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  1. Why would I take offense? I agree. I’m just saying it because collegiate soccer seems to be the only soccer league that does it right.
  2. I’m sorry but college soccer has it right. Count down from 45 and stop the game clock during stoppage. Giving officials the power to extend or shorten games at their discretion is dumb.
  3. Ice in veins, or maybe some weed.🍔🌭🌮🌯🥙🥪🍕🍟
  4. He put the country before his ego. Same can’t be said about orange Mussolini.
  5. The Princess Bride is boring and not funny. It is quoted constantly by unfunny people. Good day.
  6. The longer the wait the worse it becomes. I don’t think we’ve past the point of no return.
  7. also, wolves are badass. I don't know if y'all seen the latest Puss in BOots( i have kids), but the wolf in it was badass.
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