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Everything posted by RedskinsFan44

  1. Trump retweets article calling for termination of furloughed employees. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/425377-Trump-shares-article-blasting-federal-workers-calling-for-long-shutdown?__twitter_impression=true&__twitter_impression=true&__twitter_impression=true&__twitter_impression=true
  2. BTW, is there any movement on opening the government? Last two days all I have seen is Trump trying to spin opinion via Tweet and McConnell saying he intends to continue stonewalling any House legislation.
  3. Riiiiggggghhhht. Razor wire hundreds of miles from the actual Caravan. And the tear gas really worked at preventing another group from starting a nice 3000 mile stroll. Perhaps we should look at ameliorating the conditions that prompt people to risk their lives travelling across Mexico. Seems to me the walk is a greater obstacle than a wall ever could be (aside form the fact that they wouldn't need to climb the wall, just present themselves at a point of entry).
  4. One explanation might be that they are losing faith in his wall rhetoric. I mean this "you can call it what you want," etc combined with the increasing likelihood that he won't get funding is a pretty stark contrast to "it'll be so easy" Trump. Add Farmers are likely to be getting pissed too, for numerous reasons.
  5. And his supporters identify their tax dollars as payments from Mexico.
  6. You Dems got nothing! Nothing I tell you!! Add: Do you believe the President did not know of the Trump Tower meeting with Ms V beforehand? Do you believe the feds don't have recordings that are highly damaging? At this point it wouldn't surprise me if the interpreter was wearing a wire in Helsinki.
  7. $288 at Lowes, Need a 25 ft rope and you're good to go. Light weight and portable.
  8. "Typical Standard" Who the **** does Trump have working for him, some of Barron's friends from Middle school? Also, and of course, he is misrepresenting what it actually is: https://www.wsj.com/articles/new-barriers-to-replace-aging-border-wall-in-california-1520164800 Add: "Constructed and installed". Maybe he works these things up himself. JFC.
  9. Blue tape? Maybe I'm missing something but when I hear "blue tape" I think of painters tape that is super easy to remove.
  10. Offer 5 billion for proper facilities for asylum seekers
  11. Someone needs to point out the money being wasted and the cost to our society. He has shut down scientific research etc, and is going to pay multiple millions to people for not working. Idiotic.
  12. Not sure if this goes to your point, but the House has passed a CR, and the Senate refuses to vote on it. I at least think they should vote it up or down, and if the vote is up let Trump veto. Then work from there to override or compromise.
  13. Hopefully the courts will. Add: I also think this is not helpful in negotiations, because I bet there are some Democrats who believe that if he does that it would wreck his presidency.
  14. Trump's case for declaring a national emergency keeps getting weaker. My understanding was it is a mechanism to respond rapidly when the legislative process can not work quickly enough. His case is if the legislative process drags on without yielding a resolution he likes he will invoke it. Every day that passes makes his case less tenable. https://mobile.twitter.com/rebeccaballhaus/status/1083053484054855682
  15. I think this is a pretty good rebuttal to Lankford's BS: https://mobile.twitter.com/dmeaser/status/1082998527792476160?fbclid=IwAR0TkPQrCtCom1o-QtakqcqYioGaXbpWqTYcy1oO3ZG9jqOkwOBB32PuHdU
  16. He had two years in a more favorable situation to get his funding. He failed to generate enough public backing, largely because he refuses to reach out to anyone beyond his minority base. This shutdown is purely political. Trump was an idiot for saying it would be on him and being so absolutely transparent in his motivation, which is to fulfill a campaign promise that was always a false promise. Democrats have zero reason to not let things get worse and see him 1)take the blame from most people and 2) be exposed as a charlatan.
  17. I think this ends with an over-ridden veto or the national emergency gambit, with the national emergency the front runner because when he sees the Senate Rs breaking he will take that option. Other possibility is some sleight of hand compromise where he can say he got the wall and Ds can say he didn't, but I see the Senate Rs cracking before that. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2019/01/trump-aides-fear-the-wall-will-be-his-alamo
  18. Right, let's talk about gun deaths at the hands of US citizens.
  19. I haven't looked at the numbers but I'm sure there are orders of magnitude difference between the people who served in Vietnam and the US population now. 300 + million people and Trump justifies his policies on a handful of incidents.
  20. I thought Pelosi Schumer did better than Trump, though I am definitely biased. Trump delivered tired talking points while sucking air audibly through his nostrils. Pelosi/Schumer,while visually awkward, were at least on topic and comparatively coherent.
  21. Interesting that the Prevezon case, while not tied to Trump, involves Russian money laundering through real estate in NYC: https://www.businessinsider.com/us-v-prevezon-case-settlement-russia-money-laundering-2017-5
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