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Trump and his cabinet/buffoonery- Get your bunkers ready!


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1 hour ago, clietas said:


I wanna say like 40%. Thats prolly way to generous tho. 


I'll admit I struggle with some South American geography. Like Uruguay and Paraguay. Or all the Guianas and Guyana.


I know where Venezuela is only because of how much Risk I played as a kid. Thanks Hasbro.

40% is way too high.

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5 hours ago, clietas said:


I know where Venezuela is only because of how much Risk I played as a kid. Thanks Hasbro.


Now I feel old.  The Risk board we had was as a kid was from Parker Bros, not Hasbro, and the pieces were made out of wood, not plastic.  In fact, I think we still have that set.

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11 minutes ago, Cooked Crack said:


Screw that without evidence BS. He lied and made up some racist story about Obama ruining the room so he could be lazy and watch basketball all day.


This is, of course, coming from someone who famously watches, and live tweets, 8 hours of TV every day and calls it “executive time.”

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56 minutes ago, Cooked Crack said:


Screw that without evidence BS. He lied and made up some racist story about Obama ruining the room so he could be lazy and watch basketball all day.



Remember- If he's accusing someone of something, this means he's doing exactly what he's accusing them of. It's his absolute number one go-to tactic... and ironically has become his number one "tell."



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3 hours ago, Chachie said:



Remember- If he's accusing someone of something, this means he's doing exactly what he's accusing them of. It's his absolute number one go-to tactic... and ironically has become his number one "tell."




Yeah but I don't see Trump watching basketball tho. He seems more like a pron watching type. Likely with a belt around his neck. Prolly explains the hole in the wall. 

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so what's the surprise announcement causing a reactivation of sarah (whoever) back in the briefing room going to be? 



emergency declaration?


invade venezuela?


trump offers to cooperate with special counsel and testify against hillary?


barr's out and graham's in as ag?


jennine pirro to replace ginsberg if the time comes?



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5 minutes ago, Jumbo said:

so what's the surprise announcement causing a reactivation of sarah (whoever) back in the briefing room going to be? 



emergency declaration?


invade venezuela?


trump offers to cooperate with special counsel and testify against hillary?


barr's out and graham's in as ag?


jennine pirro to replace ginsberg if the time comes?




trump resigns 

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5 hours ago, Cooked Crack said:


Screw that without evidence BS. He lied and made up some racist story about Obama ruining the room so he could be lazy and watch basketball all day.



Every day brings more validation for hating Trump's guts.


I was asked by skinsmarydu to repost the list of Trump descriptors.  This is as good a place as any:


-Pumpkin-flavored arsenic marshmallow Donald Trump

-Donald Trump, rancid bag of half melted circus peanuts

-Ambulatory merkin Donald Trump

-Donald Trump, rotting pumpkin time-lapse

-Rancid salmon filet Donald Trump

-Donald Trump, a toupee someone found in a garbage can and stapled to a sweet potato

-Poorly trained circus orangutan

-Flopped over traffic cone

-Pencil-dick wall builder

-Sentient used car commercial

-Rejected holiday carrot cake

-Deranged moldy grapefruit

-Room temperature Sunny-D backwash

-Enraged over-ripe pineapple

-Cursed Siberian werewolf trapped in an Orangutan’s body

-Exhaustive child

-drunk court jester who’s been roving the country doing racist Chris Farley impersonations

-$4 billion puddle of tinted moisturizer

- ever worse human and godsend

-Wonka factory escapee

-Open-Faced Quesadilla

-Idiot billionaire and face of YouTube’s popular “Annoying Orange”

-Noted Asshole


-Ambitious corn dog that escaped from the concession stand at a rural Alabama fairground, stole an unattended wig, hopped a freight train to Atlantic City and never looked back

-shrunken apple head

-decomposing ear of corn

-permanently open mouth

-Verbal Billionaire

-deflated basketball

-cartoon plutocrat

-sentient overripe pear

-melted creamsicle

-fluffy bouffant

-gaping mouth with a hairpiece

-oozy lather of absurd hyperbole

-dick-nosed baldy

-perpetual asshole

-serially bankrupt business mogul

-television clown

-bloated spawn of a Penn Station ashtray and Nickelodeon slime

- legitimate hairstyle choice

-anthropomorphic caterpillar

-toupee’d buffoon

-bloviating billionaire

-Enlarged pee-splattered Sno Cone

-idiotic rich man

-vibrating Bologna loaf

-Deflated football

-Human embodiment of hotdog filling

-Toupee-wearing Orangina ****hole

-sentient bottle of self tanner

-short-fingered vulgarian

-Rejected Richie Rich Villain

-Corndog that escaped from the state fair

-GOP Presidential candidate and Bone-in Ham

-Walking sun dried tomato

-Presidential candidate and human Kewpie doll

-Adult male baby with the combover and personality of a 30 pound toddler

-Melting pig carcass

-Human cystic acne pus

-Millionaire and disgraced racist

-What would happen if a caps lock key was granted one wish and that wish was to come to life.

