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About MartinC

  • Birthday 07/28/1965

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  • Washington Football Team Fan Since
    Since 1982
  • Favorite Washington Football Team Player
    Joe Theismann
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  • Location
    Phoenix Arizona
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  • Interests
    watching sports, reading (mainly history) and crowd control of my 3 kids
  • Occupation
    President, Techstreet

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  1. So the Bucs lose Evan’s for likely weeks and Godwin for maybe the season. Things can change in a hurry in the NFL.
  2. Need to know if JD is playing. I feel good though about our ability to score 20+ even if JD is held out. Not sure I trust our D yet. But all that said, home advantage and momentum - I take us to get the win. Assuming it’s Mariotta starting. Commanders 24 - Bears 21.
  3. The trailing defender landed with his body weight on JD. Pretty sure that’s what caused the injury.
  4. Edge I totally get - but surprised they are looking for a WR. If it was a #1 or #2 sure - but guys available now are more #4 types. I think we are good for that already, WR room has been better than I expected coming into the season. Edge. CB, maybe DT. If there was a legit starting quality WR sure - but I dont see who that would be.
  5. I'm thinking rib cartilage sprain - but not a bad one if its week to week.
  6. Tire them out by allowing multiple long drives early. Smart.
  7. Hell no its not an auto loss with our backup in! Who is thinking that?? This offense will put up points. Not 40 maybe but Id be surprised if we dont get at least 20 with Mariota starting. Question is can our D hold them in check.
  8. Smart to keep the Bears guessing though. 'Game time decision' after being doubtful then upgraded to questionable!
  9. Backup QB is always one snap away from being the most important conversation!
  10. Agreed subject to them seeing something in the MRI like a torn rib cartilage. if he’s torn a rib cartilage it might not show up on X/Ray and that could be weeks not days to heal to the point he can play. If it’s just bruising he can play but I’d hold off the called QB runs!
  11. PFF tracks separation even on routes the ball doesn’t go to that receiver (which is a bit suspect since DBs play the QBs eyes and progressions but let’s run with it). McCaffrey was top 5 in the league in that measure up to a week ago. He’s got a lot of potential. If the Steelers stick with Wilson I like that match up. Wilson is not an efficient QB, he throws a lot of deep 50/50 balls, is inaccurate short and intermediate and runs into pressure. He can go off - but down to down he’s not a good QB.
  12. No way the Mannings will allow Arch to end up in that **** show. Watson’s deal is fully guaranteed the next two seasons at $46M. The Browns are screwed. At least with the injury they can play Winston without the owner having a fit and have at least some chance of producing some offense.
  13. I was very skeptical of the Kingsbury hire. Wasnt a fan of his work in Arizona (I live in AZ so saw a lot of it) and not convinced by Air Raid as an NFL system. Have to say that so far he’s been outstanding. He is scheming first reads open, he’s running the ball a lot more than he did in Arizona and he’s using a ton more multiple TE packages. Very very happy to have been wrong.
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