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What Drugs Have you Done?

Sacks 'n' Stuff

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Easier to list what i haven't done.

Heroin, crack, opiate pills, and all this designer crap they have out now.

And i accidentally did a line of heroin once, thinking it was cocaine. 


Everything else.. probably, LSD being my favorite.



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I went to high school in the late 70s, and college in the early 80s, before the drug paranoia ratcheted up and the prison sentences started being imposed.   I always was among groups of high achievers, people who because successful in life.  


Everyone tried drugs.   Seriously.  90 plus percent of the people I knew.  The president of my high school class and the valedictorian and the football star all smoked pot.  In college, people tried LSD and quaaludes and peyote and hash and opium and barbituates and nitrous.  The most studious people regularly took speed to study all night.  The only thing that didn't get seen much was cocaine, because it was too damn expensive.


And then pretty much everyone got over it and stopped, except for alcohol and the occasional toke.   Life went on.  

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Marijuana, LSD and mushrooms. 


The psychedelics played a big part in my eventual decision to get a PhD in Neuroscience. Pretty wild that you can augment your senses to experience reality in a much different way. 


There's some really interesting research coming out on the use of psychedelics to treat all sorts of stuff and it seems quite effective.




Johns Hopkins researchers report that a small number of longtime smokers who had failed many attempts to drop the habit did so after a carefully controlled and monitored use of psilocybin—the active hallucinogenic agent in so-called "magic mushrooms"—in the context of a cognitive behavioral therapy treatment program.

The abstinence rate for study participants was 80 percent after six months, much higher than typical success rates in smoking cessation trials, says Matthew W. Johnson, an associate professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, and the corresponding author on the study.

Approximately 35 percent experience six-month success rates when taking varenicline, which is widely considered to be the most effective smoking cessation drug. Other treatments, including nicotine replacement and behavioral therapies, have success rates that are typically less than 30 percent, Johnson adds.



This hasn't been replicated yet but I trust that group at JHU and their testing protocol and examination was well controlled and thorough.


I went to high school in the late 70s, and college in the early 80s, before the drug paranoia ratcheted up and the prison sentences started being imposed.   I always was among groups of high achievers, people who because successful in life.  


Everyone tried drugs.   Seriously.  90 plus percent of the people I knew.  The president of my high school class and the valedictorian and the football star all smoked pot.  In college, people tried LSD and quaaludes and peyote and hash and opium and barbituates and nitrous.  The most studious people regularly took speed to study all night.  The only thing that didn't get seen much was cocaine, because it was too damn expensive.


And then pretty much everyone got over it and stopped, except for alcohol and the occasional toke.   Life went on.  


There are a lot of misconceptions about drugs and addiction. It's what happens when a question of Biology is hijacked by politicians and law enforcement.

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I don't do anything any more except for drink alcohol.

When I was younger I smoked herb every day for several years on end. I've eaten mushrooms a few times. Took Vicodin and Percocet both for pain and for pleasure. Inhaled nitrous on a few occasions. Smoked hash a few times. Smoked cigarettes for about a decade.

Never tried acid, never put anything in my nose and never put a needle into my veins.

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Huh. Wasn't expecting this thread on ES...only done weed. Dabs are good.

Got pretty drunk on vodka last night in my dorm room. One of my friends brought some in, and we started taking shots. Then he left and I was super wasted, and I apparently drunk texted one of my friends, and drunk dialed her like 6 times at various points of the evening, and left a pretty incoherent voicemail for her. Other friends came to check on me around 11:30. Had a huge hangover today, which wasn't fun, especially cause I had a class at 1. Ah well, it was pretty cool getting trashed for the first time and experiencing my first hangover.

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I haven't done whatever the kids are doing today.


These days, I smoke cigarettes, which I want to quit and drink a lot of coffee.


I'm an absolute drug addict and alcoholic.


I always knew it kind of, but until I moved to the Caribbean, where delicious rum is cheaper than juice and drugs flow through easier than the Mexican border, when I confirmed it.


Seriously, hooker a bottle and a bag for $40 and it lasts until dawn. 


*disclaimer- I've never payed for sex, but I'm friends with a lot of Santo sex slaves and know what it costs*

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Damn.  I've never done anything, unless you're including alcohol.


Honestly, it scares the **** out of me.  I know myself, I know I'd like it WAY too much and I have little to no self control sometimes.  Jesus Christ, I can't control myself around a cheeseburger or a pizza, how the hell could I try cocaine or weed just once or twice and not absolutely love it?  

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I'm a 45 year old male. I can honestly say I've never tried anything. Even alcohol is not something I care about. For me, I played baseball in HS and college and never wanted to do anything to hurt my chances and beyond that, I never saw the point of wasting my money on something temporary.

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Nothing, to both questions.  Haven't even smoked a cigarette.  Are we counting alcohol?  I suppose that's the vice I have, though I don't think of it as a drug.

Ok same with me although can't even say Alchohol is a vice, as I rarely drink (once or thrice a year I may have a drink or two at most, maybe).


I actually find it heartening the number of posters who have never even once tried anything. Thought I was an exception, glad to see that is not the case.

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