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A New Start! (the Reboot) The Front Office, Ownership, & Coaching Staff Thread

Message added by TK,

Pay Attention Knuckleheads



Has your team support wained due to ownership or can you see past it?  

229 members have voted

  1. 1. Will you attend a game and support the team while Dan Snyder is the owner of the team, regardless of success?

    • Yes
    • No
    • I would start attending games if Dan was no longer the owner of the team.

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47 minutes ago, A-Lost-Wolf said:

So…. Is the new front office doing anything positive these days? Any new initiatives?

we can’t let every thread be a negative **** show guys and gals! Maybe focusing on who and what this team can be going forward would be a better use of our resources and energy instead of beating the same dead horse over and over and over 🤷‍♂️

The only way anything truly positive ever happens with this team again is if they go so far into the negative that Snyder is ousted and we circle right back around to the positive. Nothing else matters, long term, and we seem to be at a possible inflection point. 

Looking for fake niceties to distract you now is pointless, though I understand we all cope in our own ways. Me, this is the most real hope for the organization that I’ve felt in a while—even though it’s purely a fanciful longshot that Snyder could ever be gone. So that says a lot. No idea what kind of positive news you could possibly be looking for in here, but it’s better to just embrace how bad this could get and cross your fingers. 

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3 hours ago, ConnSKINS26 said:

The only way anything truly positive ever happens with this team again is if they go so far into the negative that Snyder is ousted and we circle right back around to the positive. Nothing else matters, long term, and we seem to be at a possible inflection point. 

Looking for fake niceties to distract you now is pointless, though I understand we all cope in our own ways. Me, this is the most real hope for the organization that I’ve felt in a while—even though it’s purely a fanciful longshot that Snyder could ever be gone. So that says a lot. No idea what kind of positive news you could possibly be looking for in here, but it’s better to just embrace how bad this could get and cross your fingers. n


The more bad news the better if the goal is to get rid of Dan Snyder, which I would think is every fan's goal.

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6 hours ago, Bonez3 said:

Just when you think this team reaches rock bottom, they manage to outdo themselves. 

I mean, seriously, the federal government. How bad to you have to be to get to this level.  


They can't get much worse... I mean... not unless we find that there are dead bodies on the property. I wouldn't put it past Snyder, seriously. Riggo had it right, when he said that dude had a dark heart. That's putting it mildly, 12 years later

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There's a few reasons to be optimistic that this could perhaps be Snyder’s undoing:

1) The NFL had clearly decided to sweep the investigation under the rug and slap Snyder with a 10 million dollar fine (which for these fellas is like a 10 spot for us average folks). I can't imagine that they didn't tell Snyder to keep his nose clean and stop making trouble for them.  Yet, here we are.

2) Congress getting involved is not necessarily a nothing to see here problem. This can have a major impact on the NFL in many ways. They can continue to put pressure on Goodell and company about their "investigation " and their handling of it as well as how they came to their conclusion. Keep in mind that while it continues to keep in the public eye, sponsors are also going to feel the heat as they are connected to the NFL. Sponsors do not...ever...want negative publicity.  This could make things interesting. 

3) We've all seen this movie before. Eventually,  a sacrificial lamb will have to be served up to appease the masses. The NFL might not be overly worried about the fans (he'll, they know that we'll tune in), but they will worry over politicians getting involved and looking into the NFL. That's where things can get dicey and the owners do not want to have to look over their shoulders while politicians looking to make a name for themselves are sniffing around.

4) At some point, the heat is going to get to be too much for even those owners to continue to keep cleaning up after one of their own. Snyder has become that proverbial fly that just keeps buzzing around and annoying everyone. But, when he is threatening their good Ole boys club and losing them money, they will come to the end of the line with him. 

Let's all hope that this is the straw that broke the camel's back and finally bites Snyder in the ass. It would finally give the fans a glimmer of hope for the future and perhaps begin growing the fan base. 

