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What Teams Do You Pull For? And Why Thread

Dont Taze Me Bro

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So a while back, last year I think it was, in a debate in the tailgate, one poster called me out specifically about the teams I pull for at the professional and college levels.  And as a lot of you on here know, I have two college teams I pull for in basketball and football, which might be strange to a lot of people.  I've been given **** for it from family, friends, my wife as well as some posters on here, which always makes me laugh, because at the end of the day, I really never have cared what anyone else thought about it.  


But, while strange for others, I know a lot of people, mostly from NC, that follow the same path.  It got me thinking about where people grew up, lived, moved to, family influence, region, etc. and what it was like there.  This isn't a thread to insult each other for whatever reasons they have behind the teams they pull for and I'd prefer it not turn into a debate on one's beliefs on what fandom should be like.  I say pull for who you want to and do you. 


If you don't mind, please include your age or the year you were born as I think that is a major factor as well.  As well as state you were born and what professional teams were there at the time.  So I'll start:



Born in NC in 1975 (43 years old).  There were no professional teams in the state until the Hornets came in 1988.  Followed by the Panthers in 1995 and the Hurricanes relocating from Hartford in 1997.  No MLB teams.  College basketball was extremely popular when I was growing up, everyone from casual to die-hard fans picked sides.  With the majority pulling for either UNC, NC State and Duke.  Due to the lack of pro teams, NC was part of the Redskins nation.


College Football - FSU

College Basketball - UNC


This is where I usually get the most **** from.  My entire family pulled for UNC in both basketball and football.  I started watching basketball games with my dad in 1980.  I really didn't get into college football until 7th grade, when I was 12 years old (1987).  Back then ACC football sucked, I still pulled and still do for UNC, but I found myself wanting to watch the elite teams play (Bama/Auburn, OSU/MI, FSU/Miami/FL, etc.).  I fell in love with FSU football and they were not part of the ACC back then.  So I pulled for both schools.  It wasn't until 1992 when they joined the ACC.  So, there you have it.  


What is crazy, I know a lot of people that pull for Duke basketball and other college teams in football (like FSU, Badgers, etc.).  It seems to be a NC thing at least from my area and generation, even for those that were transplants and moved to NC at a young age.  Is that common up in the DMV or other areas of the country?


NBA - Bulls

NFL - Redskins

MLB - Braves

NHL - Hurricanes


Being a UNC fan, specifically when Jordan was there, it led to me pulling for the Bulls when he was drafted.  No Hornets yet and while I watched the NBA with my dad, I didn't have a team.  He was a Celtics fan and my mom was a Lakers fan.  I picked the Bulls for MJ, like tons of other kids did.  When we got the Hornets, I pulled for them when they weren't playing the Bulls, it's the hometown team.  I got out of watching the NBA (outside of playoffs and finals) around 2001 and then we lost the Hornets in 2002.  I kept up with the Bulls through sports media sites and news, etc. during that time.  


My late uncle tried his best to get me to pull for the Hornets and Panthers and I never budged.  After he passed, I tried to be that guy that "pulled for the hometeam" and claimed the Bobcats/Hornets.  I still pulled for the Bulls, hell, even when they played the Hornets lol.  After a few years of that, never felt right, so experiment finished because they were still always just #2 to me.  


Due to no NFL team, the Redskins were extremely popular in NC.  My entire family was Redskins fans, so that was inherited and accepted by me at birth.  I was lucky to be old enough to see the glory days, timing just worked out that way.  

Baseball, I got into that in 1981 (age 6), the Braves were on TBS all the time and the closest MLB team to us.  Plus all my friends liked them, so they became my team too.  And boy were they ****ing **** back in the 80s.  As for hockey, nobody gave a **** about that down here really, not when I was younger and growing up.  I got into hockey in college as my roommate was from Detroit and a huge Redwings fan.  He showed me the ropes, taught me about it and we'd watch games together.  I never claimed a team until we got the Hurricanes after they relocated from Hartford.  I love hockey, but rarely get to watch it anymore.


