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Will you still wear your Redskins gear if the name changes


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No way to read every post so apologize if already brought up but will anyone even be allowed to wear anything that says "Redskins" into FedEx or even away games for that matter? At least the on fake fans in the 2020 games will be easy to superimpose the new name on all of the stuff they wear.

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I'm wearing my Morris 46 T-shirt right now. Went to the atm & Popeyes drive thru with my Redskins mask on. 

Nothing's gonna change for me. I'll mix it up with the new stuff. 

I had recently been considering getting RTA lettering for the back window of my truck. 

I'm freaking out & rambling. Sorry. 

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I'll continue to wear my gear, but like all the current stuff it will be eventually replaced with new branded merchandise in time. 


Eventually I'll have all new stuff that is a bit more trendy. 


Part of me is happy to see the Redskin chapter close. I was getting sick of having the same damn conversation over and over again especially while the team has been struggling. I'm excited for the new name/logo. I hope the marketing team goes full rebuild and get some creative designs. 

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I moved on from jersey's years ago and only wear polo's now. But I will say this, in the months to come, obviously not now since the name hasn't been decided upon and there's no other options for us in terms of gear, you could become a target by sporting the old gear. Cancel culture is being justified and you will be putting yourself at risk.  Not sure if I want to sport any team gear anymore...


We've basically been underhandedly labeled a racist franchise with our past and the old logo by making this change. Any attempt to sport the old gear could be viewed as defiance and ignorance by the court of public opinion. I almost feel as if its just plain risky to be a fan of this team now, even WITH the team name change now that the past has this huge asterisk on it... Opposition is not gonna care about "The Hogs", Gibbs, George Allen, the Lombardi season, Doug Williams, our marching band. They are only gonna care about the old logo and racism..

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14 hours ago, celticsalmon said:

Not me.  I stopped in 2013. And now I feel karma is coming our way.  I will buy new gear and wear it proudly.  My Joe Theisman and RGIII jerseys are retired. A new era begns!


If that is a real Theisman jersey it won't have the word "Redskins" on it. They didn't add that to the jersey until 2002. No logo either. And we are probably keeping the color scheme, so I don't see a reason to retire it. 

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11 hours ago, maxiep said:

I'm in my early 50s.  My fandom won't be missed.  I understand I am easily replaced.  I also understand that many fans will think leaving over a name change is silly.  I can live with holding a minority viewpoint.  Today is the day my Redskins died.  I don't think I can transfer my love to another team, so I'm probably saying goodbye to the NFL as well.   Thankfully, I have enough wonderful memories to last me the rest of my life.


I will always be a Washington Redskins fan.  However, my team is dead.  RIP, 1937-2020.  Thank you to the Burgundy & Gold for all the joy you have given me.  Your passing leaves a massive void in my life.  I wish all of you well.


Yes it will. Thanks for sharing all that. 

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8 hours ago, DJHJR86 said:

I'll wear the old stuff until it's replaced with the new stuff.  


This is where I'm at. The fact that they're changing the name isn't going to make me toss the Redskins items. But if I get new stuff, I'll probably be more inclined to wear it. 

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11 hours ago, maxiep said:

I have endured almost two decades of incompetent ownership because I love this team so much.  Any time we get something good going, The Danny finds a way to ruin it.  The game experience went from one of the greatest in pro sports to leaving me feeling like a chump.  Well, the capitulation and refusal to defend our proud name and heritage was the final straw for me.


I'm in my early 50s.  My fandom won't be missed.  I understand I am easily replaced.  I also understand that many fans will think leaving over a name change is silly.  I can live with holding a minority viewpoint.  Today is the day my Redskins died.  I don't think I can transfer my love to another team, so I'm probably saying goodbye to the NFL as well.   Thankfully, I have enough wonderful memories to last me the rest of my life.


I will always be a Washington Redskins fan.  However, my team is dead.  RIP, 1937-2020.  Thank you to the Burgundy & Gold for all the joy you have given me.  Your passing leaves a massive void in my life.  I wish all of you well.


Your whole post was great, and a pleasure to read. The parts I quoted actually choked me up a bit. I wish you and I had been more active here, and that we could have chatted once in a while. 


I'm also a fan since the '70s who grew up outside of Redskins country, rooting for the team all by myself for decades. When the Skins won the Superbowl against the Dolphins, my mother invited my father over (they had divorced 2 years earlier) to watch the game with me. My father used to have to go to the FBI headquarters a few times a year for work, and he'd clip out Redskins articles from the DC newspapers and mail them to me. 


You seem to have accepted that you won't be rooting for the new franchise, and I applaud you for that. I am wrestling with what I plan to do. Using this as an opportunity to remove the Snyder era drama and disappoint from my life may be good for me, but then what? Do I leave the NFL behind for good? Do I try to support another team, knowing I'll never have the passion for my new team that I had for the Skins? Do I just watch NFL games without a rooting interest?


