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The 12th Commandment

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About The 12th Commandment

  • Birthday 06/02/1967

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  • Birthdate
  • Washington Football Team Fan Since
  • Favorite Washington Football Team Player
    Daryl Green
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  • Location
    In Crosstown Traffic
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  • Interests
    fishing, golf, bird hunting
  • Occupation
    Retired Geographer

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  1. Everyone knows Buddy Jesus. Well meet Jumbo Jesus (He loves you*) * but not Spearfeather
  2. Hot, humid, crazy, hurricanes, rising sea level and just flat out mean as hell. Why on God's green earth would anyone want live in FL? No offense Larry.
  3. No, no noise at all. They don't get much bigger than that one. Plumper, that one was skinny. Forearm sized is very big. Didn't know they got that big. Interesting. The green anoles are cool. Used to watch them at my grandparents house in FL. Far as I know they are all named Harry. See if anyone gets that reference. We have no shortage of other desert type lizards. Whiptails and blue racers are common.
  4. These are actually Mediterranean house geckos and came over to the desert southwest (southern NM here) in people belongings. They thrive here because the climate is pretty similar. This one was outside but I've seen them inside the house too. They live in walls and eat whatever unlucky bug who tries to take shelter in there. Don't compete with anything native so it's win win.
  5. Have had GEICO for years already. He knew he was welcome at my casa.
  6. Rescued a little house gecko out of the dog's water bowl this morning. So glad he made it through the night. You could see he was exhausted. Plans being formulated to make sure it doesn't happen again. They are cucaracha grubbing machines. Good luck to have them in your house.
  7. Walton Goggins is money in pretty much anything he's in these days. It has been a really enjoyable show so far.
  8. We had a whole series of lectures on Maps as propaganda (and how very effective they are) in one of my upper division geography classes. The big Red Soviet Union most of us grew up with, who's giant size compared to the US when using Mercator projections is very scary, was a prime example. We also had an exercise where we tried to use words to describe a map, of only a small area, and you quickly see how dense the information on even a small map can be. -geography nerd
  9. Got some fancy whisky glasses for my Lagavulin.
  10. The ribs came out perfect. Did a 2 2 15 minute.
  11. Elli absolutely obsessing on tv dogs. You can see her react when I started laughing. VID_20240419_171438829.mp4
  12. Odd connection with the Trump trial thread going on here. Smoking some ribs on the patio with a beer and a doob, the breeze and smoke has my farts totally incognito.
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