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  1. you are overly optimistic here on all fronts. the hate-wagon has been pissing on Harris for years, both because they have known she has always been an upcoming threat, and also because pissing on women is such an easy/popular task among the red-hat faithful. you are also too enthusiasti about the young vote (we all fall for this every election), and only talking to young-adults in your circles... young-adults in red-hat areas won't sound the same. The young vote isn't trending away from Trump as much as it should (its no more-so than 2016, 2020), and the young both don't vote enough AND are too easily distracted by stupid transparent efforts, anyway. in this election there will continue to be all sorts of efforts to keep down progressive youth enthusiasm using tactics that SHOULDN'T work --- lack of progress on climate change, West Bank suffering, DistrictAttorney Harris part of the meanie establishment...... young voters have been proven to be easily distracted/discouraged by trees, and constantly lose sight of forests (they easily forget that Trump would be worse on EVERYTHING they care about, but get disgruntled by the non-utopian choice before them and say **** like "they are all the same")
  2. i have been trying...and can't think of a SINGLE reason you would be putting Harris here with Trump other than because she is woman Harris, the kick-ass former prosecutor that is best known for her sharp-as-nails evisceration of liars (particularly Trump during the impeachment hearings) during her stint as Senator. Please correct me if i am wrong... is there a reason other than "she is a woman". if i am NOT wrong...then what ****ing century are you living in??? DO you think Putin thought that Germany and the EU were suddenly so much tougher/stronger/respectable because Merkel was replaced by Scholz? it is frankly a disgusting misogynistic position.... and deserves to be shoved back in your face with mustard smeared all over it.
  3. please please PLEASE tell me that is a promise. we are all ready for a new bottom
  4. it's possible. Trump is uniquely qualified to fix corrupt politicians using tools and access that others simply don't possess. trump CAN fix corrupt politicians. We believe in you!! and no, i'm not calling for the assassination of a presidential candidate. but Trump really is uniquely qualified to clean up all sorts of corruption just by getting his own **** in order
  5. edit: i didn't see the "STFU" text when i grabbed this pic. Not disappointed
  6. that is a GOOD feeling! an ever-present weight silently removed from your shoulders
  7. it would be a waste to have Bashear on the ticket... you aren't going to win Kentucky, and it is great having a sensible person governing that insensible state. North Carolina is within striking distance, on the other hand.... and that governor is already being termed out. I honestly don;t know ANYTHIN about his policies and/or bonofides. but from a pure algebraic calculation he sounds AWESOME
  8. this is particularly rich when the top of the opposing ticket inherited a 400 million kingdom, and squandered it away until he was able to milk the MAGA cash-cow, and VP candidate had a term in the Marine Corps PR shop (admirable, but not really "marine"ish), followed by 8 years as Peter Thiel's ****. Thiel directly got JD his first VC job. When Vance was let go Thiel directly got him another VC job (that boss said JD basically didn't do anything). Then thiel provided the financing for JD to start a VC fund... that fund had one notable investment, that went belly up shortly after going public. Then JD left the failing fund so that Thiel could finance JD's senate run... 2 years ago. If there has EVER been the DEFINITION of somebody on their knees to get what they have earned...it is JD Vance. i don't ever watch cable news (of any political stripe) ... but this clip from Rachel Maddow is AWESOME 💕💕 :
  9. Elon Musk.... the only possible thing that could get me to actually ROOT for the Chinese EV manufacturers ... slave labor and all.
  10. this basically sums up my feelings of the GOP today. Two douchebags fighting, and you want BOTH of them to lose.
  11. i one-hundred precent think the country is moving in a better direction than it was from 2017 to the beginning of 2020, including January 2020. It isn't even close. on the other hand, I am also not a moron that gets swayed by idiot--click-bait arguments like trying to compare the price of gasoline in the middle of pandemic to after the pandemic ended and people started driving again.... so there is that. same basic story for 2016 reversed... right?
  12. i don't want teachers to be required to police social mores for potentially mouth-frothing parents. but i want things to move slowly here, rather than accelerating an appalling backswing of the pendulum that is already underway.
  13. I agree with you. AND i agree that it is a political loser right now. you win wars (and even battles) by learning to choose when to hunker down, and when to storm the hill.
  14. i biked in to the office today (downtown dc) i went out and walked about a bit @ 2:30-ish to see if i could fathom biking home at 5. man, is it HOT.
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