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Everything posted by RedskinsFan44

  1. I like your idea, McConnell ain't going for it yet. No way in hell Trump gives either of your concessions, my guess is some movement on DACA, but who knows, he is pretty much nuts IMO. Almost certainly it is a ploy to try to win some sympathy for the narrative that we wouldn't be in this mess if Pelosi wasn't under control of the radical left who love drugs and crime more than the safety of American citizens.
  2. I really hope this is him declaring a national emergency (surrendering). Can't see it having a chance in hell in the courts and I get to go back to work.
  3. I think if he is facing impeachment, and more so criminal prosecution, he bails/ cuts a deal. This impeachment factor presupposes its bad enough he faces a good chance of conviction in the Senate.
  4. What does Mitch McConnell's inaction mean? Is he just trying to protect his Senators or himself? Does he see negotiating with Trump as pointless? https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/senate-majority-leader-mitch-mcconnell-stands-back-as-shutdown-drags-on?fbclid=IwAR2PGiebmEscuDG4X06CagYlVaA37Yicq_Xu4ZyT0OuHeNZ20JERSYB3j8U
  5. I mean honestly him resigning is looking pretty likely at this point anyhow.
  6. No. His resignation, forfeiture of all property, a national viewing of the pee tape, and exile in on Elba Island for a continuous white picket fence no taller than 4 feet made of wood with zero maintenance. Add: the original post was less than 2pt5 b
  7. I don't believe he will settle for anything less than something he can call a wall after the shutdown is ended. I personally would give him some money for steel slats (less than 2.5b) in exchange for legislation precluding another shutdown and his resignation.
  8. "Pelosi is focused on something bigger: the emasculation of the president. For years, Democrats have wondered when their leaders would start playing tough. Turns out Pelosi has been doing so all along." Atlantic Pelosi won't compromise
  9. Alternatively maybe when Trump hits an approval of 35 he caves. Probably two weeks for that.
  10. The real question is how long Senate Republicans can hold out. Trump is unlikely to agree to anything that can pass the Senate. His veto will have to be over ridden.
  11. There's no way this ends before something bad happens to force it to.
  12. I love how when Klobuchar very obviously references Trump's drafting of a response on AF1 to the NYT inquiry about the Trump Tower meeting Barr responds "I'd have to know the specifics".
  13. This is the Trump era, there's always another story coming to usurp the previous one. Heard about how the President instructed his lawyer to lie to Congress? That'll be fading into memory after the idiocy we're going to see today.
  14. I love how Trump suddenly has great affection for the federal workers he screwed out of a pay raise.
  15. I imagine he pissed off a lot more people than Pelosi on this one. Who else was going? How much work setting up trip etc? No doubt the MAGAs think it was a ballsy move, but at what cost?
  16. Nice touch getting "the only collusion was between Clinton and Russia" in there. These guys need new material.
  17. I feel like this means we are about to hear more evidence of Manafort colluding. Trump must be a real treat to be around between this and the shutdown.
  18. He could, but it wouldn't officially be the SOTU, and there wouldn't be any Ds there. He probably will pull a stunt if this thing is still going on. God help us if it gets to that point. Details on the process for the SOTU here: https://www.springfieldnewssun.com/news/national/state-the-union-address-can-nancy-pelosi-rescind-donald-trump-invitation/t0TQQVPpCmVTpd9PDsiO7H/
  19. I thought the same for about a minute, it's not the same as the trappings of Congress and the sycophantic applause of the Republicans. Plus tough to do the personal shoutouts to victims of illegal immigrant crimes in the audience, etc. I think this really does sting, and no doubt enrages him.
  20. He's not up on a number of issues that are topical right now. You can bet he'll be confirmed though. People should consider that if you elect a corrupt person president you get his choices for administration too.
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