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About 757SeanTaylor21

  • Birthday 03/25/1987

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  • Washington Football Team Fan Since
    Don't remind me
  • Favorite Washington Football Team Player
    Sean taylor
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    va beach
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  1. Really the funny thing is as we been cycling through kickers...some of the elite ones has came from our team
  2. Are you forgetting Parsons who is gonna most likely destroy every tackle he goes against repeatedly?
  3. I'd be less worried of barkley against our front 7 now and be more worried about nabers going against our cbs.
  4. I was thinking the same thing. Granted he hasn't had a burrow or cousins mahomes or anybody throwing the ball really but he doesn't put the team on his back.
  5. Look I'm believing the hype of jd and am so excited and hope he turns us around immediately. But what else is ekeler gonna say? "Yeah he's OK, he's no Herbert tho"...
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