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About DCSaints_fan

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    Jim Lachey
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  1. Chinese labor is actually becoming relatively expensive, as demographic situation starts to hit home, workforce becomes better educated and expectations for standard of living increase. There are better alternatives in e.g., Vietnam. Of course cost of labor is not the only factor, infrastructure, corruption and rule of law are also important.
  2. Yeah, for some reason this hasn't resonated with American public. Tell them you could fix the problem overnight by fining/jailing employers who knowingly hire undocumented and they stare blankly, because "government regulation". Then go right back to demonizing poor people simply trying to make better life for themselves, while simultaneously complaining everything is too expensive and they can't find people to do ****ty jobs for low pay. Although I did find it interesting that JD Vance mentioning "cheap labor" during his convention speech. Too bad they aren't going to do jack **** about it even if they do get elected and have control of Congress, except maybe some token border measures and deportations.
  3. If its Harris, I think alot of the rhetoric can be carried over. Especially the border. She was tasked with that problem.
  4. Why couldn't we hit like this against Eovaldi last year
  5. There would be an additional stipulation of only when on the territory of a NATO member state.
  6. Five of the six Supreme Court justices who just struck down Roe vs. Wade were all Catholics and Republicans. The sixth, Gorsuch was raised Catholic, later married an Anglican and attends an Episcopal Church. Of the three dissenters, only Sotomayer is Catholic. The "Catholic vote" used to be a thing up until about ~1970, after Roe v. Wade a substantial number started shifting Republican. A big reason was to fight the culture war. A secondary reason is because Catholics tended to be more recent immigrants, were moslty in cities, and tended to be working class and were therefore more sympathetic to organized labor, As time went on, those factors diminished as the old ethnicities, especially the Italians and Irish started to become less important to Americans individual identity. I think nowadays its roughly split, and the more observant ones, regularly attending mass, are more likely to be Republican. I've met some Catholics that are basically single issue voters because of abortion. Pope John Paul II fought pretty hard against it. He also taught against the death penalty, but for some reason that just didn't resonate quite as much. I went to Catholic elementary school / junior high. One of the teachers caused a kerfuffle by having a picture of Clinton in the classroom, and fought with the admin (run by the diocese, so priests and we had nuns there) over it.
  7. As a side note it somehow feels wrong that a guy that gave up 3 runs in one inning, out of 5 total scored by the other team, gets credited with a "win"
  8. Yeah I slowed it down ... his first step was definitely in, then he has to reverse direction, and ball is just barely over his head. I guess taht wasn't enough for tnem to score it as. E. I saw that one too - i'm wondering even Volpe does field it cleanly, could he even get Mountcastle out at first. Because the bobble only slowed him down by a split second, then for some reason decides to try flip to second. He hefinitely should have moved toward the ball instead of letting it come to him, to reduce the margin of error he had on the fielding. So two bad fielding plays by the Yanks led to Orioles win today ... just goes to show you how important defense can be, and how just looking at "Errors" doesn't tell the whole story
  9. Looking at the reply it seems like Verdugo could have / should have caught that one. I think the outfield was in ...
  10. Mullins! That was a good pitch by Holmes too, right on the corner ... tough luck I guess.
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