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  1. Biden just got one step closer to replacing Louis DeJoy Ever since Postmaster General Louis DeJoy — a major Republican donor — was selected to head the United States Postal Service (USPS) in 2020, he's been enacting massively unpopular policies criticized by postal workers and Democrats alike. Now, President Joe Biden may soon be able to replace him. On Thursday, Politico congressional correspondent Anthony Adragna reported that Biden was nominating former Rep. Val Demings (D-Florida) to fill the last remaining vacancy on the USPS Board of Governors. She, along with former Labor Secretary Marty Walsh, are now awaiting confirmation by the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, which is chaired by Sen. Gary Peters (D-Michigan). Should both Demings and Walsh be confirmed, that would give Biden seven appointees on the nine-member board overseeing USPS. And because the Postmaster General's hiring and firing is up to the board and not Biden, that could mean that DeJoy could be removed from his post by the time Biden leaves office in January of 2025 https://www.rawstory.com/biden-just-got-one-step-closer-to-replacing-postmaster-general-louis-dejoy/
  2. This isn't an excuse, but with trade talks of some pretty popular guys - Finnegan, Thomas, Winker - the clubhouse has got to be pretty depressing everyday.
  3. I don't know about you, but it isn't 'instant' it's 'on demand'. Sometimes takes 2 minutes to get hot water & I'm on the wall next to where it's installed in the garage.
  4. Kamala Harris makes Donald Trump do the one thing he fears most: Get up and get out With Kamala Harris running, Donald Trump needs to actively campaign — and not just in MAGA country The joyful reception that Vice President Kamala Harris received from Democrats when President Joe Biden dropped out of the race and endorsed her was rooted largely in the contrast between the relatively youthful 59-year-old woman and the increasingly frail 81-year-old president. She gives good speeches! She's fun and energetic! And she can campaign aggressively, especially with Biden remaining president, allowing Harris to make campaigning her full-time job. People in focus groups frequently say they haven't seen much of Harris these past four years. Well, that's about to change, since she is well-positioned to give endless interviews, attend frequent events, and give oh-so-many speeches. The contrast with Biden, who struggled to find the energy to campaign on top of running a country, will be notable. Every time Trump talks, it confirms the Biden campaign's narrative that the former president is a self-centered jerk who will sell out the country for his own interests. ... With Harris as the Democratic nominee, however, Trump is caught in a no-win situation. If he continues to hang back from the campaign trail while she's out there hustling, he'll start inviting the questions about whether he's too old and weak, the exact questions that plagued Biden. But if he starts doing more media and events that are outside the MAGA bubble, he will draw negative attention and remind voters why they hate him. In the face of this paradox, Trump's first impulse was to keep pretending Biden is his opponent. As reality sets in, Trump's freaking out. https://www.salon.com/2024/07/24/kamala-harris-makes-donald-do-the-one-thing-he-fears-most-get-up-and-get-out/
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