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About goskins10

  • Birthday 10/21/1960

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    Golf, Football, Hockey, Cards
  • Washington Football Team Fan Since
  • Favorite Washington Football Team Player
    Darrell Green
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    Atlanta, GA
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  1. You must be pretty certain since you posted it twice All kidding aside, I think you are right. The teams have some leaway but it's nothing like they used to. The CBA disctates much of the training camp and practice process. Still does not mean we have to like it ... πŸ˜„
  2. Teams make their schedules from a Macro standpoint where fans look at them in isolation. They plan the start of training camp on many things like how did OTAs go. Experience of personnel, conditioning, how hard are the players working on their own and many many more things we don’t even think about. I would read nothing into the teams start date other than so far this staff is very experienced and has shown they know what they are doing. however, we are fans so not constrained by reason or logic. So in that vein, where are they??? I am ready for football, and now!!!!! Tomorrow is just too far away!
  3. my sincere condolences. It’s a stark reminder that we never know what the other person is going through. Glad you felt comfortable to share with us. Let us know if there is anything we can do.
  4. Thank you - just to be clear to others mine was not a political statement at all. I have spent the equivalent of almost 2 yrs in China over the last 30 and one of my collegaues who also became one of my best friends named me the godfather to her daughter. I was given the honor of choosing her western name. My friend and I had several long discussions about burgers vs sandwiches - not much else to do during 4 hr train rides from one supplier to another πŸ™‚ I then started to ask others during my travels and it was honestly very interesting. Ok, last thread derailment by me on this topic. Just thought it interesting considering the conversation. And to bing it back - Yes, coming to the ES QB thread is fun again! There is honest optimism as well there should be. It's still all against air and a long way to go but all the right things are coming out right now. Just needs to keep going that way.
  5. An offensive minded HC candidate that is not confident in his ability to develop a franchise QB? LOL Wow, just wow. Now glad it didn't work out. Loving this teams process more and more.
  6. And we have a TSO sighting! Can't believe I missed this earlier in the week! πŸ™‚ Was wondering when this new - more proper structure might bring you back to posting! Good to see you! Hope all is well! As you say, no gaurantees but this really is more than I thought would happen as recently as this time last year. So no end in sight from the mini me era! Yet here we are! And now AP is snatching top FO personel from the more succesful FOs! Man came here on a mission and he is executing his plan for sure!! Just hope it translates to wins on the field.
  7. Posting this here more for Allen's overall statements abotu the team and it's direction. It's clear he is 100% on board. He even says near the end it feels more like when he played at Alabama.
  8. While I understand what you are saying, the goal is always to win. Why play if not to win. Having said that I agree they will not just throw him to the wolves and say sink or swim. Maybe the way I would put it is while they are always trying to win, they also have the longer term visions for the team and how to develop Jayden. If they have to sacrifice a few wins this season for the greater good then so be it.
  9. Not sure they are very far off but I do like that they say playing the Giants early is going to be tough but them the Giants later are part of an easier stretch. I have not gone game by game yet but I have them in the 7- 10 range. Too many pieces to come together for them to be a playoff team this year. WHat I hope and expect is a very slow start and then pick up steam as the season ends. Then next year after they fill a few more holes and the systems are in thier 2nd year then we have a chance to be a PO team. It does all hinge on Jayden. Wishing him the best.
  10. They declined Davis 5th yr option. That probably speaks to what they think of him. I feel bad for him. He was overdrafted which put higher expectations on him then they didn't really have a plan for him. A fresh start may truly do him some good either here or somewhere else. As you say he was starting to at least geta feel fro the NFL game towards the end of last year. If he continues they may decide to pay him afterall. This pretty much a one yr prove it deal at this point. I think Dotson could be a stud. He never seemed to mesh with EB's offense. And with the oline being so bad, esepcailly as the season went on he just didn;t get many chances. I expect him to return to his rookie year form and better.
  11. The boot is on the other foot. His original injury is healing properly from its procedure. His other foot developed the same issue so they decided to operate now. He is expected to be 100% by training camp. That is per Dan Quinn.
  12. Atlanta will carry 3 QBs with Penix being QB3 is what will likely happen. No reason to get rid of TH. He is in the 2nd yr of a 2 yr contract. And he has already earned the roster bonus for 2024 by being on the team the 5th day of the season. He is cheap insurance to keep from having to throw thier rookie out there if he is not ready. Only gets them $1.2M cap savings if they cut him. If the plan was for Penix to sit then he should sit. Still a dumb as **** move by Atlanta. Glad we didn't so some lame garbage like that. Either sign Cousins or draft Penix, don't do both. I live in Atlanta and it's hilarious watching the fans go through mental gynastics to convince them selves it was a good plan Especially right after the pick they wanted the entire staff gone!! LOLOLOL! Sounded like the ES Gameday thread! @skinsmarydu and I went to the game here last year. Good game. One of our few wins! Not sure when, but Atlanta comes to Washington this year. I may just have to make the trek up there this year. Would be a good game to see and the right time to show my support for the team after getting rid of mini me. LOL
  13. Sorry but I have to disagree. My girlfriiend is a huge Vols fan so we watched every play of every game. And when he came in his one weapon is a massive arm and he can make college players miss. But he has no touch and very little accuracy or consistency while we are at it. He missed a lot of wide open guys. He can runsome but NFL players will eat him up. Now if someone can get him to throw with some touch and greatly improve his consistency and accuracy then he will be great. Dude is a phyisical freak. I would have not minded Washington take a 6th or 7th rd flyer on him. That arm can be dazzeling. But if anything he was probably overdrafted. But Ok, 5th rd not expected to do too much.
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