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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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1 minute ago, s0crates said:



I'll remember stuff like this when I step into the voting booth:



C'mon seriously, Socrates... what campaign doesn't try to finish off their opponent. Really. You can't be mad about that. Is he supposed to say "Gosh. I hope we lose ground and he starts catching up! I feel bad for him. He's such a nice guy!"

That's such a bogus complaint. All Podesta is saying is don't relax and belive the polls. Keep your foot on the gas. Bernie could make a come back. What's wrong with that?

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2 minutes ago, s0crates said:



I'll remember stuff like this when I step into the voting booth:


Because that's EXACTLY like your loved ones being discriminated against and having their American Dream being curb stomped simply because of where they were born. The campaign manager of a political rival privately talking **** is exactly like that.

If we all pitch in to get you a participation trophy will you finally grow the **** up and stop crying like a ****?

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3 minutes ago, s0crates said:



I'll remember stuff like this when I step into the voting booth:



Hate to break this to you but that above e-mail is normal cut-throat campaign talk lol. Do you think if Bernie's campaign manager had his e-mails hacked that it would be all flowers and roses? These guys have one job. Get their candidate the win. That's all that matters. 

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14 minutes ago, AJ* said:


Hate to break this to you but that above e-mail is normal cut-throat campaign talk lol. Do you think if Bernie's campaign manager had his e-mails hacked that it would be all flowers and roses? These guys have one job. Get their candidate the win. That's all that matters. 

But but but Bernie never said anything mean about Clinton and neither did his campaign staff. :rofl89:

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1 hour ago, No Excuses said:

The major opposition dump rumors had been flying around all morning. Most of this coming from some random Ukrainian journalist that there will be a major Russia/Trump oppo dump tomorrow.

And just now Kurt Eichenwald tweeted out that tomorrow will be one of the major news pieces of the election. 

Unless there is some massive evidence of direct Trump/Kremlin networking, it will fall on deaf ears. I'm thinking its stuff related to Manafort, which IMO is easily the most direct we've come to understanding why Trump kisses Putins ass so much. 

But again, it has to be a massive wrong doing to make any sort of difference right now.

10 bucks sez the FBI drops some more bombs before that happens.

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“Trust me, if they went into our emails—I suppose which may happen, who knows—I’m sure there would be statements that would be less than flattering about, you know, the Clinton staff,” Sanders said Wednesday, dismissing the current leaks as unsurprising. “That’s what happens in campaigns.” 

-- Bernie Sanders


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1 hour ago, BornaSkinsFan83 said:

I've tried to make this point over and over and over again. Any other year, I wouldn't give a **** if you wrote in Count Chocula. Hell I wasn't even mad at Nader voters in 2000. This year is completely different though. I don't understand why that's so hard to get.

Me thinks that possibly a Trump win isn't the threat to them on a personal level like it is to many of us. That allows them to say **** it and throw their vote away. When my family and loved ones are impacted though, I'm definitely not forgetting who helped make it possible.

Maybe people just want to actually vote for .........who they want.  Shocking I know.  you can sit there on your high horse all you want and judge people for it.  I know I'll vote for who I want and if you want to judge me for it, I won't loose a second of sleep.

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Trump campaign and RNC in Nevada ordered to court to explain voter intimidation, training materials, etc. 

Also, in the national case in NJ, RNC ordered to bring national plans, maps etc. Re: voter intimidation.

This is big. At stake is the continuation of the sanctions against the RNC for another 8 years, maybe beyond.



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Vote for whoever the **** you want, but don't expect anyone to pat you on the back for it.

A Sanders supporter refusing to vote for the Democratic Party nominee is a slap in the face to what Bernie worked for and earned, the chance to enact pieces of his agenda that you all supposedly like so much. Sanders is positioned to keep his fight going with a Democratic President in office. He loses that if Trump wins, which is why he is telling you to vote for Clinton.

It honestly makes my blood boil to think about a Sanders supporter indirectly contributing to Trump as POTUS. He would also be pissed off at you.

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Looking at the two candidates for the house in my district, I split the issues with them. Even then I hardly agree in full on many of them. Hard to prioritize especially when it's hard to believe anything will actuall get done.

I'm still holding out faith Ryan will kick off the relationship with Clinton in a way that at least opens the door to some meaningful reform. Not much faith, but a little.

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7 minutes ago, PF Chang said:

Vote for whoever the **** you want, but don't expect anyone to pat you on the back for it.

A Sanders supporter refusing to vote for the Democratic Party nominee is a slap in the face to what Bernie worked for and earned, the chance to enact pieces of his agenda that you all supposedly like so much. Sanders is positioned to keep his fight going with a Democratic President in office. He loses that if Trump wins, which is why he is telling you to vote for Clinton.

It honestly makes my blood boil to think about a Sanders supporter indirectly contributing to Trump as POTUS. He would also be pissed off at you.

I think some of you aren't acknowledging the dichotomy between Sanders suppporters who were mostly for his platform and Sanders supporters who were mostly against the establishment.

I really don't think Socrates ever cared much for Sanders platform, as he was attention whoring in here for Gary Johnson at one point. He tried explaining that it was because he likes Johnsons stance on privacy issues. Not only is this comical by itself, but repeatedly pointed out as hypocritical considering how much he's fond of WikiLeaks dumps that are a blatant invasion of private citizens privacy.

There isn't much of a mystery to people like him. They are a small part of the electorate and they get off on thinking they've uncovered some grand truth that no one else is privy too. 

They were never voting for platform or issues. Never will either.

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9 minutes ago, tshile said:

Looking at the two candidates for the house in my district, I split the issues with them. Even then I hardly agree in full on many of them. Hard to prioritize especially when it's hard to believe anything will actuall get done.

I'm still holding out faith Ryan will kick off the relationship with Clinton in a way that at least opens the door to some meaningful reform. Not much faith, but a little.

Sure, if he is hoping to get primaried out of government in 2018 that's a great strategy for him.

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