All I know is that I hope that congress stomps on the gas pedal and doesn't let up until change is truly made. For the countless women who endured the bull**** that went on in that building and for the long suffering fans.



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2 hours ago, Silvernon said:

I appreciate the optimism in here re: Snyder, but....


The positive will be when they move back to DC, which will happen now that the name will be different. The old RFK site is ideally situated. 

No one wants to touch Snyder with a 10-meter cattle prod.

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The name change is done. Honestly no reason to keep dredging it up. And I wouldn’t be surprised if it was done not just because of the sponsors but that Snyder was aware of his involvement (allegedly) in the other stuff (obviously if he was involved he was aware of it, again… allegedly) and he simply decided to roll with it to avoid his skeletons coming out of the closet.


I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised to learn Bruce was mad and wanted Snyder to change the name to tarnish his legacy and he threatened Snyder by airing dirty laundry. Bruce , though his family has a history with Washington football, is also savvy enough to realize the fans would be unhappy with the change. So is it far fetched to think he helped orchestrate the thing with the sponsors? I mean I have no idea and this is pure conjecture and not to be taken as fact in any way, shape or form.


But IF that conjecture was true… Snyder leaking emails about Gruden (allegedly) as a shot at Allen to get back at him makes some sense, too. 

I just think there are so many layers but almost all of this stuff is connected. 

Wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if it came out Vermillion was found out (allegedly) through those 650k emails, either. 

I know, this is a very conspiracy theory take. 

But to bring it back to the original point on the name change: it’s over and it’s not going to be reversed. Ever. 

Edited by KDawg
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19 hours ago, skinsfan4128 said:


2) Congress getting involved is not necessarily a nothing to see here problem. This can have a major impact on the NFL in many ways. They can continue to put pressure on Goodell and company about their "investigation " and their handling of it as well as how they came to their conclusion. Keep in mind that while it continues to keep in the public eye, sponsors are also going to feel the heat as they are connected to the NFL. Sponsors do not...ever...want negative publicity.  This could make things interesting. 


4) At some point, the heat is going to get to be too much for even those owners to continue to keep cleaning up after one of their own. Snyder has become that proverbial fly that just keeps buzzing around and annoying everyone. But, when he is threatening their good Ole boys club and losing them money, they will come to the end of the line with him. 

Let's all hope that this is the straw that broke the camel's back and finally bites Snyder in the ass. It would finally give the fans a glimmer of hope for the future and perhaps begin growing the fan base. 


These 2 points especially are why I believe this isn't exactly a nothingburger. I heard a radio interview with a congressman from VA who quoted part of the letter they sent to Goodell and the NFL, and the letter directly asked about Snyders relation to the alleged naked cheerleader tape. They have said there will likely be a hearing on Capitol Hill about this. If they start calling witnesses like Larry Michael and others, things could get even more exposed.

People have said for a while now that the NFL is protecting its owners because they didn't want to set a precedent that would have their own closeted skeletons looked into. We are already past that now though, and soon protecting Snyder more is going to have the opposite effect. 

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4 hours ago, KDawg said:

The name change is done. Honestly no reason to keep dredging it up. And I wouldn’t be surprised if it was done not just because of the sponsors but that Snyder was aware of his involvement (allegedly) in the other stuff (obviously if he was involved he was aware of it, again… allegedly) and he simply decided to roll with it to avoid his skeletons coming out of the closet.


I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised to learn Bruce was mad and wanted Snyder to change the name to tarnish his legacy and he threatened Snyder by airing dirty laundry. Bruce , though his family has a history with Washington football, is also savvy enough to realize the fans would be unhappy with the change. So is it far fetched to think he helped orchestrate the thing with the sponsors? I mean I have no idea and this is pure conjecture and not to be taken as fact in any way, shape or form.


But IF that conjecture was true… Snyder leaking emails about Gruden (allegedly) as a shot at Allen to get back at him makes some sense, too. 

I just think there are so many layers but almost all of this stuff is connected. 

Wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if it came out Vermillion was found out (allegedly) through those 650k emails, either. 

