better then it’s possible that he COULD have won it in a landslide. If he would have taken the bull by the horns and actually been president then he would have gained a huge bump. But history is history and dumbass hoes like Laura Ingram will try to rewrite what actually happened to paint Trump as anything other than a dismal failure.

It’s like saying “other than getting all those people killed, I think he did alright.”

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