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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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La Raza means "the race", and, as far as I know, is an advocacy group for Latinos. 

Also a Spanish speaking radio station here in ATL.


edit, add:  Rachel brought up the fact that Rudy knew about the FBI leaks before they came out, and said "we've got something up our sleeve, in the next couple days you'll see something" on Fox before Comey's letter to Congress.  So, not only is the FBI leaking things they shouldn't, but they're leaking them to the Trump campaign FIRST. 

Wow, y'all.

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Last night I spoke with a retired full bird Air Force colonel, PhD in Political Science, former Director of Doctrine Development at the Pentagon, and former associate dean of the Air Command Staff College in Montgomery, Alabama. He's a devout Catholic and the most level-headed guy I know. And, yes I understand that this represents anecdotal evidence, but he genuinely fears a Trump presidency. The primary source of that fear comes from Trump's attitude toward the generals and military top brass. He also fears a Trump loss and believes that Trump will continue to stir the fires of insurrection amongst the Rightwingnuts/militias.

Now, I'used to hearing this stuff from the average Joe/Jane, but to hear it from someone of his position, and qualifications was down-right disheartening. 

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Honestly, the wiki-leaks things would bother me more if the absolute worst presidential candidate of all time wasn't standing on the right.

I'll take my chance with people who play politics-as-usual over fascists any day of the week.

and beyond the overt fascism, the simple fact is.. Donald Trump truly has impressed upon me that he simply isn't very smart. He's immature as hell, unbelievably narcissistic, and hasn't got the slightest clue what the **** he's doing in practically every aspect of his life. he is a schoolyard bully all grown up with enough money to buy him other sleazy bullies to help him maintain his aura. Everything about him is a con and a threat.

There's absolutely no way I could ever vote for a person like him. Ever.

these emails would have to show me a basement full of dead girl scouts and the knife in Hillary's bloody hand to get me to reconsider trump.


No. ****ing. Way. 


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This gives me hope that Trump will lose and the R party will have to do some soul searching (again).

“These Florida numbers are not only ominous for Donald Trump — they’re downright terrifying for Republicans nationwide,” said Fernand Amandi, Bendixen & Amandi’s pollster, who called Clinton’s 30-point margin “historic.”

“The share of the Hispanic vote is growing every election and this will be the third presidential election in Florida where Hispanics trend heavily against the GOP,” Amandi said. “And if that continues, it could turn Florida into the next California in future presidential elections, a blue anchor state.”

Without Florida’s 29 Electoral College votes, Republicans generally can’t win the White House.


Read more: http://www.politico.com/states/florida/story/2016/11/clintons-30-point-lead-in-fla-hispanic-poll-is-terrifying-to-gop-nationwide-107067#ixzz4P2U84t5F
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1 hour ago, Bang said:


these emails would have to show me a basement full of dead girl scouts and the knife in Hillary's bloody hand to get me to reconsider trump.


No. ****ing. Way. 



"You need a dead Girl Scout e-mail?  I can get you one of those.  I can get you one by 3:00 today." ~ Julian Assange

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I keep hearing echoes from old movies throughout this election, scenes that speak directly to the moral core of the contest and the fundamental intellectual dishonesty weaponized by those who would drag us all into the dark to share their nightmares

Remember this one?


Make your own assessment of who speaks for whom

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1 hour ago, DogofWar1 said:

Haven't read it, but Eichenwald posted his Russia article.  Probably only guy out there who could potentially challenge Fahrenthold for a Pulitzer, assuming Eichenwald's article holds water.




I heard Eichenwald this morning and took a gander and all I have to say is "holy crap".  

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Jobs report out.  Added jobs numbers slightly lower than expected but wages higher.  Mixed report probably won't tip scales either way.

In wider context though, it's a decent report.  We've been near to "full employment" for a short bit, and as such the US really only needs to add 50-100K jobs per month to maintain its present employment rate.  That we were at 161K suggests that the unemployment rate is still falling and/or that people are coming off the sidelines, the latter of which is supported by other data as well.

One remaining issue, of course, is that manufacturing remains a drag on the numbers on the whole.  Of course, this is to be expected, and won't be resolved until there's some wider solution for the fact that manufacturing, as an employment industry, is dying, and no amount of effort can save it beyond probably around 2025.

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7 minutes ago, DogofWar1 said:


One remaining issue, of course, is that manufacturing remains a drag on the numbers on the whole.  Of course, this is to be expected, and won't be resolved until there's some wider solution for the fact that manufacturing, as an employment industry, is dying, and no amount of effort can save it beyond probably around 2025.


Mostly related to oil, natural gas, and mining.  which are not only in the ****ter, but theyve been flushed

2 hours ago, AsburySkinsFan said:

Last night I spoke with a retired full bird Air Force colonel, PhD in Political Science, former Director of Doctrine Development at the Pentagon, and former associate dean of the Air Command Staff College in Montgomery, Alabama. He's a devout Catholic and the most level-headed guy I know. 

You could literally be talking about my dad, though without knowing everything about your friend id say my dad is slightly higher in military qualifications..  he will not be voting clinton.  military people are just people


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Eichenwalds piece is interesting. Basically Russia sees a useful idiot in Trump, echoing Michael Hayden's comments from yesterday.

Our allies are also terrified of a Trump presidency because they think he will turn a blind eye to Russia's aggression in Europe because he's doing that domestically anyways. This is easily the worst part. NATO has been wildly successful in maintaining peace and order in a highly volatile part of the world. Not good. 

