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Will you still wear your Redskins gear if the name changes


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17 minutes ago, nonniey said:

Many (most? - especially the diaspora) Redskins fans will not adopt this new team.  Only way I will is if it becomes the Braves or Warriors and keeps the colors which will at least link to the old team.

What do you think a lot of those fans will do? Just stop watching NFL, or will they just switch to another team? 


I've been struggling with the question for the past week and even though I plan on retiring from the DC area in the next few years, I've been a fan of the Washington NFL team for close to 50 years now. Even though my enthusiasm for the team has waned recently, it's tough to imagine me not following the Red Wolves or whoever they'll be called.

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4 minutes ago, hail2skins said:

What do you think a lot of those fans will do? Just stop watching NFL, or will they just switch to another team? 


I've been struggling with the question for the past week and even though I plan on retiring from the DC area in the next few years, I've been a fan of the Washington NFL team for close to 50 years now. Even though my enthusiasm for the team has waned recently, it's tough to imagine me not following the Red Wolves or whoever they'll be called.

Imagine the answer is some will switch and some will just become disinterested in the NFL.  I fall into the later category if Redskins are totally killed off (which is why I prefer Braves or Warriors). 

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5 minutes ago, nonniey said:

Imagine the answer is some will switch and some will just become disinterested in the NFL.  I fall into the later category if Redskins are totally killed off (which is why I prefer Braves or Warriors). 


We shall see in a few days.  Fans will disappointed but if the NFL bans Redskins jerseys from games (as advocated on the sports radio station) I think people will be really mad.  The NFL will need to step up and buy back gear.  

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I am still on the fence about remaining a fan but considering I have Redskins hats and my custom jersey of my uncle, I will still wear it to games and when I am out.  Redskins is in my blood and what I identify with, not whatever the other name is going to be. 

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Well, this will be putting a BIG damper on my Prediction Thread prizes!

Let me take a moment to give a BIG shout-out to Nike for starting this; you know, the company that has no shame in paying kids a dollar a day in their sweat shops to make their over-priced gear...

Sorry, i'm absolutely beside myself with this, but i'll be DAMNED if someone tells me I can't wear anything Redskins-related. 

A couple days ago I saw a garage a few blocks from me with a garage door with a huge Redskins helmet with the rest of the door in burgundy. 

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3 hours ago, PartyPosse said:

Yes. It doesn't make sense to get, say a new Cooley jersey or an ST jersey with the new team name.


jerseys don't have team names, only player names 😉

So, to answer the TS question :

Why not ?

It's not like it has the word on it.

For all we know, the team could change the name, but keep the exact same colors, in which case, the old jerseys will not look very out of place.

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3 hours ago, nonniey said:

Many (most? - especially the diaspora) Redskins fans will not adopt this new team.  Only way I will is if it becomes the Braves or Warriors and keeps the colors which will at least link to the old team.

I think it will be strange for us all at first, and some people might not be as enthusiastic at first, but people will come right back once the team and/or the players they have been rooting for have some success.  T Mac, guice, Haskins, young etc; once these guys start having success, and the team looks competitive, the fans will be there.  It might take a year or two, maybe more, but allegiance to the franchise and the players will be stronger than giving up over the name.  


That being said, it might be a tough adjustment period bc older fans will be bummed over the name change initially, and we don't really have many younger fans, especially with the league MVP just down the road.  But I wouldnt be surprised if there is also a good amount of young adults who weren't around for the glory years but have been rooting for the team and are looking forward to the re branding, and no Allen and adding Rivera, etc.  To them, the name and logo equate to a laughingstock, so starting fresh might be exciting for that age group.


As usual, it all comes down to winning and success in the field.


And yes, I'll be wearing my gear, and I bet you will still see a lot of it around on game day.  You will probably hear HTTR from a lot of fans after every TD too.

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I've never really been a big gear guy so it's not super important to me. I have a couple of hats (which I don't wear because I don't really wear hats) and the only jersey I have is an official Sean Taylor one I bought in 06. I don't wear it generally; it's just some very special memorabilia. . 

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Still processing all of this, and not sure what to do.


I've been getting tired of the NFL with their endless rule changes, and their inability to get any of it right, like not being able to call interference on blatant cases like we saw in the Rams-Saints playoff game a couple seasons ago. 


I'm not looking forward to their sudden "wokeness" in which it appears obvious they will overadjust to make amends for those who felt they treated Colin K. unfairly. (they actually had an hour long show on NFL Network last Friday devoted to discussing issues of race in America which, while these discussions may be long overdue with regard to some topics, shouldn't be the job of a pro sports league to engage in). 


I'm to the point now where I turn the games on right at kickoff, and shut them off the second the final gun sounds. I used to like watching pre and post game shows, but watching people like Terry Bradshaw, Jimmy Johnson, and Michael Strahan yukking it up while cracking jokes at each other makes me ill. I'm there for the game itself, and only the game. I have no more interest in the business or entertainment aspects of the league.  


The only thing that has kept me tuning in to the NFL lately is my love for the Redskins, and my love of pro football in general. But the NFL is testing my resolve to keep watching. I guess I'll have to see how well I like the new name/logo, and whether it feels like it's still the team I have followed for over 40 years. If it feels too unnatural, or I don't feel engaged, I might consider following another team (thinking about maybe the Bears - they are one of the oldest franchises, play outdoors in a cold weather environment, have a name that won't lead any groups to pressure them to change, was a big fan of Mike Singletary and Wilbur Marshall, etc). But I'll never feel like I'm a part of something with another team like I have with the Redskins.       

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5 hours ago, PlayAction said:


We shall see in a few days.  Fans will disappointed but if the NFL bans Redskins jerseys from games (as advocated on the sports radio station) I think people will be really mad.  The NFL will need to step up and buy back gear.  


I can't imagine the NFL would ban Redskins jerseys or gear from the stadium.  That would open up a whole new can of worms.  

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Hell no. I stopped wearing it out about 2 years ago. I have a couple old T's and a hoodie that I wear around the apartment, and I'll replace those with new merch that I'll be proud to wear outside again. Only piece I'll keep is my framed ST21 jersey (fake but looks good) which has the backplate facing out and no Redskins anywhere on that side.

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