I expect most of you that are in the DMV area will pull for those teams.  At times, I think people take for granted how cool it is to grow up in an area where you have all four major sports (Skins, Caps, Bullets/Wiz, O's and recently Nats).  Anyone that grew up in that area, you had 4 pro teams, even if the O's were in Baltimore before the Nats got there, where as some of us had nothing but ****ing tobacco fields.  


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Redskins - Went to see the team practice in Frostburg as a child and met Darrell Green. Enough said. 


Nationals - Stephen Strasburg's debut caused me to start supporting them, but I didn't really start following closely until 2014.


Blackhawks - I was at a Brewers/Cubs game in 2010 the night they won the Stanley Cup and even though it was at Miller Park and the Brewers got destroyed, fans of both teams were partying together. It was such a wonderful, unifying experience that I started following the team. I've enjoyed two more Stanley Cups since then. 


Bulls - I lived in the Midwest for four years, everyone roots for them. Great legacy. Derrick Rose was amazing at the time. 


TCU sports - wife is an alumni 


Carlton Blues of Aussie Rules Football - I have a bunch of Aussie friends on another message board and this is their favorite sport. I started watching it in 2011 and fell in love. Picked this team somewhat arbitrarily for their history and team colors. I regret that ****. 

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Born in 1988 (Just turned 30 in July).


Was born in Hialeah, FL (my dad was in the AF, recently divorced and taking classes at the University of Miami where he met my mother in 1980.


In my early years, I was a Heat, Marlins, and everything Miami fan. Never liked the Dolphins (think it had something to do with the logo).


Moved here to the DC area in '95. Marlins fanaticism started to go away a bit after the first WS  (it was damn hard keeping up with them unless they played the Braves... No Washington franchise here back then obviously, unlike the then Bullets, who were in the Atlantic division with the Heat, who now Had Riles, and were starting to play on NBC, and I could watch them play too when they came to town)


Became a Redskins fan because they were real popular with all the kids at my new school, and for better or worse, I have stood by them.


Graduated from UMD, so I root for the Terps as well


Started to pay attention to the Nats around the time they got Strasburg (was just a universal baseball watcher before that, my Marlins fanhood was no more by the Dontrelle Willis days and their 2nd WS), and really started paying attention when Bryce came up, and legitimately became a fan in 2014. Funny thing, I do remember visiting my uncle in the summer of '98 in Ohio and going to a Reds/Expo's game, and while my binoculars were mostly on Barry Larkin, I definitely remember none other than our own FP,  standing in the infield.


And @Dont Taze Me Bro, yeah, there are definitely a lot of dirty Duke/FSU fans up here. They need to stay down where you are, or further south.




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DC teams across the board.


But I root abstractly for teams in places I've lived. Went to college near Cleveland, grad school in Indiana, and currently live in NC. So I dig the Browns, Colts, and Panthers (and to a lesser extent the Pacers and Hornets, can't bring myself to root for the Cavs since the days of Mark Price and Craig Ehlo).


I teach at NC State, so I root hard for all Wolfpack sports.

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Depends on who I am making a wager on.  Jokes. 






UMD ... as an alum...all of them. 


I do NOT wager on team that I am a fan of. Otherwise...

You might find me rooting for the Panthers to beat any NFCE team. 


Why ? Because I simply never liked the Bullets, There was not a baseball team in DC back in the day. O's all day. 

Lakers.... yep... lived in LA for a while also. 

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NFL - Redskins

NHL - Caps

MLB - Texas Rangers

NBA - Dallas Mavericks

CFL - TCU Horned Frogs


I grew up in Maryland and I'm in my 40's now born in 75 as well. When I was a kid I wasn't a fan of any baseball teams because growing up in PG County we didn't really like Baltimore all that much and there was no DC baseball teams at that time. I was a fan of Cal's but never the O's. I also was a fan of the Bullets back then.


Then I joined the military after high school and moved all over the country in the early 90's. When the Bullets died I decided to become a fan of my local basketball team. To me I never went to the Wizards games and it really felt like a totally different team then the Bullets. The Nats weren't around when I was a kid so with that decision I also decided to take the local baseball team.


