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ksl.com: Cheating website Ashley Madison hacked, personal info posted


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It was my aunt who cheated.

Like, can you imagine that? Being hit with that emotional sledgehammer, then your spouse basically spitting in your face afterwards? Yikes


Misread I believe. I initially thought confronted by you about it. It was a joke teasing you. Then when I read it again...I realized it was your Uncle confronting her.


It's ****ed up man.

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I think the most interesting thing is why the site was targeted and hacked. The site offered a service (I think $20) and they would "delete" your profile and information. Wipe all records. The hackers discovered this was a lie and that they were making millions on a fake service.

Makes me wonder if Ashley Madison is now any more liable at all. I mean, they told thousands of people that their information would be wiped and charged them a fee for it. It was all a scam.

Also, supposedly the data shows an unsurprising 6-1 guy ratio on the site. Supposedly ton of fake female accounts used to lure in men.

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I think the most interesting thing is why the site was targeted and hacked. The site offered a service (I think $20) and they would "delete" your profile and information. Wipe all records. The hackers discovered this was a lie and that they were making millions on a fake service.

Makes me wonder if Ashley Madison is now any more liable at all. I mean, they told thousands of people that their information would be wiped and charged them a fee for it. It was all a scam.

Also, supposedly the data shows an unsurprising 6-1 guy ratio on the site. Supposedly ton of fake female accounts used to lure in men.

Thats largely the same ratio as most "hookup" sites, even a lot of dating sites.

If you thought the Ashley Madison hack meant heartache for affected families, this could get really ugly


*Slowly exits stage left*

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I think that's what I find infuriating the most, is people who just seem to brush it off or rationalize it, especially the ones doing it. Aunt did that. Cheated, then when confronted, basically said "You aint ****".


LOL, are you serious?  You must be single or naive.  Cheating is very prominent amongst men and women.

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I'm trying to understand how that statement justifies it. 


I don't justify it, I just saying it's prominent.  I don't know anyone that "brushes it off".  It ruins a lot of lives, families, marriages.  If people could brush it off, it wouldn't ruin as such.

I've had enough. So yes, I will insult the hell out of you. Im tired of your bull****. It's pretty damn easy to grasp what I was saying. Im sorry you couldn't


Sorry I misread your post, I apologize.

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Like, can you imagine that? Being hit with that emotional sledgehammer, then your spouse basically spitting in your face afterwards? Yikes

Whew lawd, no idea what I'd do in that situation

That "temporary insanity" please is real.

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LOL, are you serious? You must be single or naive. Cheating is very prominent amongst men and women.

So what's your point here? Are you saying that makes it ok?

Edit: just read the other posts where you say you weren't justifying. Take you at your word but if you look at the post you were responding to, it sure looks like a justification.

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Near as I can tell there were no women on the site. I'm going with prostitution service


I was thinking the same thing when I saw the list of folks.

Sausage infested...you never know what some people are into though.

I have a feeling it is similar to the Sugar Babies site that I heard of about 10 years ago.

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and apparently pics are being released.


lots and lots of... wait for it... **** pics


i have no interest in confirming that... but apparently 300 gb of photos have been dumped and, according to the guy in the sysadmin chat i lurk around in "1/3 are **** pics" LOL


for the people on this list: this is going to get more hilarious as this goes on


for the families of the people on the list: this is going to get more embarrassing :(

I like the guy saying he's on the list because he was "curious" but never used the site. Some Islamic leader in the area.


The list is of people who paid for the site, your credit card is on file, you might want to spend some time coming up with a better lie than that.


Your **** pic is probably on there too so you might want to think quickly :lol:


edit: i overestimated the forum filter, and have self edited. if you can't figure out what the stars are you probably shouldn't know. ;)

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In my younger days we would sign people up for telemarketers... Call up the rascal scooter infomercial and tell them about my grandpa "john" who really needs a scooter. Then we would give them a name and address (it was either someone we loved or hated) and have them send brochures, and make sure they knew to call frequently and speak loudly because "john" was hard of hearing. Also, we assured them, that "John" didn't think he needed one, so don't take no for an answer

Anyway, it got to the point where several of us were getting dozens of brochures and phone calls every week. It was always hilarious to see what creative company your buddies signed you up for

Long story short.. If Ashley Madison was around back then I GUARANTEE we would have signed someone up..



We signed people up for Chick tracts.   That was cruel.

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The Verge reporting that two suicides in Toronto may be link to AM hack/release.

also reporting that Avid Media is offering $379K reward for hackers' identity. If you think it's a weird amount, it's because it's $500K-canadian.

Someone's probably gonna find them. There are people who got hacked that are probably capable of finding anyone

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