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Nazis showing up at places uninvited.

No Excuses

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What's crazy is that the only person in the world who could actually stop White Nationalist Terrorism is the only man on the planet afraid to recognise it exists. I wish one of those reporters would stand up and ask him why he's such a big orange **** about it. 

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Jesus **** Donald Trump is such a blatant piece of ****. His statements drove me up the goddamn wall. OF COURSE he said hate "on many sides" and never once even mentioned white nationalists or nazis. But of course they have no problem specifically calling out muslims and others.


These are his people. These are the ****sticks he drew to him with the help of that subhuman booze drenched sewer rat Steve Bannon and other alt-right ****heels. It was a blatant shout out. Hell, that post from Stormfront said it straight up...they heard the dog whistle and THEY KNOW what he's saying by not saying certain things. 


gooooooooooooood I'm so pissed I can't even think straight.

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Hint: He won't call it out because he agrees with it, and encourages it. His statements today were boilerplate nothing. Just enough to be able to say he said something.

He isn't afraid to call them what they are.. he doesn't want to do that, because they are doing exactly what he wants them to do.

Someone posted earlier that he will ignore them til he needs their vote again..  that is some optimism, because i'm more of the thinking he will certainly try to use them to keep power... votes not necessary. I saw stormtrooper recruits today, and you can bet he did too,, because frankly, continuing to hope he DOESN'T fully understand this is how it gets to be so steep so late.

He does. His advisers do. 

They're waltzing right down the road of history. In the coming election cycle and especially the next presidential election, look for a LOT of violence by these people.

Best get ready. It's a long ways from over.




Edited by Bang
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17 minutes ago, Bang said:

Best get ready. It's a long ways from over.




People wringing their hands just don't "get" it, this **** is still just getting started. It is going to get a lot worse before it even thinks about getting better.

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1 hour ago, LD0506 said:




People wringing their hands just don't "get" it, this **** is still just getting started. It is going to get a lot worse before it even thinks about getting better.

I just want to help people here be prepared for the coming **** storm.



Edited by TheGreatBuzz
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"Decline of Western civ" as the US is the worlds most powerful country, leader in technology and almost all of the global wealth is entrenched in the US and Western Europe.


The decline in the eyes of these people is cultural: a society that is no longer accepting of sexism, racism and homophobia appears in decline to them.


They want to be bigots without feeling shame and experiencing social pushback and public humiliation. 

Edited by No Excuses
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Lots of pictures of these ****s all over the internet. Time to find out where they work and make those businesses let them know just how much continuing to employ these asshats will cost them financially. Maybe let whoever ends up prosecuting the driver's case that if they don't put terrorism on the table, then their job is on the line.


Sure, it's not as cathartic as a drone strike. But these people need to be re-marginalized ASAP.

Edited by GhostofSparta
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For the first time in my 40 years of life, I am embarrassed to be a Virginian. When I finish my degree, I will have to seek employment elsewhere. Such a sad day. 


The fact that that there was not a swift, violent response by police pisses me off. 


I'm sorry...

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2 minutes ago, GhostofSparta said:

Lots of pictures of these assholes all over the internet. Time to find out where they work and make those businesses let them know just how much continuing to employ these asshats will cost them financially. Maybe let whoever ends up prosecuting the driver's case that if they don't put terrorism on the table, then their job is on the line.


Sure, it's not as cathartic as a drone strike. But these people need to be re-marginalized ASAP.


Couldn't agree more with what you said.  They are brazen enough to march for hate, then let's find out who they are and where they work.  I want to know. 

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12 minutes ago, No Excuses said:


Two have been outed already. More likely incoming. 


Good...by any chance do you have a link?




Definitely need a terrorism charge against this dummy who drove the challenger into the crowd. 


*edit 2.0*


@No Excuses, I see the link...nvm. 

Edited by RonArtest15
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I really believe those of you who think Annoying Orange agrees with these ****s are wrong and maybe a little naive.  He doesn't, he's just such an immoral prick, but is crafty enough (kinda like Milo from Catch 22) to see what he has to do for himself to have the best chance.  He really gives not one **** about the rest of us.  A purely self-involved individual who holds no real views at all...just what serves his purpose.  I'd almost have more respect for him if I though he really was a bigoted douche bag.  Almost.

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27 minutes ago, KAOSkins said:

I really believe those of you who think Annoying Orange agrees with these ****s are wrong and maybe a little naive.  He doesn't, he's just such an immoral prick, but is crafty enough (kinda like Milo from Catch 22) to see what he has to do for himself to have the best chance.  He really gives not one **** about the rest of us.  A purely self-involved individual who holds no real views at all...just what serves his purpose.  I'd almost have more respect for him if I though he really was a bigoted douche bag.  Almost.


Mainly true, but like many others, he taps in and out of bigoted/racist thinking/behavior at various times to various degrees depending of exact nature of the matter at hand, and/or specific individuals involved, and/or emotional state at the time. It's not an uncommon deal: the "I'm not really racist (but I do go there sometimes on some things)."


Just developmentally, he comes from a background where every demographic category existent for people has been used to insult, cajole, banter, hurt, kid, "make a point" etc.  When he says "lying ted" or "little marco" he's also wishing he could say things like "the dumb dem broad, mulatto kamala or whatever" or "you know, that curly-haired Fareed Habib on CNN" or "that dopey fairy paul ryan" etc. But all the pc warriors have ruined having that kind of sport in public.


What he's really looking for when in confrontation (defensive or offensive), whether it's found in racism or sexism or other isms, is material that will first hurt, and then in no particular priority, dismiss, demean, distract,  demoralize, demonize.After Marla and Melania, he's stuck on D's. 

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24 minutes ago, Jumbo said:

No matter what all might be said it, I think there's some meaning in Cruz and Rubio making those specific declarations and to the DOJ directly, and it goes majorly to their positive credit imo.

Was just telling my wife the same.  Still loathe the dude, but gotta give him credit - he went above and beyond.  

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