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About Bifflog

  • Birthday 12/04/1987

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  • Washington Football Team Fan Since
  • Favorite Washington Football Team Player
    Santana Moss
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    Charlottesville, VA
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  1. Interesting (and positive!) to hear that Mariota is the one in camp running around and throwing after (potential) would-be sacks in a live tackling session, not Jayden.
  2. https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/2024/07/24/jayden-daniels-commanders-training-camp/
  3. More and more negative chatter on RFK prospects out there... https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2024/jul/18/loverro-maryland-can-and-likely-will-kill-dream-co/
  4. Juiced up Michael Scott looks like Don Draper.
  5. I think in this case "Local Media" in the chart means regional sports networks, or RSNs (like NBC Sports Washington formerly). The biggest piece of the pie, National TV/Media, is the rights to the regular season games that end up on Fox/CBS/NBC/Whoever Else. That's the part they are trying to protect by pricing Sunday Ticket the way they do (which, for the record, I don't really see why that is a problem legally but I guess it has something to do with the special anti-trust exemptions they enjoy but at the same time no article I have read has indicated what Sunday Ticket SHOULD be priced, or who should determine that. Eh.)
  6. People are gonna react the way they always react when we hire someone who was let go by another team or whatever, but worth taking in that a guy who was thought of highly enough to be put in the top slot is now situated several rungs down in our structure.
  7. This should be framed and mounted on a wall.
  8. It was mostly for fun to dunk on the take/toss a firecracker into the hoard of stray cats that is this thread 😜 At least it wasn't Aiyuk related, right!?!
  9. I think you could test each and every alternative name under the sun and never get more than a 25% approval rating from the fan base for any one particular possibility, that's really the issue. The process can be pristine but the premise is no-win. That's why I don't spend much time thinking about it.
  10. I don't think you have to wonder much on that one. The fan opinion on that option is not really the road block. With the way things have played out, I've looked at it like a reverse Faustian bargain. Traded the name for a new lease on life, as one almost certainly doesn't happen without the other. Trying to get it back feels like an attempt at having cake and eating it too, and I don't see them reverting but that also means I don't see them ever really nailing it in this department, as I think there is only a long list of bad options. But, get the uniforms right, maybe even get them back playing on the grounds of RFK, will go a long way to making things feel whole again.
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