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Everything posted by RedskinsFan44

  1. Rest in Peace RBG ☹️ I wonder about the political calculus here. If Trump and Co ram through a new Justice (I expect them to) doesn't Trump lose a bit of motivation for his voters? The judges thing is pretty much a done deal. They have until January. I don't think anything will stop them, certainly not a sense of honor or decorum.
  2. Pretty good article. I would argue that these people who felt ostracized during the Obama administration didn't take into account the damage they have done to themselves supporting a man who is happy to champion them in exchange for their votes but probably holds them in contempt like everyone else he successfully cons. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/09/us/evangelicals-trump-christianity.html
  3. I don't buy this. It ignores the huge number of people who have suffered financial hits over four months now and who's jobs are not likely to come back anytime soon. Even after a vaccine is available (which will take a long time to get distributed) a large number of people are going to be reticent to go out to eat, go to concerts, sporting events, etc. Maybe if it had "just gone away" in May things would have quickly bounced back. The faucet is getting turned off on the 3 trillion in free money that's been floating the economy and if, as I suspect, the Ds take over in January the Rs are going to be fighting tooth and nail for austerity because of the "disastrous national debt".
  4. You would hope so but there's a real good chance we're looking at a repeat of April coming up. I don't think 500k but coming close to 240k or even surpassing that this year wouldn't surprise me.
  5. Look around you. Unfortunately the rest of us get to suffer along with them. Add: For the hardest core of his supporters seeing him lose in November (God willing) will be a shock to their system.
  6. That is awesome but I would like to see (maybe it's already happening) distribution of these supplies to impoverished areas by the government.
  7. Masks should be given out for free to whoever needs one. Hand sanitizer should be given out free. It's stupid how basic things have been neglected in favor of pretending the virus will go away because we want it to.
  8. Death is a lagging indicator, I am not confident it won't bounce back up.
  9. Roosevelt statue at museum of natural history has a Native American and am African leading the horse Teddy is riding on either side. It's the subservience depicted rather than TR in specific that caused offense I believe, and I can see why.
  10. The protests are simultaneously the cause of the spike in cases and the reason Trump can start having rallies again.
  11. Big difference between people sitting in a circle and looters. Something has to be done. Privilege is being able to sit back and observe from afar, which in all honesty is what I am doing.
  12. There is a really cool trail that goes down below the dam at Rocky Gap. When at Greenbrier you can hike the AT to Black Rock to the north or Washington Monument to the south. As others mentioned Dolly Sods, Otter Creek etc in WV are fantastic. Big Schloss in GWNF on the Big Blue trail on the WV VA state line is great. Rip Rap trail in Shenandoah NP has some nice swimming holes, also White Oak canyon. If you like beach camping Cape Lookout is incredible.
  13. Went back to see what the fuss was about. The son is 45. His life experiences (probably 25+ years of listening to Hannity and Limbaugh) may outweigh his upbringing by now. I have heard a lot of anecdotes about people's parents going fringe. The propaganda machines on both sides have become very influential.
  14. Not really why I'm drinking. Aren't most beers around 5% ABV? Wine 10%?
  15. Spot on 😂 https://mobile.twitter.com/atrupar/status/1264940139542970368
  16. Counterpoint: People not taking it seriously are going to make things worse for all of us. This is a new reality, we have to adapt to it to be able to successfully move about. If everyone was careful we could knock this thing down to a manageable size. It seems likely we are going to see an uptick soon because people want to pretend it's over. My point is we have to reopen society, but we don't have to crowd together without any consideration for the reality that this thing is still spreading and there is no cure or vaccine likely for months at best.
  17. I will add this, it's not just this one place. This attitude is likely prevalent in the area and you're going to have a ripe situation for something like this: https://www.npr.org/sections/coronavirus-live-updates/2020/05/10/853468647/south-korea-records-spike-in-new-coronavirus-cases-after-nightclub-outbreak Do you have elderly relatives? Do you visit them? Are their interactions only with "at risk" people? Perhaps their caregiver is enjoying their weekend? Add: Or maybe their caregivers kid. I don't know how this is going to turn out, but it seems to me we could try to be careful for a while to see if it goes away. Acting on our desires may or may not cost people lives, but my guess is it will.
  18. You left out how many people the 100 will infect. Or what age they will be. And if they aren't wearing a mask there (or even being there), I'm thinking they aren't wearing a mask anywhere. Those people don't believe they are going to get sick. To be fair, 5 asymptomatic cases might be high, but the idea that some idiot who has a cold is going to miss out on drinking and chasing the opposite sex on one of the three big summer holiday weekends is optimistic. I used to live in KC. Lake of the Ozarks is going to pull a lot of people from KC and St Louis. There's a very low incidence in the local area but I suspect that will change after this weekend.
  19. Yep, just checked his profile. He's been right wing for a long time but it looks like he's all in on the right wing lunacy money machine now.
  20. When people realize that this has changed consumer spending looong term watch out. Add: https://mobile.twitter.com/JasonOverstreet/status/1263453317650251776
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