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  • Birthday 09/12/1977

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  1. Love seeing that local coverage ty for posting for us that are not there for it..
  2. I lived in Silver Spring for the first 9 years of my life. Good Place, Great memories and good times...
  3. Yeah I'm not referring to overall size, he's big and I would think he stays that way. I just mean the way his size is composed now will be better, leaner, and stronger while keeping his size as he gets on a legitimate program from an NFL club..
  4. This is a guy that is going to benefit greatly from a nutritional and weight training program. Could become an absolute monster.
  5. I think what people may be forgetting in the DeJean vs Sainistril debate is we viewed it as the opportunity of DeJean vs. Sainistril and Sinnott.. Sinnott is the key to the trade down equation imo. We obviously wanted Sinnott in a bad way, so much so that we'd pass up DeJean if it meant we could grab Sainistril and Sinnott.
  6. One word pops in my mind with this guy.....UNDERRATED.... Another guy this team identified as a necessary get. Excited for what he can bring to table.
  7. Natural Athlete with Pedigree. Super IQ. Seems to be the type to just make plays and be reliable as hell. Agree with AP that he is an ascending player. I think he has the shot to get really really good as he learns the nuances of being a WR.. Also gives tons of options for gadgets as a former QB who can sling it and take handoffs too. JD should be happy to have him around.. Would like to have more at WR though...Injuries can leave us hurting.
  8. Best player on the best defense....Playmaker, baller. Another guy they had pegged to take. He's a guy you want to know where he is at on every down. Plays with a boulder on his shoulder.
  9. in the ES Mock draft I did not realize how good this dude was. Totally slept on him. Adam Peters and his team obviously did not. They seem to have had him picked out and ready to add for a while. This move spoke to us trading down from Cooper DeJean in order to take Sainristil and Sinnott. The kid is an athletic freak who is damn strong and can move. Can play all over the field, from the big slot to the backfield to the end of the line. Super excited to see what they do with him.
  10. The kid seems like an absolute stud. Excited to see how DQ uses him in conjunction with Payne and Allen...We got a steal...
  11. https://www.commanders.com/video/gm-adam-peters-we-got-a-lot-of-guys-who-we-consider-commanders the Boss breaks down the new players..
  12. Priscos thoughts.. Thoughts from the PFF guys...
  13. Thoughts from Simms on what we are getting in JD...
  14. The dude is exciting and decisive. I like how he manipulates coverages with his eyes and body from the pocket. Sky's the limit with this kid. I held off watching a ton of vid on him until he was the guy. I gotta say I'm impressed and see why Adam made this pick. They took their time and made sure they weren't missing anything. Welcome to the DMV JD!! LFG...
  15. The Man speaks on the pick and more. Super impressed and more excited with everything to come with this team!
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