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What Drugs Have you Done?

Sacks 'n' Stuff

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There are major social costs associated with smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol as well if the concern is "public good". Unless the only public good you care about is the "poor dealers in the prison system" and not other facets.


It's a much more respectable view point if the source doesn't indulge in habits that have their own associated social costs, be it healthcare, law enforcement, use associated deaths and loss of productivity.

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i'm pretty sure he was pointing out that not paying your taxes is NOT harmless...


Are you sure? Pretty sure his point was to make an analogy with the drug use argument that "my drug use has no harmful impact on others". An argument which is pretty stupid and inaccurate itself when it comes to drug usage and even dumber when extended to taxes.

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Why does it have to go there? The original post was asking what drugs one has done. Period. Why does someone always want to start a flipping debate or fight all the time.

It's a common theme in here. Its getting old too. Just respond to the original post and leave negativity and politics/religion/etc. out of your comments.

Is it really that ****ing hard to do? Man, some of y'all just piss me right off sometimes.

On ES it's hard for them to do. Like I said in the RTT, there is "no" subject in here that won't cause people to get on their political/religious soapbox. It's ridiculous the way people think. Like you said, stick to the topic and just answer the damn question.

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That's what scared me about hallucinogens. I never tried shrooms or LSD because I thought I would have a bad trip and didn't want to get trapped into a really long high. I'm an introverted person and I had anxiety issues in college--when I had the opportunity to try them. I knew myself well enough to know I wasn't in a good place mentally and shouldn't take them.

Anxiety is why I had to stop smoking weed. I don't know if that's ever happened to anyone else, but eventually I would start getting paranoid and have trouble just walking down the street.


I'm quite introverted myself. But I think you would enjoy shrooms. Imagine coming up with your Top 10 all time NBA player list while on it. You may discover an all new algorithm. My most fond memory is reading Oliver Sacks 'The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat'. It's probably the most incredible 10 hours of reading I've ever done and something I regret not doing more. I usually would just listen to music and talk with friends.


And agreed on the anxiety from pot. I was a pretty big stoner until my freshman year of college. I became really anxious of dark, open spaces eventually. I remember walking down campus alone from a friends house one night, paranoid that someone was following me. Quit smoking right after that.


What proceeded was a wild month of some pretty cool dreams. The suppression of REM sleep that happens with pot usage is interesting. Because when you quit, your body decides to go ape **** with REM sleep and you essentially have vivid dreams for much longer every night approximately lasting a month total (at least in my case). It's like entering a completely new world each and every night, where you have complete control over your actions and the events that take place.

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I quit smoking pot because of the anxiety. I would be paranoid about my own health, not paranoid about police busting down my door or anything like that. Just that every time I would smoke, I would be afraid that I was having a heart attack.

I guess I was smoking the wrong weed. I've tried it a handful of times since I quit like 7-8 years ago. Generally good experiences... and I got high reeeeeally easily. It was like when I first started all over again.

I don't really like the "altered" state any longer. I don't like having a lack of memory, I don't like the way I feel I've acted with looser inhibitions. Mainly alcohol. I sometimes feel like I've been a jackass, the next day after drinking heavily.

Alcohol is not a good thing.

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And then pretty much everyone got over it and stopped, except for alcohol and the occasional toke.   Life went on.


So in the context of the thread, other than alcohol, I've never used any drug.


And with respect to Predicto's point, it is true that many people use many drugs and never become addicted, and there are another group a people out there that are addicted, but are still highly functional (i.e functional addicts).


However, considering what we understand today about (some) drugs and epigenetics (and its inheritability), I'd caution against concluding that there are no longer term and even generational affects.




While detailed epigenetic generational studies haven't been carried out, it isn't hard to imagine scenarios where drug use increases the probability of (future) off spring becoming addicts.

**EDIT** Fixed the link

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And agreed on the anxiety from pot. I was a pretty big stoner until my freshman year of college. I became really anxious of dark, open spaces eventually. I remember walking down campus alone from a friends house one night, paranoid that someone was following me. Quit smoking right after that.


What proceeded was a wild month of some pretty cool dreams. The suppression of REM sleep that happens with pot usage is interesting. Because when you quit, you're body decides to go ape **** with REM sleep and you essentially have vivid dreams for much longer every night approximately lasting a month total (at least in my case). It's like entering a completely new world each and every night, where you have complete control over your actions and the events that take place.

I actually use pot to treat muscle spasms and associated MS symptoms, so I imbibe more frequently though a little less quantity than i used to in the smoking recreationally days.  Every six months or so i give myself a couple weeks off just to experience that REM sleep, both because it's actually pretty cool and because it's important for your mind to have that release. 


In the day there wasn't much I didn't try, but no needles ever.  I am fairly high strung to begin with and don't enjoy uppers much unless accompanied by large amounts of alcohol.  Haven't done that in a long time but had some weekend long throw downs back in the day.


I liked shrooms and acid/mescaline (never knew which I was getting) ok, had some really great times camping in the mountains on shrooms.  Could not imagine doing one of those trips in a crowded place like some do.  They are meant for the great outdoors where you know, absolutely, no one is going to knock on your door.


Found out the hard way, with the help of a scurrilous neurologist, that I'm susceptible to opiate dependency.   Had to shut down regular access to those.  But I still enjoy an occasional perc.


Never seen E or Special K, but they both intrigue me.

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However, considering what we understand today about (some) drugs and epigenetics (and its inheritability), I'd caution against concluding that there are no longer term and even generational affects.




While detailed epigenetic generational studies haven't been carried out, it isn't hard to imagine scenarios where drug use increases the probability of (future) off spring becoming addicts.


Link is broken FYI

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I've always liked tripping alone the best. It's absolutely incredible where your mind can take you. I truly believe it's made me a better person. 


Weed gives me the worries, too. I don't care for it. I usually have some sitting around, just in case I do feel like a stoney night or I can't sleep.

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I have never done anything, not even alcohol. I am the most uninteresting man in the world. I am also for legalization, despite the stereotype that all pro-legalization people are closet potheads.



I haven't done a single illegal drug since 1986, and I quit alcohol over 15 years ago.   And I too am pro-legalization (or at least decriminalization).  Prohibition doesn't work, it never works, and our friend Roger Staubach is completely clueless about what causes the crime problems associated with prohibition and how to fix those problems.           

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