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Curious, why does this forum seem very far left and why does the forum seem so intelligent?


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I would definitely object to the use of "very far left".


I'd say the board tends to lean more liberal in many cases, but we also have plenty of thoughtful, moderate conservatives. I think sometimes newer posters tend to see some here railing against Trump and the current GOP and make an assumption that they're all "liberals" or "leftists" when in fact they're actually moderate conservatives who simply hate Trump and what the GOP has become and the mockery it has made of actual conservativism. The distinctions between moderate liberals and moderate conservatives is relatively blurred many times. I really can't think of people here who I'd consider "far left", to be honest.


I consider myself a moderate liberal. I'm very socially liberal; I'm pro-business (as I'm an entrepreneur) but to a point...we need regulations to prevent abuse (I also want all corporate money out of government and elections); I think we also need a strong social safety net; I'm all for green initiatives and weaning ourselves off of fossil fuels; I believe in a strong national defense and being very engaged in world affairs but not nation-building or military adventurism; I own guns but believe very strongly in common sense regulations. 


I have acquaintances who call themselves moderate conservatives and we agree on many things outside of some details, and on some we have disagreements.


But none of this includes Trumpers. They're their own breed and we really don't seem to have any here. Most of the ones who have been here have had pretty short ES lives. But that's not because they're being banned simply because they're Trump supporters; it's because they act like jackasses and blatantly flaunt the rules. Maybe they're just used to being able to act the fool on other boards, or maybe it's just the nature of Trumpers. Probably both.


I remember reading some of the old ES archives during the Bush years prior to when I joined ES (2006 IIRC) and there were plenty of conservatives and it seemed the board was actually somewhat conservative, but the discussions/debates were civil and policy based. They weren't people screaming at each other for the most part.



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As I have often stated - in the 80s and 90s people labeled me as ultra-conservative. Now Republicans accuse me of being a liberal...and yet the only 2 issues I have changed my views on are death penalty and climate change.

GWB increases spending at 7.6% a year - the fastest of any President since FDR, goes from a surplus to a trillion dollar deficit, expands unfunded entitlements, gives $40 million in aid to the Taliban, reverses all the agricultural reforms of the Gingrich congress, passes a rebranded version of Ted Kennedy's education plan, and he's a conservative?


Obama quadruples the number of drone strikes, grows spending at a meager 1% a year - the smallest rate of growth of any postwar President, passes the conservative think tank Heritage Foundation's health plan along with McCain's 2008 plan to tax high end insurance to finance medicaid expansion, signs the fewest executive orders of any two term President since the 19th century...and he's a socialist with dictatorial aspirations?


Trump doubles the deficit in two years despite the country at full employment, passes a farm bailout more than twice the size of the auto bailout to compensate for his disastrous trade war he used to get his daughter 7 new trademarks in China ( and our trade deficit with China has gone up, not down), pushes for a bailout of an air conditioner factory in Indiana that costs nearly half a million per job "saved"... but you better re-elect him or it's socialism.


If wanting smaller government, cost benefit analyses on regulations, balanced budgets, and expanded merit based immigration makes me far left...well, okay.  Let me guess - it's because I don't care who is allowed to get married, isn't it?

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1 hour ago, SkinsZombie said:

I am just curious really. I read thru threads here and it pretty much only one side posting. Why is that? is it pretty much how its always been on here?


I dont support either party as I think they are both sides of the same sick feces encrusted coin.

I’m not a leftist but the facts are the facts.  Biden and trump are not two sides of the same coin. 

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Yeah, some of yall should've been here 10-15 years ago. It was a mess.


In 2008, some of them finally lost what little marbles they had, and were banned. The rest tried to hang around and defend stuff like the Tea Party, and eventually Trump/Racism. They too then self destructed.



It never ceases to amaze me how people conflate political ideology with things like "Right/Wrong," "Sensible/Bat**** Insanity." Really shouldn't be that way.

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This board would benefit from any voice that could present an intelligent, reasoned defense of Donald Trump as a counterbalance to the majority view here. 


Good luck finding that though. Anywhere in the world. Rarer than a pink unicorn.

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1 hour ago, Bang said:

Used to be a lot more conservatives here. Some have changed while watching "conservatism" become "fascism" and "authoritarianism". (like me. I may seem far left, but in reality, i hate fascists and so should you. )


My point was going too be that I suspect more than half of the "far left" in here are former Republican voters.  


Although the other reply I was considering was "Correlation".  

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25 minutes ago, Larry said:


My point was going too be that I suspect more than half of the "far left" in here are former Republican voters.  


Although the other reply I was considering was "Correlation".  


I grew up in a family that voted Republican (until 2008), and I  was actually a registered Republican voter. The Iraq War/Recession for my family (a Military family) and for myself, was the final nail in the coffin.


The reality here, us that many people have just retreated to their retard bubble, and anyone that says something they don't agree with, is a raging Far Leftist 😂

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I'm a conservative who thinks Trump is immoral, not fit to be President, and will happily rip the Republican party is a joke that I don't associate with. I dont like some of Bidens policy and beliefs, but my hope is he is able to bring the country somewhat back together and end the demonization of each other. I believe he wants to do that. I want him to end up being one of our greatest Presidents because I dont care about the letter next to his name.

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I'm far Left, have been since 1968, my junior year when Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. were assassinated. LBJ did some good things, the escalation of the Vietnam War wasn't one of them. His domestic policies were outstanding. Nixon was a disgrace. Period. I was against Reagan's policies because they mostly benefited the rich and corporations. Bush 41 was basically a continuation, he lost because Republicans didn't like his No New Taxes promise that he broke. Clinton really was a Reagan/Bush 41 lite. Bush 43 was a total tool he let Cheney steer the US way far right. Obama had to clean up Bush 43 messes and deal with a McConnell Senate. 


Here's the preamble to the Constitution. It doesn't say anything about corporations.


We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, established Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

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3 hours ago, TryTheBeal! said:

Not really.  We’ve whacked a lot of silly Bernie Bros out of here too.


This forum is educated and informed, nothing more or less.  If that comes off as “leftist” to some, then...



Guy that doesn’t like the democrats platform and regularly complains about it everywhere 


Ps - posters that are conservative or Republican and make intelligent/thought provoking posts and engage in conversation with honesty as the core, don’t have problems here. 


God damnit. Should have read the whole first page first. 

even the title got changed. I’m a clown. 

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3 minutes ago, tshile said:



Guy that doesn’t like the democrats platform and regularly complains about it everywhere 


Ps - posters that are conservative or Republican and make intelligent/thought provoking posts and engage in conversation with honesty as the core, don’t have problems here. 


God damnit. Should have read the whole first page first. 

even the title got changed. I’m a clown. 

The full T-Dog experience in a single post!!

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i thought it was a great post tshile :806:


i could go into great lengths about my observations here, inc how i'm often perceived and how different folks remember or view the 'history' of the place on this angle and in general during the time i've been around...i do know that for a lot of it tk and i have the receipts :) 







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6 minutes ago, PleaseBlitz said:

Just remember that this board had a significant period of time where the liberal point of view was illustrated by Predicto and the conservative point of view was illustrated by MassSkinsFan. 



i think newer/younger political tread dudes  would have a helluva time in this day with msf...otoh, it would have been interesting to see how he dealt with trump world and the reactions to it...and aoc/squad...and tik tok

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