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  1. Alex Smith had an extremely small sample size of 9 games. If you remember that season our wins were very close and a couple were quite lucky, while our losses were blowouts. Most likely we would have suffered the same 2nd half fate of that season regardless of whether Smith was hurt or not. Heinicke is literally QB fugaze. Complete mirage. There is a reason he didn't get any other starting offers and the Falcons didn't even wanna turn to him even with all their other QB struggles. His wins were because of the defense, extreme commitment to the run game, and some real lucky results(Eagles fumbling a game away, Brady throwing weird picks, etc.) or McLaurin making insane plays. Of course intangibles matter, but you have to be a damn good physical talent as well. Just looking at small sample size win streaks and screaming "HEY LOOK THIS QB WON MORE GAMES THAN OTHER GUYS" is a fruitless exercise. Those QBs sucked too.
  2. Green is all in back with the organization. They'll make it great.
  3. Ironically this D could be like a MOntez-Sweat away from being elite lolol (don't get me wrong I still love the trade)
  4. The secondary will look a lot better. Joe Whitt jr is like GOAT-tier when it comes to coaching up DBs everywhere he's been.
  5. Heinicke having a winning record is like legit the biggest fugaze in NFL history.
  6. Lamar's gotta have the worst immune system in NFL history
  7. Dotson will bounce back. This kind of atmosphere and culture will be much more conducive to his personality and hes already got a relationship with Daniels. Cant wait to get him for dirt cheap in my auction draft.
  8. Anything is possible and we have the pieces to make it possible. I'm just not going to expect it. But worst to first happens all the time in the NFL.
  9. I could see us running more 3-4 ish fronts with Allen being more of a DE type. Also as guys get older they tend to try to drop off weight to maintain speed.
  10. There are breakpoints in every draft where talent drops off so its about being smart. For example this past draft it was obvious that we were trying to trade back into the 1st because there was a big time drop off in OT talent(and I also think we wanted Brian Thomas jr at WR). That's why our trade down with Philly was so brilliant. We picked up more picks, but didn't really sacrifice quality as we were still able to get studs like Sinnot and Sainrstil. Trading down just for the sake of trading down without maximizing value is dumb, and often backfires if you trade down from premium picks and pass up on game changing talent to pick up a few decent players. Every GM 100% would gladly trade Dotson, Robinson, Howell, and Turner for Olave and would probably have to throw in picks. Yep I heard that too. Rivera comes across as incredibly arrogant and, flat out dumb with every post firing interview. Like bro, YOU were the one in charge. If you wanted a real GM to split duties with or whatever, you could have done that. And yeah, his drafts absolutely sucked. Say what you will about Vinny and Bruce but they at least hit on their 1st round picks. We're dangerously close to every single Rivera 1st rounder not getting a 2nd contract with us or even getting their 5th year options.
  11. Sheehan is super bullish on the radio. Dude's predicting 10-7. Man if this team wins 10 games I'm building a Danny Quinn statue myself. I do like the direction we're heading in but 10 is quite a bit with our massive holes at critical positions and a rookie QB(albeit a highly talented and developed one).
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