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Dan T.

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About Dan T.

  • Birthday 03/18/1915

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  • Birthdate
    March 18
  • Washington Football Team Fan Since
    September 9, 1966
  • Favorite Washington Football Team Player
    Bob Brunet
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  • Location
    Right Field Concourse
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  1. That’s how my brain - and ass - handles Donald Trump these days.
  2. o I mentioned that earlier. And I noted that the Trump campaign had to have cooperated for him to get such a prime seat at the rally. Clown show.
  3. Can we take a minute to appreciate the fact that the duty of Secret Service members in such incidents is to act as a human shield for the person they are protecting? They position themselves to literally take a bullet for the person they are assigned to protect.
  4. The shoe was thrown at Bush by an Iraqi journalist. The Secret Service worked overtime protecting Obama from racist lunatics. Ninety seven percent of the “bull**** accusations” against Trump are true. Thank goodness no one has gone after Biden physically. Do you know the identity and background of the shooter? Please share.
  5. Someone posted above an interview with a guy who saw the guy crawling up the roof with a rifle. He saw him shoot multiple shots and then saw law enforcement “blow his head off.”
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