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  1. Probably because you're a neighborhood bicycle yourself. West Hollywood slut bucket.
  2. The crazy thing is, Tumor did this to her face on purpose. She went from 6 beers to 26 beers
  3. Crankasaurus 🦖 Q-Tip produced Cool J's entire new album, and every song I've heard so far is super funky. LL really reminds people what a good story teller he is on this album, imo.
  4. RIP, dude had the 70s & 80s in a chokehold. Frankie, Rich Homie Quan, Fatman Scoop. Been a rough few weeks for black musicians.
  5. Y'all remember this banger? Tried watching it with my son earlier but he wasn't feeling it . Probably been 35 years since I've last seen it.
  6. What a legend. Admiral Greer ❤️
  7. TikTok hyped this fish sandwich with caviar at Birdcall in LA. Had to get it while we're out here and it did not disappoint. $80 fish sandwich and worth it, imo.
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