This is supposedly the first of a few more Russia related drops today. 

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22 minutes ago, No Excuses said:

Eichenwalds piece is interesting. Basically Russia sees a useful idiot in Trump, echoing Michael Hayden's comments from yesterday.

Our allies are also terrified of a Trump presidency because they think he will turn a blind eye to Russia's aggression in Europe because he's doing that domestically anyways. This is easily the worst part. NATO has been wildly successful in maintaining peace and order in a highly volatile part of the world. Not good. 

This is supposedly the first of a few more Russia related drops today. 

The GOP used to complain how Obama wouldn't listen to Military or how he disrespected them. Trump has taken that to another level and it's go Trump. Can you imagine the epic meltdown that would have taken place on the right of Obama or Clinton said they knew more than the generals, etc. 

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2 hours ago, skinsmarydu said:

Rachel brought up the fact that Rudy knew about the FBI leaks before they came out, and said "we've got something up our sleeve, in the next couple days you'll see something" on Fox before Comey's letter to Congress.  So, not only is the FBI leaking things they shouldn't, but they're leaking them to the Trump campaign FIRST. 

Wow, y'all.


Well, Crooked Hillary got debate questions beforehand so the Dems do it too. Total equivalency there.

2 hours ago, AsburySkinsFan said:

Last night I spoke with a retired full bird Air Force colonel, PhD in Political Science, former Director of Doctrine Development at the Pentagon, and former associate dean of the Air Command Staff College in Montgomery, Alabama. He's a devout Catholic and the most level-headed guy I know. And, yes I understand that this represents anecdotal evidence, but he genuinely fears a Trump presidency. The primary source of that fear comes from Trump's attitude toward the generals and military top brass. He also fears a Trump loss and believes that Trump will continue to stir the fires of insurrection amongst the Rightwingnuts/militias.

Now, I'used to hearing this stuff from the average Joe/Jane, but to hear it from someone of his position, and qualifications was down-right disheartening. 


I took the liberty of highlighting the problems that affect this guy's credibility. He's just another liberal commie so he clearly can't be trusted....with all his book larnin' and whatnot. PFFFFT

1 hour ago, LD0506 said:

I keep hearing echoes from old movies throughout this election, scenes that speak directly to the moral core of the contest and the fundamental intellectual dishonesty weaponized by those who would drag us all into the dark to share their nightmares

Remember this one?


It reminds me more of Dr. Strangelove but I'm a Kubrick nut so almost everything reminds me of his films.

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9 minutes ago, The Sisko said:

It reminds me more of Dr. Strangelove but I'm a Kubrick nut so almost everything reminds me of his films.

Funny, a friend told me that "Seven Days" is on TCM today, followed by "Dr. Strangelove..."

I laughed


"Citizen Kane" on now.................. maybe Donny will build Melania an opera house after the election.........

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I posted something along these lines when the whole FBI investigating email server thing started. Months and months ago. I'm going to say it again:


Everyone I know that has worked with the FBI, but not actually part of the FBI, has had the same thing to say about the FBI - They work slow, slower than you would think, to the point where it's utterly frustrating waiting for them, but they are not beholden to anyone and they pride themselves on getting it right. They don't even consider getting it done quick - it's about getting it right. They pride themselves on not being beholden to anyone - other law enforcement agencies, rich people, or politicians. They loathe watching their work go to a prosecutors that don't hold such standards and are beholden to rich people, politicians, etc.


Putting that together with what is going on now, and given my personal lack of access to the inner-workings of the FBI, it's hard to figure out whether everyone I know with knowledge of working with the FBI (all of whom I trust) has just been utterly wrong, or whether the media and politicians are so absurdly partisan and irresponsible that they'll happily throw what is supposed to be a keystone in our legal system (and one deserving of respect and admiration) under the bus to further their political agendas (or attract ratings/clicks, which I'm honestly not sure which is worse anymore)

I'm inclined, based on my personal experiences, to trust the people I know and respect (or at least respect their opinions/judgement on things such as this) over the media and politicians (both of which I feel there is ample evidence to support the opinion that they are are irresponsible, shady, and agenda driven.)

The title is accurate. What a sad mess this is.

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4 minutes ago, LD0506 said:

t, people I know have said the same, it is damnably hard to reconcile that with what is happening now

it really is.

some of the people I know are incredibly partisan and anti-hillary. they all told me this when the investigations started. when the investigation closed and no charges were filed, they were upset and felt like Clinton definitely got away 'again', but they in no way thought it was because she was able to influence the FBI, or because the FBI screwed up or had a dog in the fight. every single one of them wrote it off as The Clintons just being incredibly good at the game they play (and having incredibly talented lawyers, and incredibly loyal people around them.)

Despite what the GOP narrative on the FBI and Comey was when all that happened, even the most right-wing/anti-clinton people I know that have worked with the FBI felt that way.

It's hard to write them off as wrong, and the media/politicians as right.

It's so much easier to look at the media and politicians as being absurdly irresponsible. They have a history of doing this, on both sides. The idea that some republicans are even going after the FBI for the recent turn does nothing for me, because it's easy to demonstrate that there are plenty of republicans that hate/fear Trump and do not want to see him win and would rather see Clinton win, which makes their position on the last week's worth of news easy to understand.

Plenty of people have posted about how the rise of Trump and the riling up of angry white people scares them. Not to diminish those concerns in any way, but (what appears to me to be) the sheer irresponsibility of the media this election cycle (including how they covered Trump early on) scares me just as much if not way more.

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