That way I could have some local fandom I'd share with locals around me. Eventually I landed in Texas and made it home. With Texas came the Mavericks, Frogs, and Rangers. I could never give up on the Redskins or Capitals. In my office at work I have Dallas Stars banners, Mavericks banners, Redskins stuff all over the place so people who never seen it before always ask me whats my story about that. 

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MLB - Baltimore Orioles   Dad took me to Orioles game when I was young.  First game that my dad took me too was at Memorial Stadium.  Since then always been a fan


NCAA football: Virginia Tech - I don't religiously watch College football, and everyone liked Miami Hurricanes so I always wanted them too lose and why not go root for one of their rivals.  Plus I liked the colors 


NBA : Wizards (don't like basketball that much)

NHL and NFL : Caps and Skins: Hometown team and who I grew up with

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DC Teams across the board.


I don't really have favorite college teams anymore. I mean, my alma mater is James Madison, but they aren't really a factor in D1 sports for the most part, and the NCAA is so damn corrupt its hard to support anyone. I grew up rooting for VA Tech football and Georgetown basketball though.

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Eagles/Warriors/Astros/Caps...…...got a problem with that?




Born in 1967 in Alexandria.


Like all the DC teams except baseball, where I'd pull for the Os, but also have fallen in love with Vegas over the past 25 years, so was excited for the Golden Knights last year, and hoped that they would win it all...…..but the Caps demolished them in the SCF games here, and was happy that they finally broke through, especially for a superstar like #8. 

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Born in DC around 70, and I was always proud of that. Dad was a huge Skins fan and a Terp, so it was no question about anything for me other than Skins, Terps (especially men's basketball), Caps, Bullets/Wiz, and the Orioles, in that order. # 2 used to be the O's, but I lost interest over the years. I still passively pay attention to the O's and Nats. I watch em both a little during the season, but not like I used to watch the O's when I was growing up. If either is a contender, I'm infinitely more interested. I do try to tune in to the Nats if Scherzer is pitching. He's the most entertaining guy in baseball to watch for me.

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Born and raised in DC, so...


Redskins - been watching them since I was young, still have early memories of our first Superbowl loss to Miami.

Wizards - not a big NBA fan, but still root for DC, and I remember when the Bullets won the title

Orioles - there was no DC baseball team in my youth, although I did attend a Senators game when I was 3 (all I remember about it was my sister getting me to jump up and down in the stands, and then later throwing up. :) )

Maryland- grew up watching ACC basketball and rooting for them when Lefty was coach.

Michigan State - my alma mater.

Capiials - wasn't much of a hockey fan until I went to Michigan State, and they won the NCAA hockey championship while I was there.  Coming back to DC after college, I began watching and rooting for the Caps (fortunately the timing of this meant that I missed that horrific 4OT loss to the Islanders).



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Redskins- watching since I was a kid. I have faint memories of what it was like in the 80s.  Faint memories of the Broncos Superbowl, coming downstairs from my room early in the game and everyone was upset.  Then coming back down a bit later and everyone was going absolutely nuts.  I remember the 91 season, I was in 5th grade...talk of an undefeated season, I remember watching the seat-cushion game where they dismantled the Falcons, I remember the Superbowl.  I hope they can get back to that type of winning sometime.


Orioles- loved baseball growing up, the Orioles were the closest team.  Memories of Memorial Stadium.  I like to see the Nats do well and I pull for them when I watch them but they can't come close to taking the Orioles spot.


Wizards- I remember I think it was 6th or 7th grade when they got Juwan Howard and Chris Webber and I was obsessed from then on pretty much up through the Gilbert Arenas years.  Went to some games at the Capital Centre.  I just don't watch the NBA like I used to but I still watch a handful of games a year.  


Milwaukee Bucks- have a family member who's pretty high up there.  If there's a nationally televised game, I'll watch.  Giannis is the truth.


 I wish my college (GMU) had a football team. 

