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Everything posted by RedskinsFan44

  1. They should pass the legislation both sides proposed to end the possibility of future shutdowns. If congress fails to pass a budget, continue at current spending rates. Screwing the government workers, contractors, and taxpayers as a method to try to gain leverage (which has been ineffective) is stupid.
  2. She's charismatic. Add: I think she is far more honest and intellectually curious than Trump. I think what worries the right is you have someone who comes off as quite likable pitching ideas that are fairly far left. Charisma wins in the U.S., it is more important to the swing voter than just about anything else.
  3. Trump suggests he can round up 23 billing for the wall without Congress appropriating it. https://mobile.twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1095469449052868610 Add: Maybe I am misreading this, can't seem to find numbers for "border security".
  4. Problem with that is we collectively lose. 28 environmental laws waived, history destroyed. nature destroyed. All for one man's ego / political survival.
  5. One of those citizens may have fallen under surveillance due to shady contacts with Russian operatives. Actually both of them may have.
  6. Article is dated on June 9th when Jr met the Russians, it says Dad was with Lorber on the 8th. Certainly puts him in Sr's orbit though.
  7. And the legislative has a right to check the executive. Separate but equal. McConnell's side by side vote was to show Trump he was nearing a point where he would have a veto overridden. He won't be allowed to shut down the government again.
  8. What is Trump offering? His DACA offer was largely negated by the courts, and even after that he is holding back on it. Trump is trying to force something the House, Senate, and majority of American people don't want. He's going to have fun defending declaring a national emergency in the courts. “I saw yesterday, ‘well, what about DACA,’ I said, ‘it’s highly unlikely,’” Trump said in an interview with The Daily Caller Wednesday. “I was tougher than anybody else on that. I could see doing something for DACA but I want to find out what the Supreme Court’s gonna do first.” https://fox11online.com/news/nation-world/trump-says-daca-deal-highly-unlikely-as-democrats-look-ahead-to-2020-for-solution
  9. How about not shutting down gov for"months or years" to get what you want?
  10. "What about" https://mobile.twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1089336969417625601
  11. Tying today's top stories together: https://www.forbes.com/sites/stuartanderson/2019/01/04/where-the-idea-for-donald-trumps-wall-came-from/?fbclid=IwAR1e5X-xbb8cshcz1y7U8yUIestOzNYMWdMcEwCAkpiQpWz5prwC8sXFxqk#49799e054415
  12. I would think the next step would invole the "senior campaign official". Assuming they are not already indicted they presumably lied to the FBI and/or Congress also. The Jr indictment is going to be awesome, even better if they raid his home.
  13. Nice snippet: Seems like a pretty clear statement of collusion between the campaign and Wikileaks. Trump's going to have to start claiming he was ignorant of everything going on around him, something that goes against his mythological uber-leader persona.
  14. Trump is getting his ass handed to him. McConnell probably knew exactly how these votes would turn out. Looks like the turtle is tired of this nonsense.
  15. Trump's got to be livid. https://mobile.twitter.com/atrupar/status/1088164214156480513
  16. First thing to do after it reopens is pass the STUPIDITY Act or the Republican equivalent which prevents any future government shutdowns.
  17. Right, I get that. But why would Schumer and McConnell make a deal for putting both up to a 60 vote threshold if McConnell solely controls what gets voted on and neither is likely to proceed beyond cloture? That's why I thought the deal was to pass both through cloture and put them up to the 50 vote passage test.
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