-Fabulist cheddar critter

-Unrepentant Bigot

-Ralph Steadman illustration come to life

-Noted Donald Trump enthusiast

-Grimacing Cheeto Fart

-Everyone’s Favorite Screaming Steamed Carrot

-Cursed Halloween Mask

-Presidential candidate and bag of flour

-Enraged animated creamsicle

-Woody Allen impersonator and Incessant Tweeter

-Time-displaced Sopranos extra

-Melted candle impersonator

-Bloviating caricature of a businessman

-Disgraced Pope impersonator

-Cable News Fever Dream

-Delusional Cheese Creature

-Lint-crusted dried apricot

-Mud clotted welcome mat

-Melting Businessman

-James Bond Villain/Republican Presidential Candidate

-Aspiring social media intern

-Drunk Monopoly man

-Cranial bee sting victim

-Stupid, racist clown

-Lint-covered sentient Cheeto

-Man-sized sebaceous cyst

-billionaire Siberian Tiger hairball

-Shriveled apricot

-Empty popcorn bag rotting in the sun

-Heat Miser with a heart of coal

-Man-shaped asbestos insulation board

-Aggravated giant duckling

-dusty barrel of fermented peepee

-Gilded Dildo

-usually reasonable burlap sack full of rancid Peeps

-Degloved zoo penis

-Miss Cleo cosplay enthusiast

-bargain bin full of yellowing Jean-Claude Van Damme movies

-big orange buffoon

-Normal-looking human man and entirely credible choice as future leader of the free world

-overripe pumpkin from Halloween 2007

-Our nation’s loudest cheesy puff

-a dishrag that on closer inspection is alive with maggots

-Perpetual embarrassment

-Candied yam riddled with moldy spider carcasses

-wilted turkey skin puppet

-chewed-up furball

-petulant slice of stinking, festive ****-pie

-hairpiece come to life

-orange-tufted sentient troll doll

-Actual buffoon

-Decomposing pumpkin pie inhabited by vicious albino squirrels and presidential candidate

-Gross fat loser

-the shriveled pinto bean you had to pluck out of your Chipotle burrito basket

-orange gasbag

-Enraged Gak spill

-overinflated piss-blimp

-The orange beast

-Pumpkin flavored arsenic marshmallow

-Poorly trained circus orangutan

-a fascist golem made of flypaper

-Orange Clown

-a deeply stupid person: a crude, nasty, bloviating man always willing to shout himself hoarse about terrorist Muslims, rapist Mexicans, probably-menstruating Fox hosts

-orange lunatic

-Chester Cheetah Impersonator

-American hate leader

-a tiny piece of dried cat poop that you found in your rug

-talking combover

-Cheeto-Dusted Bloviator

-Fuzzy Meat wad

-Decomposing ear of corn

-Rich idiot

-Noted Troll

-Soggy Burlap Sack

-Bag of toxic sludge

-Your next President and Ruler for life

-A brightly burning trash fire

-impoverished urchin

-Aggressively Stupid

-Great Judgement-Haver

-Hair-plug swollen with rancid egg whites

-inside-out lower intestine

-decomposing pumpkin pie inhabited by viscous albino squirrels

-lead paint factory explosion

-lumbering human-like tardigrade

-fart-infused lump of raw meat

- fetid orange meringue bloated shrunken head

- pudgy orange pail of anal smatterings

- cretinous tube of bankruptcy proceedings

- bronzer-saturated freak

- poorly dressed mantoddler

- penis shaped asteroid

- Captain Carrot Lips

- Orange Rider of the Apocalypse

- Old Dickery

- Father of the morning constitutional tweet

- Sideboob Bob

- The Great Bloviator

- Goldman Nutsacks

- Donny Two Scoops

- Mango Mussolini

- Moron Don

- Mango Moron

- ****ing Moron

- Constantly bloviating fart monster

- President Two Macs von NoFries

- Orange Foolius

- mentally deranged U.S. dotard

- Mango Unchained

- Sunburned warthog

- The worst person alive—the pettiest, smallest, emptiest, most dishonest, most malignant ****-for-brains you could ever imagine, just an absolute worthless interpretively man-shaped lint clump from the absolute bottom of the human genetic drain



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