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Trump and his cabinet/buffoonery- Get your bunkers ready!


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Don't plan on watching Alex Jones.  


I wonder when Muller gets the ax; you know he will be fired.


Will congress really do anything if he does get fired?  A Dem congress would but the GOP won't do a damn thing.


Trump can try to get the adulation from his staff all he wants. The praise from right wing radio and Fox news all he wants. The cheers are his rallys from his stupid supporters all he wants.


History will be judging him harshly and there's nothing he can do to change that.  We might go through hell in the mean time, but history will show just how incompetent and mentally unhinged this person is. We all ust hope there's not a real crisis develops, where Trump has to make a decision that our lives depend on it.  I don't trust Trump to make a smart decision and probably will cause WW3.

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His cabinet on top of being ill suited to their positions are turning out to be nothing but sycophants. Maybe you have to be yes men kissing Trump's ring and telling him hourly how great he is to have a chance for him to listen to you, but it's still pretty sickening.

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14 hours ago, mistertim said:

Taking bets on how many of them had to go and immediately drink a fifth of vodka or take a shower (or both) after doing that.



Not a single one

They genuinely don't give a **** and normal people are distressed by acting this way because of conscience or character, where do you see that in this group? This was yet another clear and obvious demonstration of just how bad his Cabinet of Curiosities is.

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I'm not sure how snarkily glib Bang is being, maybe not in the least, but I said long ago that would not turn out well, we WILL see American blood on our streets. Protests will become riots will become homegrown terrorism so that can crush them without any of those pesky embedded reporters that just persist in denying the greatness all around them.


Some of the oldsters will get the reference to a "long, hot summer" ie. '67 and all the fun we had then. Looks like there could be a remake in the works. This year, next year, whenever, but I don't think that if enters into it.

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Not being glib at all. I fully expect blood.

I should say "more blood" because we're already seeing it.


If it were simply political ideology arguments going on right now I'd feel the nation can easily withstand it, but they are getting to be much much more than simple conservatism vs liberalism head butting.

Our political system is now a war of attrition, and if you study history, the words and phrasings that are beginning to be used have tended to lead to actual wars of attrition, to wipe a segment of the population away. Otherwise rational people have been convinced to do unbelievably heinous things by the manipulators and propagandists who have them by the ear.

Potential treason, and even if that isn't true in the most sinister sense, the Russians have shoved the doorway into our country open, and have not only meddled in our sovereign rights, they have also managed to indoctrinate a significant portion of our population into supporting them over the interests of their own country. Our president looks to reward them for their meddling, and cows to their demands. 

Trump talks and acts like a totalitarian (or, to be more accurate, the puppet of a totalitarian. Putin is better at this game than he is, and it's obvious.). Trump bristles when the Constitution that prevents that sort of rule gets in his way. He then riles up his followers to try to get support for his way, even though for the last eight years they were convinced they knew more about the Constitution than a Harvard educated constitutional scholar.

This indicates to me that these people, this last 30% or so, want the totalitarian, and they will not go quietly into the night. They have chosen leader over country, even though they equate the two in their minds. 

Be ready. I've said it before.. I hope the military sides with the country.




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45 minutes ago, Bang said:

Be ready. I've said it before.. I hope the military sides with the country.


This is point where I start actually sweating, if we get to the point where that becomes relevant we are probably ****ed no matter what.


As much as I try to keep my native paranoia in check, I watch and wonder about things like greatly expanding the political paramilitaries, ie. ICE, Border Control, etc, that do not have the rigid structures that the military does and are not answerable to anyone in the same way.


It pains me to even imagine scenarios where these questions arise.

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3 minutes ago, NoCalMike said:

I am beginning to think Trump doesn't do much other than sit around and watch cable news all day.


Im pretty sure thats what he does until they call him to tell him that they have drafted a new order for him to sign and that there will be a party in the Rose Garden afterward if he does a good job. 

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5 minutes ago, NoCalMike said:

I am beginning to think Trump doesn't do much other than sit around and watch cable news all day.



During the campaign (forget if it was primaries or general) he said he got his foreign policy info from 'the shows'


He clarified, cable news shows


Which is the worst source of information for anyone that needs to be well informed on anything.


The news industry is, and has been for a while, an entertainment industry.


We have a stereotypical foxnews watcher in the presidency right now.

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2 hours ago, Bang said:

Not being glib at all. I fully expect blood.

I should say "more blood" because we're already seeing it.


If it were simply political ideology arguments going on right now I'd feel the nation can easily withstand it, but they are getting to be much much more than simple conservatism vs liberalism head butting.

Our political system is now a war of attrition, and if you study history, the words and phrasings that are beginning to be used have tended to lead to actual wars of attrition, to wipe a segment of the population away. Otherwise rational people have been convinced to do unbelievably heinous things by the manipulators and propagandists who have them by the ear.

Potential treason, and even if that isn't true in the most sinister sense, the Russians have shoved the doorway into our country open, and have not only meddled in our sovereign rights, they have also managed to indoctrinate a significant portion of our population into supporting them over the interests of their own country. Our president looks to reward them for their meddling, and cows to their demands. 

Trump talks and acts like a totalitarian (or, to be more accurate, the puppet of a totalitarian. Putin is better at this game than he is, and it's obvious.). Trump bristles when the Constitution that prevents that sort of rule gets in his way. He then riles up his followers to try to get support for his way, even though for the last eight years they were convinced they knew more about the Constitution than a Harvard educated constitutional scholar.

This indicates to me that these people, this last 30% or so, want the totalitarian, and they will not go quietly into the night. They have chosen leader over country, even though they equate the two in their minds. 

Be ready. I've said it before.. I hope the military sides with the country.




Just think of the vacuum created if the USA falls. Its difficult to even comprehend. In the meantime, be careful what you post online on forums or Facebook, especially if you are critical of one side or anothers leaders.

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13 minutes ago, Zguy28 said:

Just think of the vacuum created if the USA falls. Its difficult to even comprehend. In the meantime, be careful what you post online on forums or Facebook, especially if you are critical of one side or anothers leaders.


This is serious paranoia. I don't think you are actually like this so we need to collectively push back against it. 

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