FInally, to the question of wearing the Redskins gear - I'd like to think I will, but people these days are all trying to be social media heroes, filming strangers with their phones and trying to show their moral superiority over those they don't know, and I don't feel like dealing with that. I don't tweet, have cut way back on FB, and generally don't care for the politics of any of the big sites. Sadly, I'm not too hopeful about the names I have been hearing, so the slim chance that I remain a fan of the DC NFL franchise probably won't be helped by buying new merchandise.             


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12 hours ago, maxiep said:

I will always be a Washington Redskins fan.  However, my team is dead.  RIP, 1937-2020.  Thank you to the Burgundy & Gold for all the joy you have given me.  Your passing leaves a massive void in my life.  I wish all of you well.

Your whole thread is really heart felt. Great post.


To all of you who are like, "Oh hell yeah I'm wearing my gear" - you know how that's going to be portrayed in the media and history books? You're going to be the redneck with the confederate flag flying off his pickup in hiding it in his basement so only his close friends can see he's a racist.

It sucks dude - I don't think any of us any malice in our hearts. I was a kid that wished he was born native because they were so damn cool. But now, what? The team very clearly put us on the wrong side of history.

I look at this as a whole new team that needs to capture my imagination. I think they need to go full blown heal. They should keep the R and be the Rednecks, or Racists, or <insert really negative stereotype here> and then own it. Also funny would be to keep the name and change the logo to a potato. I'd stay in for that as a middle finger to powers at be.

Could they change their name to "The Washington Burgundy and Gold"? Hmmm... maybe but then the old name and everyone who wears it or says it is still a racist right? But hard not to cheer for the burgundy and gold out of pure habit amiright? I'm not sure it's an option if they can't trademark colors.




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On 7/13/2020 at 11:52 PM, turtle2328 said:

Your whole thread is really heart felt. Great post.


To all of you who are like, "Oh hell yeah I'm wearing my gear" - you know how that's going to be portrayed in the media and history books? You're going to be the redneck with the confederate flag flying off his pickup in hiding it in his basement so only his close friends can see he's a racist.

It sucks dude - I don't think any of us any malice in our hearts. I was a kid that wished he was born native because they were so damn cool. But now, what? The team very clearly put us on the wrong side of history.

I look at this as a whole new team that needs to capture my imagination. I think they need to go full blown heal. They should keep the R and be the Rednecks, or Racists, or <insert really negative stereotype here> and then own it. Also funny would be to keep the name and change the logo to a potato. I'd stay in for that as a middle finger to powers at be.

Could they change their name to "The Washington Burgundy and Gold"? Hmmm... maybe but then the old name and everyone who wears it or says it is still a racist right? But hard not to cheer for the burgundy and gold out of pure habit amiright? I'm not sure it's an option if they can't trademark colors.




Who cares how it’s portrayed  It’s all faux outrage anyway. Just part of the cancel culture. If I wear anything at all relating to the football team in Washington it will have Redskin imagery and colors.

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I was given a blackout Redskins cap that I like... and I also have two Red Mesa Redskins T-shirts that will continue to wear.  That's about it for my gear.  I have some vintage jerseys from the Joe Gibbs era but the only time I ever wore them were at games.

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I just don’t think I can cheer for this team like I would my skins. I mean I could always just say Washington but not screaming let’s go redskins and hearing my 3 year old going to be 4 year old son next week scream “go Redskins” with me is killing me. I’m so undecided if I’m gonna stick around for this team or look for another. But even if I do find another I will never have the love for that team like I had for my Redskins! It is so upsetting!

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I have many reasons to believe the name is not racist and is not considered racist by many Native Americans. Besides, every scientific poll of Native Americans coming to the same conclusion (90% agreement), we have historical records, and Native Americans on reservations self-determining that they want to call their own team the Redskins.


I'm okay with the name change. I recognize language is a living thing and enough people come to the conclusion that a word is negative then it becomes so. I also recognize that Native Americans are  heterogenious lot and that while the name may be inoffensive to many or most it may also have a hurtful history to specific tribes. The very fact that we keep trying to talk about Native Americans as one people versus many different nations is in itself problematic imo.


So, I probably will still wear Redskins' gear, but likely not as much, and eventually not at all. For me, that won't be a huge change. I wear the caps, but am not much of a jersey wearer. I do have some friends who are different. Wearing Redskins' gear and colors is a huge part of their identity. I feel for them.

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13 hours ago, Playaction2Sanders said:

Any attempt to sport the old gear could be viewed as defiance and ignorance by the court of public opinion. 

And I feel awful for folks who live life like that..worried about what the public thinks. 



1 hour ago, Burgold said:

 I do have some friends who are different. Wearing Redskins' gear and colors is a huge part of their identity. I feel for them.

Maybe you shouldn't be there friends anymore?..I mean what if you get seen with them in public and they have there skins gear on?

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6 minutes ago, Burgold said:

Sad and unfunny. 

Not trying to be funny..or sad..but true, if there your friends and you feel for them maybe let them go..unless your saying you feel for them in a jokingly way...cause some people say it jokingly than when talking about it there serious..sorry man not trying to be rude

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