I know, this is a very conspiracy theory take. 

But to bring it back to the original point on the name change: it’s over and it’s not going to be reversed. Ever. 


I would love if the NFL is reffing us on sundays to force Dan to sell the team.

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4 hours ago, KDawg said:

The name change is done. Honestly no reason to keep dredging it up. And I wouldn’t be surprised if it was done not just because of the sponsors but that Snyder was aware of his involvement (allegedly) in the other stuff (obviously if he was involved he was aware of it, again… allegedly) and he simply decided to roll with it to avoid his skeletons coming out of the closet.


I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised to learn Bruce was mad and wanted Snyder to change the name to tarnish his legacy and he threatened Snyder by airing dirty laundry. Bruce , though his family has a history with Washington football, is also savvy enough to realize the fans would be unhappy with the change. So is it far fetched to think he helped orchestrate the thing with the sponsors? I mean I have no idea and this is pure conjecture and not to be taken as fact in any way, shape or form.


But IF that conjecture was true… Snyder leaking emails about Gruden (allegedly) as a shot at Allen to get back at him makes some sense, too. 

I just think there are so many layers but almost all of this stuff is connected. 

Wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if it came out Vermillion was found out (allegedly) through those 650k emails, either. 

I know, this is a very conspiracy theory take. 

But to bring it back to the original point on the name change: it’s over and it’s not going to be reversed. Ever. 

If Dan leaked those he's even dumber than I thought. Shining a bigger spotlight on all the emails and the entire farce of an investigation, dragging it all back into the media forefront after the NFL successfully buried it, all just for a vendetta against Bruce. Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face. 

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Of course there's a written report with stuff somewhere.

Not a chance Beth Wilkinson did her oral report with no notes to read...


Or you have to wonder if there ever was an oral report. But the "oral report" in itself is disturbing enough to know there's more in it that what went through so far.

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League meetings this week in New York, notable for this reason: It’s the first time owners have met en masse in person since December 2019. Not a lot of substance on the agenda. You can be sure there will be some discussion of the Washington Football Team and the Congressional inquiry into the league’s investigation into the multiple sexual-harassment cases with the franchises, and the league’s sanction. Smart money is on the WFT discussions in the open sessions being pretty vanilla, because the league knows it’s full of leaks right now. Hearing it’ll be Tonya Snyder, the team’s co-CEO, representing the team, with husband Dan still on double-secret probation and not fully involved in team functions.

 I’ll be interested to see when Daniel Snyder gets his full authority back. If it keeps getting put off (and no one is certain when commissioner Roger Goodell will fully reinstate him), suspicions will rise that he’s being kept in the doghouse because the league may think he or his reps are behind the leaking of information that got Jon Gruden dismissed, and tarnished former club president Bruce Allen and league legal counsel Jeff Pash.


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2 minutes ago, mrcunning15 said:

I saw that this morning, and it's probably the saddest rumor TotalProSports has ever posted, and that's saying something.


Some rando says he runs into Gruden at a casino and he just starts spilling all the beans to him, sure...mmmkay.

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2 minutes ago, mrcunning15 said:


i doubt it’s true. Think about it, 1) why would Jon gruden be at MGM in VA(DC?) and 2) even if he was, why would he be giving information to a nobody, a random stranger? 

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5 minutes ago, Cooleyfan1993 said:


i doubt it’s true. Think about it, 1) why would Jon gruden be at MGM in VA(DC?) and 2) even if he was, why would he be giving information to a nobody, a random stranger? 



6 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

I saw that this morning, and it's probably the saddest rumor TotalProSports has ever posted, and that's saying something.


Some rando says he runs into Gruden at a casino and he just starts spilling all the beans to him, sure...mmmkay.


I understand this but what does Gruden have to lose at this point? Is it really far-fetched that he would be on a scorched earth campaign and just running his mouth to whoever? This seems pretty bogus but damn I want it to be true.


I'll take any other rich guy for the most part as owner of this team, as long as Synder is gone. 

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