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About KillBill26

  • Birthday 06/18/1981

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  • Birthdate
    June 18, 1981
  • Washington Football Team Fan Since
  • Favorite Washington Football Team Player
    Gary Clark
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  • Location
    Warwick, RI
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  • Interests
    Not rooting for the 5x world champ hometown patriots because torturing myself with the Redskins was a better idea

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  1. Hosting the bears is a ? And at Dallas is a W lol. Can't say I hate it. I do agree with you, I think this team can get 10 W's. I think they could also get 5. Bottom line, they will be a fun watch for many reasons.
  2. My condolences to you and your family.
  3. I completed my will quicker than it took me to fill that out. Jk, great job @CommanderInTheRye, I know you put a lot of time and effort into it. I appreciate it. Will be very interesting to see the results. I thought question #20 was the toughest. I don't dislike any of our picks, and I chose Hampton just bc I think we could've addressed another position at that point. But am excited to see if Hampton can become the player they envision. For #21, I am really hoping we sign Humphries for our LT. Something like 3 yr 45 mil w 10/15/20 cap hits. Lucas holds down the fort until Humphries is ready. Overall, just super excited for all the changes: owner/staff/FO/JD/stadium/name/fan rejuvenation. Everything is trending on the right direction.
  4. I like how we will be coming off extra rest (TNF) and Dallas will be on short rest (MNF) when we host them. Agreed, that's a tough scenario. Would be back breaking to lose to AZ.
  5. As always I'm hoping for 17 games that are Sunday 1 pm. Prime time is overrated.
  6. That's kinda crazy that they gave Sainristil #2 while dyami is still wearing it lol. At first I thought that was kinda messed up then I remembered how disappointing dyami has been and I'm ok with it. Step it up Dyami.
  7. I like Tress, he has been great for us. But he is a punter. Take the envelope full of cash and give up the number dude.
  8. Bummed to see Tyler Boyd off the market. He has height and is a good teammate. 1 year deal for a max of 4.5 mil. Surprised he wasn't viewed as a fit here. I'd rather have him than brown.
  9. I have no idea if Forbes will ever be a reliable starting CB, but I feel pretty confident with the new staff/scheme alone that he will get burnt less while also having a few big plays (game clinching or pick 6) this year. What could have been early struggles for an undersized rookie were exacerbated by an incompetent staff.
  10. That's hilarious in hindsight. Giants fans were probably crushed they missed out on the great chase young. I was so pumped when the Patriots kicked a last minute field goal against the broncos late in the year. We leaped them into the 2 spot. My first thought was how much the pats were going to regret hitting that meaningless kick to win that game, but who knows how it will play out.
  11. Amazing he had the guts to make throws like that when receivers were covered and he still only had 4 picks.
  12. "You can milk anything with nipples" "Well Greg, can you milk me?"
  13. Peters did say in his presser they see him as a tackle. Hoping he can hold down the fort on the blind side.
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