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Everything posted by RedskinsFan44

  1. It's a crime though, and the phrase is "high crimes and misdemeanors". https://www.vox.com/2018/12/12/18138213/trump-illegal-hush-payments-women-explained
  2. The flipside is that despite 81 entities being served notice I can think of quite a few others who should have been/ probably will be in the near future.
  3. I don't think so, but it was the weird way Whitaker referred to Sessions. Plural is Attorneys General, so there's that too. Add: "General" is an adjective, not a rank. But the Trump administration is staffed by idiots, so... I'm sure Whitaker liked to think of himself as a general. "The term was originally used to refer to any person who holds a general power of attorney to represent a principal in all matters." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attorney_general
  4. Honestly Stone may want to be sent to jail so he can play up the judicial overreach card. Don't think it's going to work out for him though. Trump won't pardon him if people are telling Trump it would hurt him politically. Honor among thieves and all.
  5. Beyond the obvious unlikelihood that three top members of the campaign would keep a meeting like that a secret from a "little dictator" businessman like Trump, the fact that Trump drafted the initial explanation (lie) of the event to the NY Times makes it obvious he had intimate knowledge of it. Add: I can't believe this crap is even open for debate at this point.
  6. Right, the reason he lied was to protect the president, and that is what he was paid to do. Still blows my mind that the POTUS had a guy working for him that was openly known as a "fixer". That's some mafia BS there. Fortunately the fixer kept documents
  7. And they were aided by Trump's campaign manager providing them internal polling data to help them target their messaging and were guided by Stone as to timing of releases of stolen emails. Add: Plus a whole lot of communications that were initially denied, a meeting with a representative of Russia outlining what Russia would like, an alteration of the Republican platform favorable to Russia, and Trump's odd affinity to take Putin's word over his intelligence agencies. Weird!
  8. They are waiting to be fully locked and loaded. And yeah, it's politics. For that reason Republicans in the Senate have and will prevent him from being removed even though it's obvious he should be.
  9. You believe they aren't going to impeach him? They have said they will wait until they have Mueller's report. Plus having the damning testimony closer to the election makes sense politically.
  10. I'm not worrying about Trump coming out of this investigation looking clean until I hear what Gates, Flynn and Cohen gave up for leniency. The number of lies already exposed should be enough for most thinking people anyhow. MAGA people will go to their graves believing whatever Trump tells them, so the effect on them is Irrelevant.
  11. Could mean anything from a warning to death by artillery as they do in his buddy's NK. https://www.foxnews.com/world/north-korea-dictator-kim-jong-uns-executions-anti-aircraft-guns-flamethrowers-mortars
  12. I have long believed that Trump figured out his brand of American politics by observing the success of Limbaugh, Hannity, and the Fox News universe. I'm sure he saw it as something he could easily pull off. The birther thing was a trial balloon. Between this and his answer to the question about their influence on him on Friday there is little doubt the depths we have reached.
  13. If Trump prevails in the courts it's basically a blank check for future presidents to do damn well whatever they please. NEA needs to be re-written to define "emergency" and they might want to take a look at the powers given considering the supposition that it would be used in good faith is pretty suspect at this point.
  14. He "didn't need to do this". He "wanted to". He's a petulant child, that has been apparent for a long time now but was glaringly true at his announcement of the "national emergency" yesterday. He is incapable of relying on strategic thinking alone. His id rules.
  15. My money is that McConnell just wants this signed and he'll deal with the "emergency" consequences down the road. Pelosi will undoubtedly make the Senate vote. Trump will come out a loser yet again.
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