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Everything posted by RedskinsFan44

  1. What Sally Yates said about Flynn goes to the heart of all of this. Flynn is NSA. He lied publicly about contact with Russians. He knows the Russians know he lied. He is compromised. Trump, Jr, Kushner, Manafort all lied about Russian contacts.
  2. Fair enough. My guess is the judge was pissed off by things that we haven't gotten to see at the end of this document. https://www.lawfareblog.com/document-special-counsels-office-files-reply-flynn-sentencing-memo
  3. This Judge knows way more about what Flynn did than you or I. Why was he so angry? After formally accepting Flynn's guilty plea, the judge threw a series of questions at him that highlighted how unusual Flynn's case is and how consequential his actions may be. Did Flynn believe he was not guilty? Did he think he was entrapped by the FBI when they interviewed him without a defense attorney present? Had Mueller's team considered charging Flynn with other crimes, including treason? Flynn and the lawyers' answers to all of these questions were no. Yet Sullivan pressed on, his voice growing more shrill as he discussed Flynn's actions. Flynn lied even "in the presence of the White House," Sullivan added. "You can't minimize that." "I am not hiding my disgust, my disdain for your criminal offense," Sullivan said, pausing between each statement. "Yes, your honor," Flynn said. He was not asked a question. https://www.cnn.com/2018/12/18/politics/michael-flynn-sentencing-mueller-russia-probe/index.html You are, why shouldn't I? Add: Going to another aspect of the Trump presidency, wouldn't it be nice if your national security adviser were aware of laws he is supposed to follow? Seems like an important position.
  4. Your "looks like" suggested there was some conclusions as to the results of the Mueller investigation that could be drawn by its termination before any official statements as to its findings. I disagree.
  5. Witch hunt!!!!!! (Though he is surprisingly silent now that the rubber is meeting the road)
  6. Flynn got leniency. The Judge delayed his sentencing because he was enraged St what Flynn had done. Cry me a river for Flynn.
  7. The way I understand it, Qanon people believe Mueller is secretly working with Trump to expose the deep state conspiracy headed by Hillary. March 19 was the latest date that the hammer was going to come down and the bad guys would be rounded up and sent to gitmo.
  8. So here's the real worst case scenario: the Qanon guys were right but the date was off by two days. Trump and Graham are celebrating Hillary's eminent arrest by reprising "lock her up" chants in Mar a Lago. Most of us can expect knocks on our doors today.
  9. So since Trump wasn't perp walked out of Mar a Lago we are sure he is exonerated? What about Flynn and Gates plea deals? Whatever they gave up has been kept secret for a long time.
  10. Other administrations did, which is why she should have known better. I believe it was a large part of what cost her the election (it shouldn't have). This is off topic for this thread, but get used to it. If you shout "lock her up!" (Trump, not you) then you better live clean: https://www.wsj.com/articles/house-democrats-probe-white-house-officials-email-use-11553188033?mod=e2tw
  11. What were your feelings about The Benghazi hearings and server investigation? Did you feel they covered all things Clinton?
  12. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2019/03/15/trump-spent-friday-morning-offering-sympathy-himself/?fbclid=IwAR35KbXiotO6OeBWaLU5s4numW8RY7EBmb-7mZ8Cpfa6YWRasYmrpbKo3Cg&utm_term=.8dc38806e5f4 Pretty good takedown of Trump's nonsense.
  13. So Don't Fox and Limbaugh always brag about their ratings? (They do) I would like to hear your take on the Atlantic article linked above. Add: Putting Limbaugh in the "information" space is silly. He is a self professed entertainer who is not bound by facts.
  14. As an aside, where does the notion that the Mueller investigation is almost over and has found no evidence of collusion come from? Ty Cobb famously predicted its end by December 2017.
  15. Links that were denied have been discovered. But you will wave that away so I am done.
  16. If there is no charge I would be surprised but i would not feel bad for suspecting Trump et al of tcollusion due to the already documented lies about Russian contacts, the altering of the Republican platform, and the lies about the Trump Tower meeting. There is plenty of reason to suspect him of it, there is a lot of circumstantial evidence. If he;'s innocent he's innocent. I disliked him before he ever ran based on his character, and I feel he has been a horrible person as President, so I won't be like, oh I was totally wrong about him if he is cleared of collusion. Still a rotten person, and even his supporters for the most part know that, and many acknowledge it. It's jus he's their rotten person.
  17. Have you considered the idea that the reason we haven't heard the particulars of the collusion case and the lack of "collusion" indictments is because it is an on-going investigation run in an exceptionally professional way as evidenced by the lack of leaks? What do you think Flynn gave Muelller in his plea deal? Gates? What did Manafort lie about (that Mueller knew he was lying about)? Why is Graham blocking legislation to make the report public? Why dows Trump feel the need to hypnotize his base with "NO COLLUSION!!" and "WITCH HUNT!!"? Why all the lies about Russian contacts? Yeah, I'll be shocked if Mueller comes back with nothing on collusion, but the crimes people are being convicted of are real crimes. Clinton was investigated about a real estate deal, i don't hear a lot of remorse that he ended up getting in trouble for lying about philandering.
  18. Yeah, they are all for preventing future Democratic presidents from pulling this crap. But stand up to Trump? Nah.
  19. I think perhaps the logic is Republicans impeached Clinton over the one so... And Trump's behavior is actually criminal in addition to immoral.
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