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Mod Notice: Temp Ban if Post on Changing the Name. Per New York Times: Dan Syder Agrees to Sell Washingon Commaders for $6B

Reaper Skins

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32 minutes ago, CommanderInTheRye said:




At some point in the not to distant future, assuming team valuations continue to increase, corporate ownership will become an unfortunate reality, but the precedent will not be set for an owner like Dan.



To this point, I would love to see the league allow for teams to go public so that the ownership could be distributed among many individuals. Sort of like how the Packers do it. That said, I know that'll never happen...

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I feel confident that a deal will be signed with Harris, and not with Davis.


With the news that broke on Thursday that Snyder has agreed to sell to Harris, and as @Andre The Giant reported that Snyder’s plane just traveled from Geneva, Switzerland to Dulles, I’d be surprised that the Snyders would pull a fast one and come to town in order to sell to Davis.  I think one of the Danya team has come to sign the paperwork to sell the team to Harris.


And, I also think it’s Tanya, not Dan, who is here, but I’ll wait to say why after we find out whether I’m right on this or my previous point (about selling to Harris).

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For whatever it’s worth, with electronic signatures and what not, a lot of deals, even big ones, are done these days without having a face to face signing.  

it’s a little bizarre Dan or Tanya would fly back just to sign an offer.  

Maybe NFL rules are different and there is a reason for an in person signing, but typically it’s not necessary.

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I posted a lot about Harris on the previous thread.  But, I've been digesting podcasts about Harris, loving it more and more.  He's not perfect, no one is. But i think Craig Hoffman who is typically a cynical type remarking how they'd be in such good hands with Harris sums it well for me.


I listened to two Philly reporters and another who covers him, to summarize it 


A. He made some mistakes early on in Philly but learned from it and grew to be a good owner


B. He's obsessive about analytics.  Hiring top people and let them do their job.


C.  He's hands off but he's also a hard driving guy that expects his employees to be the same and will hold people accountable if they don't deliver but he won't interfere with their job


D.  He is willing to spend whatever it takes, on a GM, coach, or keeping or obtaining big time players


E.  He understands having a top facility and taking care of his players helps attract talent and increases the value of the team.  


Downside, he took some heat for cutting back during COVID-- the junkies like hammering him for that but they are all over the place on him now, love-hate depending on the day but more positive of late.  He's not a charismatic speaker.  He's not around the team a lot, he doesn't hang at the facility much.   He's willing to do painful rebuilds if necessary which I know most fans here say they'd embrace but I wonder if that's truly the case judging by some posts over the years.



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22 minutes ago, Skinsinparadise said:

He’s willing to do painful rebuilds if necessary which I know most fans here say they'd embrace but I wonder if that's truly the case judging by some posts over the years.

If there is one piece of advice I could give the new owner it’s for heavens sake don’t listen to us on roster building and development!


Not that any sane owner would need that specific advice. 

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47 minutes ago, Skinsinparadise said:

I posted a lot about Harris on the previous thread.  But, I've been digesting podcasts about Harris, loving it more and more.  He's not perfect, no one is. But i think Craig Hoffman who is typically a cynical type remarking how they'd be in such good hands with Harris sums it well for me.


I listened to two Philly reporters and another who covers him, to summarize it 


A. He made some mistakes early on in Philly but learned from it and grew to be a good owner


B. He's obsessive about analytics.  Hiring top people and let them do their job.


C.  He's hands off but he's also a hard driving guy that expects his employees to be the same and will hold people accountable if they don't deliver but he won't interfere with their job


D.  He is willing to spend whatever it takes, on a GM, coach, or keeping or obtaining big time players


E.  He understands having a top facility and taking care of his players helps attract talent and increases the value of the team.  


Downside, he took some heat for cutting back during COVID-- the junkies like hammering him for that but they are all over the place on him now, love-hate depending on the day but more positive of late.  He's not a charismatic speaker.  He's not around the team a lot, he doesn't hang at the facility much.   He's willing to do painful rebuilds if necessary which I know most fans here say they'd embrace but I wonder if that's truly the case judging by some posts over the years.





Far be it for me to ask one of the the hardest working posters on the forum to do some extra work but if you get some free time could you research Rales especially his humanitarian and charitable efforts.


I found the few things I heard about him fascinating and I'd love to read some more.



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31 minutes ago, CommanderInTheRye said:



Far be it for me to ask one of the the hardest working posters on the forum to do some extra work but if you get some free time could you research Rales especially his humanitarian and charitable efforts.


I found the few things I heard about him fascinating and I'd love to read some more.




OK will do.   For starters I know just as a person he's a generous guy I shared the story on anoither thread from Andy Pollan said he volunteered out of his own pocket to pay for eye surgery pre-Lasik for him that would run $15,000.    He from different accounts is super nice-super classy.  He signed the pledge that some rich folks did to give away most of his wealthy to charaties upon his death.


An art buff.  Some covering the sale and some who know Rales expect him to be very hands on in the stadium quest both in terms of having DC connections and the design -- Danaher is a major corporation in DC, maybe the biggest but not sure.  But he and his wife supposedly have a keen eye for art-detail and their museum is supposed to be super nice.


Dan and Bruce IMO weren't the sharpest knifes in the drawer.  Replacing them with Harris-Rales should be light years better on a zillion fronts and that includes the stadium.






