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Califan007 The Constipated

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  1. Don't bet on that: https://www.axios.com/2024/07/25/poll-harris-biden-trump-young-voters Vice President Kamala Harris is significantly more popular among America’s youngest voters than President Biden, a new Axios/Generation Lab poll shows. Why it matters: Former President Trump appeared to be chipping away at Democrats' decades-long hold on the youth vote. But Harris could be extending the gap once again. By the numbers: The survey — fielded entirely after Biden stepped aside on Sunday — asked respondents which candidate they'd support in Biden-Trump and Harris-Trump matchups. In a Biden-Trump race, the split among 18- to 34-year-olds was 53% for Biden and 47% for Trump, giving Biden a 6-point lead. But in a Harris-Trump contest, the same respondents split 60% for Harris and 40% for Trump — a 20-point lead for Harris. 45% of young people say they have an extremely or somewhat favorable opinion of Harris. 33% say the same for Biden, along with 34% for Trump. Zoom in: Gen Z and millennial voters were key to Biden's 2020 victory, turning out in huge numbers and favoring him by 20 points in 2020, per a Pew Research Center analysis. *********** Gen Z voters were key to Biden winning in 2020, where he was favored by these voters by 20 points. Harris is currently favored by these voters by 20 points.
  2. I just now wrote out this lengthy response of a post talking about what cost considerations go into the decision to have kids, then read it and realized it had zero to do with the thread topic lol 😂...so I deleted it.
  3. Women who seek a higher edumacation tend to get married later and have kids later in life, which also cuts down on the number of kids they have.
  4. I think the Dems using it as a campaign message could cause more harm than good, even though I agree with you. Thankfully, knowing how our society now works and especially how the social media biosphere works, they won't need to. Kamala and her campaign team would be better served staying out of that convo but not doing anything to squelch it, either. Besides, Trump gives her just a gargantuan amount of stuff to hammer him on, so she can play it safe here.
  5. I watched Brick again for the first time in a loooong time...forgot how much I enjoyed this film. Didn't realize Rian Johnson directed it. Two scenes:
  6. Nah, JD Vance having sex with a couch is just the tonic I need to make it through this cycle lol... Vance: "Meet your new step-mom!!"
  7. Yep...a database of gun owners should go over real well with Republican voters lol... Ties in with my earlier post mentioning some Republican voters deciding not to vote for Trump because they're "tired of the chaos"...
  8. Full text: "Channel 4 News can reveal that Thomas Crooks's, [the shooter's] father, the owner of the rifle that was used to shoot at Donald Trump, was held on a database and profiled by the former president's election campaign and identified by them as a strong Republican supporter, gun owner and hunter. The information was compiled as part of a secret Republican project to gather data on millions of gun owners across America and use it to target pro-gun messages in the run up to the 2016 election...We know they profiled them using secret computer models to identify likely gun owners and enthusiasts, and Mr. Crooks scored very highly, 0.99 out of 1 for being a gun owner and 0.95 out of one 1 being a hunter. In fact, out of more than 19,000 people in Bethel Park who were profiled, Mr. Crooks was in the top 20 and the database classified him as a strong GOP or Republican voter."
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