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About Hersh

  • Birthday 12/08/1976

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    birth until 2010 or so
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    Art Monk
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  1. Cooper should be announced as the person that will be her AG. I don’t see how it’s not Shapiro. The only other possibility is Kelly but if that guy can be a Senator for a long time, that’s a plus already.
  2. This could go into multiple threads, but I hate this dude with passion. The GOP is freaking out now, which I love. (This is Harris at a round table with disability advocates including members who are blind so pretty standard to do)
  3. Another reason Shapiro makes the most sense, he’s been a top surrogate for Biden so he is already well versed In accomplishments. Not that guys can’t get caught up but you have to hit the ground running.
  4. I think they have special elections. But I dont know how quickly after an open seat. There may be a short term replacement.
  5. I think it was when she was running in 2020 for the nomination. No way. Now the election is if a woman is capable of being POTUS, DEI, and what the female candidate's sex life has been. Media gonna media.
  6. It's going to be Harris. It's only a question of VP and I certain vetting is already happening. Probably have already had conversations with 5-10 people to gauge interest. I don't know that she expects someone else to run but it always sounds better to say you are going to earn a nomination or earn someone's vote.
  7. He effectively did a couple of weeks ago, but also the CBC already endorsed her and I can't imagine they did without him.
  8. Putting a 71 year old on the ticket as VP probably isn't a big help.
  9. Biden's term will be defined as one of the most successful in American history. Trump is gonna be so mad that he doesn't have a chance to get revenge and is now the old guy in the race. I love that Biden endorsed Harris. If the Black Caucus immediately does the same and the Unions are on board with Joe, that should be it.
  10. These "undecided" voter panels are painful to listen to. They are utterly full of ****.
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