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I pull for the Redskins because my mom loves football and the Redskins and introduced me to it young. 


I follow the Orioles because back in the 80s when i was driving a lot at night, the Orioles game was a great way to concentrate on something.. music tends to run together in long hours.. need something to concentrate on. Jon Miller was the play by play and there isn't anyone better. (I've always been a baseball fan, but fell away from it as a teenager.. the radio brought it back. I love listening to baseball on the radio... Jon Miller made it perfect. Baseball is pastoral, it is relaxing on a summer night..  Miller IS the voice of what baseball is.


I follow Penn State football because when i was a kid, i grew to like how they did things. Basic uniform, no nonsense, and before we knew all of what happened with sandusky,, they coached well, and made tough players into tough teams. When the crimes broke, I had a real crisis as a fan.. i was ready to quit but my buddy told me the players are who i support,, and they are / were totally innocent. So I still love Nittany Lion football. F Ohio State!


I follow Villanova basketball. When i was a child i lived near the campus and a professor lived in our apartment building and took me to a game. That was all it took to be a fan forever. Rollie Massamino in 85 cemented it.


I am a bandwagon hockey fan (Caps)... i usually don't get any interest until the playoffs,  and I do like watching the NHL playoffs. They are exciting and if i am going to follow it, i will root for our guys. But i do not consider myself a 'fan'.. i am a bandwagon part time fan, and have no illusions about that.


I can't stand the NBA, Nothing bores me more.




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NCAA FB: Penn State, my alma mater. The Sandusky thing was sad example of lack of leadership. Not really drawing equivalencies, because it's all ugly but we see in the Catholic Church, Michigan State, Ohio State (Big Rape Ten?) organization leaders are willing to cover stuff up. Not making excuses, that why we really need to train Leaders. Not just rah rah guys, men with a moral compass.


NCAA BB: Duke. My sister went there but I'm sure I follow them because they win a lot. And in certain eras, their teams played basketball that was fun to watch. 


Soccer: Used to root for Arsenal, but that was ended disappointingly. I begrudgingly declared for the in the early 2000s and by 2015/16 I didn't enjoy watching how they played anymore. I've liked watching AC Milan when I was a kid and Manchester United when I was bit older. Mainly because I watched Milan on the Italian channel and Manchester United was the only team you could even remotely get on TV. Probably enjoy watching Man City (big Guardiola fan because of coaching) and PSG (I love Paris and that kid Mbappe is great, and their goalkeeper Areola is Filipino-descent) also Borussia Dortmund because I go to Germany once a year and can usually catch one of their matches. 


NFL: Used to be Redskins. But Snyder's run the franchise into the ground.


NBA: Used to be Knicks because I followed Patrick Ewing from Georgetown into the NBA. 


Rugby: New Zealand All Blacks!


I've said this in the RTT many times. I see sports fandom as funny. When marriages fail 40% of the time, people like a team unerringly—even if the team can't run itself competently. Or how many of us profess undying allegiance to a team based on random factors: like where we were born, who we were born to, etc.



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49 minutes ago, Bang said:

Jon Miller was the play by play and there isn't anyone better. (I've always been a baseball fan, but fell away from it as a teenager.. the radio brought it back. I love listening to baseball on the radio... Jon Miller made it perfect. Baseball is pastoral, it is relaxing on a summer night..  Miller IS the voice of what baseball is.




This part of your post is so true. Miller is the greatest. I also used to listen to the games on the radio. My dad would listen as we were going around town and then when we got home and I went to bed, I would turn on the radio and listen to Miller call the Orioles games. There is no other like him. It was a sad day when he was no longer the voice of the Orioles.

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Redskins - Pretty much has always been in the blood.

Caps - Really started with the 98 Cup run.

Orioles - I really only put this here because at one point in my life I really liked baseball and if I were to still follow the sport I'd follow the Orioles.

Radford - School I attended.  This really only applies for NCAA basketball, though, it's the only thing I check in on every now and again.

Blackburn Rovers - Brad Friedel's team during the 02 World Cup and they stuck.

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