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ksl.com: Cheating website Ashley Madison hacked, personal info posted


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Security companies are already started to see digital extortionists try to take advantage of people exposed by the recent Ashley Madison leak.




Here’s part of the email:


Unfortunately, your data was leaked in the recent hacking of Ashley Madison and I now have your information.

If you would like to prevent me from finding and sharing this information with your significant other send exactly 1.0000001 Bitcoins (approx. value $225 USD) to the following address:


Sending the wrong amount means I won’t know it’s you who paid.

You have 7 days from receipt of this email to send the BTC [bitcoins]. If you need help locating a place to purchase BTC, you can start here…..



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Jesus, what a list. Saw at least one of my neighbors or former neighbors.

Two things occur to me...

First, it's a REALLY good time to be a divorce attorney.

Related, this leak could very well impact me personally from a financial perspective. We have plans to sell our house in the spring and move. If there is a big spike in housing inventory as a result of a wave of failed marriages, that could drive down housing prices a lot.

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Security companies are already started to see digital extortionists try to take advantage of people exposed by the recent Ashley Madison leak.




Here’s part of the email:


Unfortunately, your data was leaked in the recent hacking of Ashley Madison and I now have your information.

If you would like to prevent me from finding and sharing this information with your significant other send exactly 1.0000001 Bitcoins (approx. value $225 USD) to the following address:


Sending the wrong amount means I won’t know it’s you who paid.

You have 7 days from receipt of this email to send the BTC [bitcoins]. If you need help locating a place to purchase BTC, you can start here…..



You knew that was coming. This will force many to come clean who may have escaped through obscurity.

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I see the neighbor lady across the street is on there, as well as another neighbor just down the street.


Bizarre.  Just goes to show that you really never know what people are up to behind closed doors.



Oddly, I notice that there are a few people named "Gift Card Recipient."  How does that work?

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There was a list released with names of all residents from Fairfax, Arlington, Loudon and Prince Williams county who were on AM. Pretty easy to find.


Heard from a friend who lives in Loudon that someone posted the list to several local womens facebook groups in Loudon County so they can sift through and see if their husbands are on it.


Massive **** storm is upon Loudon County.


Just searched it for a few random text strings. No-one on my street, but found our local member of the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors.


A neighbor found another person who is well known in the community, and is a giant douche-bag.

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In my younger days we would sign people up for telemarketers... Call up the rascal scooter infomercial and tell them about my grandpa "john" who really needs a scooter. Then we would give them a name and address (it was either someone we loved or hated) and have them send brochures, and make sure they knew to call frequently and speak loudly because "john" was hard of hearing. Also, we assured them, that "John" didn't think he needed one, so don't take no for an answer

Anyway, it got to the point where several of us were getting dozens of brochures and phone calls every week. It was always hilarious to see what creative company your buddies signed you up for

Long story short.. If Ashley Madison was around back then I GUARANTEE we would have signed someone up..

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I'm pretty sure that those are just paid subscriptions, since the names, addresses, etc are posted.

I don't think I'd sign up a friend for that based on a monthly subscription. I'll play a joke on someone like that, not if it involves charging my card every month though.

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We had our big annual opening event for the local youth football league today. Several conversations about this list and who was on it. People outing all the dads who have kids in the league to each other. I saw one of those dads walk in with his wife and kid. The parents both looked beaten down.


So you know someone that is on that list?  Oh well, if the ****er is gonna cheat, then the piece of **** deserves the consequences.

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People cheat.  We hear that all the time said in the same tone that we say "people eat."  No big deal.  Common.  This list seems to suggest that is indeed the case.  It really is a big list. 


I don't feel bad for the people on the list unless they are victims of fraud.  I feel bad for their families, especially their kids.  This is public and the whole world gets to know right along with you.  What a nightmare. 

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People cheat. We hear that all the time said in the same tone that we say "people eat." No big deal. Common.

I think that's what I find infuriating the most, is people who just seem to brush it off or rationalize it, especially the ones doing it. Aunt did that. Cheated, then when confronted, basically said "You aint ****".

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