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  1. Forehead


    I'm in the Pinehurst area for the weekend (though not playing Pinehurst). I could live down here without complaint.
  2. I have an amusing, related story. Back in the glory days, early 90's, middle school and early high school summer, when you were old enough to be left alone all day but too young to drive and be forced to get a job. I consumed a lot of Price is Right, Jerry Springer, and other daytime talk show slop. I remember that "I'm big and I'm beautiful" was...if not frequent, at least an occasional topic, and one of the hosts that pushed this was Rikki Lake. Back then, Rikki Lake wasn't about to be on "My 600 Pound Life" but she also wasn't exactly a picture of health. Well, fast forward 5-10 years and suddenly Rikki Lake dropped a ton of weight and was flaunting her new body and talking about how great and healthy she felt, and I remember how much of a **** I thought she was for encouraging all those other people years earlier. If a self-absorbed teenager can work that logic out, adults should be smart enough to know they aren't helping anyone long term by telling them that it's okay.
  3. If you watch the CNN video on full screen, right as he flinches, you can see a puff of smoke just to the right of his head. Whatever it was, there was definitely a projectile that barely missed.
  4. It isn't phantom steering, it's the Mario Kart package.
  5. Forehead


    So...I did have a few shots I wouldn't have minded having back, but also had a bit of luck like a bump and run I hit too hard but that hit the pin and dropped, so it evened out. It is hard to imagine where I could have shaved off 10 more at my current skill level, but here's hoping.
  6. Forehead


    Broke 90 for the first time today. For those local who know the courses, I always assumed that when it happened, it would be at an easier course like an East Potomac or Algonkian, but I managed it on the Lakes course at Twin Lakes. I know it isn't super difficult but it is quite a progression from when I started four years ago, losing a dozen balls a round.
  7. Wasn't there already a Petr Sikora in the NHL? That name sounds familiar. Is this kid related?
  8. I don't know, but if Trump wins and then tries to play the "I should be eligible for a third term" card, I want Obama on standby in a human sized "In Case of Emergency, break glass" holder.
  9. Are Sarr and Coulibaby (sp?) friends and that's why he wanted to play here, a French connection? I'm actually an acquaintance of a member of a previous Wizards coaching staff (coached his son in Little League) and I even told him I don't follow or care about basketball much, for a few reasons. 1. The NBA draft reminds me of why I hate the NBA draft every year, it is impossible to follow. Who the **** trades picks 10 years out, that **** should be two years max, maybe three if you're talking about moving up for #1 overall. I also detest the protection system...cool, we got an extra first rounder...no wait, it's top 12 protected for three years, then top 10, then converts to four 2nds if the team doesn't suck enough in the next five years and someone farts too loud at a fundraiser for the WNBA. It's ****ing ridiculous. 2. The Miami-Dallas finals (was that 2006) was a slow death, watching Dwyane Wade do nothing but drive the lane and pick up cheap fouls over and over. That's really where I started tuning out. Now I barely watch, but check the standings every so often and note that every team averages and allows over 100 points per game. I can't get used to 3 point shot analytics and defense optional ball. It just sucks in my opinion. Who knows, maybe they'll hit on a few miracles this draft and I'll get semi interested again. Won't hold my breath.
  10. I see Jamaal Bowman lost his primary. While I would certainly like to see the MTG and Andy Biggs types from the GOP cleared out of Congress first, I'm okay with this happening second within the Democrats.
  11. I had never seen movies 7-9 of the main series, but we recently stayed with some family who have Disney+ so I saw #7. If I recall, were people complaining about this movie when it came out? Daisy Ridley and Adam Driver seemed fine...it was infinitely better than movies 1-3. Still haven't seen 8 or 9.
  12. Watched the JP Crawford meltdown. Speaking as someone who was an umpire for ~10 years, the expectation of a tiny strike zone baffles me. When he stood up to argue, the dot where the pitch crossed was at his belt. I'm not sure how that was considered missing the box. I'm trying to imagine a Tony Gwynn or Pete Rose only having to focus on a tiny square...would they ever strike out?
  13. Kind of how I feel about those silica gel packets that come in boxes with electronics, for absorbing moisture. The ones that say "Don't eat this." Only one reason that warning is on there.
  14. Yeah, that was my first thought. We needed a law for this? I never would have imagined it necessary until....
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