  • Sept. 21, 2018

POTOMAC, Md. — When they were building a gallery here at Glenstone for Robert Gober’s 1992 “Untitled” immersive installation — featuring spouting sinks, stacked newspapers and woodland scenery — Mitchell P. Rales and Emily Wei Rales worked with the artist to design the room to his specifications. That meant lowered ceilings, special plumbing, placement of the exit signs, consultation with a theatrical lighting specialist and about 70 meetings with the architects.

Similarly, Charles Ray spent hours arranging the four sculptures in his gallery down to the inch. And On Kawara — before he died in 2014 — was explicit about how he wanted his triptych of Date Paintings, “Moon Landing,” to be exhibited. As a result, it’s the only gallery with a wooden floor.

These are the lengths to which the Raleses went in shaping Glenstone as a bespoke temple for artists they have collected in depth over the last 12 years in this affluent exurb of Washington. Works by the likes of Brice Marden, Pipilotti Rist and Roni Horn will now be displayed in a new 204,000-square-foot museum building called the Pavilions, designed by Thomas Phifer. It opens Oct. 4, but the first block of reservations have already been snapped up. The next block becomes available Oct. 1.

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Compilation of Daniel era fails (both on and off the field) posted on the NFL subreddit. Gets a lot of them, but still feels like there's so much more that could have been added..


*Some NSFW moments due to language*



Edited by CRobi21
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9 hours ago, Voice_of_Reason said:

I read the “price is disappointing” as a parting shot from Florio to Dan.  And I’m here for it.  (Though I kidof despise Fake News Florio also…)

Enemy of my enemy...


It'll be real interesting to see the 180 the coverage of this team takes

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8 hours ago, MartinC said:

If there is one piece of advice I could give the new owner it’s for heavens sake don’t listen to us on roster building and development!


Not that any sane owner would need that specific advice. 

Hopefully they'll keep this place alive and their first move won't be to close it.

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10 hours ago, MartinC said:

If there is one piece of advice I could give the new owner it’s for heavens sake don’t listen to us on roster building and development!


Not that any sane owner would need that specific advice. 



Or much of anything else for that matter lol...maybe concession stand issues, parking, halftime shows, ticket prices, etc.

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Long time since I posted.....


The moment I realised this is actually happening in my lifetime.... (old beatles song comes to mind)....


(Yeah it dates me) 


Little darlin', 'it's been a long, cold, lonely winter

Little darlin', it feels like years since it's been here


Here comes the sun, do dn do do

Here comes the sun, and I say

It's alright


Little darlin', the smile's returning to their faces

Little darlin', it seems like years since it's been here


and so on....


Little darlin', I feel that ice is slowly melting.....


Sun sun sun here it comes....













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Where did anyone thinking a team sorely in need of a public makeover and a new stadium was worth $7B?


Even Harris feels like he overpaid, but had little choice. Funny that it seems like the stories went from “Man, he over paid for this team” to “The other owners feel cheated for how little he paid” just overnight.

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50 minutes ago, ntotoro said:

Where did anyone thinking a team sorely in need of a public makeover and a new stadium was worth $7B?



A new owner is all the public makeover the team needs. Get Snyder's stench out of the air and it will surprise you how much cleaner everything feels (plus there's the inevitable honeymoon phase that any new owner will get--but especially in this case). The coaches (for the most part) and the players are all pretty much well-respected and free of controversial baggage that leads to click-bait "reports" that become distractions. Not to mention, the sexual harassment/misogynistic aspect of how the franchise was run has already gone a long way towards being fixed and set on the right path...SIP said Harris is a big proponent of seeing women in exec roles and Jason Wright has hired 12 women into exec roles in the last 3 years (we may not have had any before then). So the public makeover part is rather easy.


The stadium is another story, though lol...I have no idea if this latest stuff involving the Davis/$7B rumors are true--the Junkies talking about it a month ago, incluing the $7B price tag, makes me think it's not just Dan trying to see if he can squeeze out a few more nickels out of Harris. But until someone can show how Davis has the cash to fork over $7B, I'm in skeptical mode.



Even Harris feels like he overpaid, but had little choice. Funny that it seems like the stories went from “Man, he over paid for this team” to “The other owners feel cheated for how little he paid” just overnight.


It's ironic that the post right above yours is reporting that the owners felt Harris underpaid for the team lol...


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16 hours ago, CommanderInTheRye said:



Far be it for me to ask one of the the hardest working posters on the forum to do some extra work but if you get some free time could you research Rales especially his humanitarian and charitable efforts.


I found the few things I heard about him fascinating and I'd love to read some more.




On Mitchell Rales, Howard Gutman who is one of the top legal minds in the DMV (and a Washington fan) has been a contributor to Sheehan’s show/podcast over the past few years.  

Mr. Gutman is also both an advisor and a friend to Mitch Rales.  Based upon this connection (and even while limited by NDA) Howard has provided a decent amount of details about Mitch Rales and the Rales family on Sheehan’s show since it was announced that he was becoming part of the Harris Group bid.  

Most recently, Gutman’s appearance on Al Galdi’s podcast this past week (#547) paints an extremely favorable view of Mr. Rales.  Anyone with any doubts about the significance of Mitch Rales being included as part of the Harris bid - needs to listen.



Based upon what I have heard from Gutman -  I am actually more excited about what the Harris Group can potentially do to “rebuild” the Commanders to relevancy than even Bezos.

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