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  1. No, because there's nothing BETWEEN in a burrito. It's INSIDE. Btw, I am now totally jonesing for a really good Reuben. Damn, I love a good Reuben. And there can be no debating whether or not a Reuben is a sandwich.
  2. Yeah, I just did. The $1.5m makes the release ok, but can you imagine if he loses out on $2.1 mil of salary because he was falsely accused of sexual assault? I mean, damn. That's a really, really bad break if that's the way it breaks. Now, if he did something, it's entirely different. I do NOT want to be painted as defending him. Not at all. I'm just saying, I hope to hell the team did this because they know something. Not just to get rid of a headache. If he did what he is accused of, or even part of it, he can rot in hell for all eternity.
  3. Eh, the flip side is you stick by your employees until you have the facts. That plays well in the locker room. Maybe less well in Sports Talk Radio. I do wonder if he had any guaranteed money in his contract. I guess if he did, and he got paid his entire contract, that's something. EDIT: I just looked it up, he had a $1.5m signing bonus fully guaranteed, so he got that paid already. $3.6 million dollar total contract. So, he's not going to the poor house immediately even if he is falsely accused. But he stands to lose $2.1 million dollars of 2024 salary if he is falsely accused. That seriously sucks for him.
  4. But he's still a human being, a person, and if he was the victim of something, and your employer fired you before truly determining the truth, that's just wrong. At least to me. There is a human element to this I think we sometimes forget. He's not just a kicker. He's a person. Again, I have no idea what the team knows. I'm just saying, I really hope they are doing this not because "he's a kicker and we don't want to deal with it" but because they found evidence there is something to the story. Because firing a possible victim because you don't want to deal with the situation isn't good. I'm touchy on this because I know a situation where something very similar happened to a colleague. Charges were brought against him, which were entirely false. The company I worked for fired him because they didn't want to deal with it. A year and a half later, all charges were dropped. And he even got a pseudo apology from the SEC, which was the government agency which charged him. For that year and a half, however, he had to pay lawyer fees and had no job. He was just flat unlucky. Which could happen to any of us. It would really stink to get unlucky and then get fired. The McManus situation would be worse. My colleague was the victim of basically governmental incompetence. McManus would be the victim of targeted extorsion. If that happened to McManus, it's really unfortunate. And if it turns out the charges are totally false, as he and his lawyer indicate, I'll be very disappointed in the team for releasing him.
  5. But the real question is, is a hotdog a sandwich?
  6. Quoted for truth. Even Jim Zorn said so….
  7. He looks good right now. Thats better than looking bad. We won’t know for several years how truly good he can be consistently. However I’ll take “looks good now” over “sure it doesn’t look good but there’s nothing to worry about.” It’s a process. And growth isn’t necessarily always linear.
  8. It is and it isn’t. Every successful NFL QB has a baseline good NFL arm. Of you don’t (Like our buddy Hallock) you essentially can’t play in the league for very long. Or very successfully. Once you get over the bare minimum of having an NFL arm, great players can have “good” NFL arms. Brady, Peyton, Brees, Montana, Young etc all had good NFL arms. Elway, Favre, Marino and Rodgers had bazookas. But there isn’t a good NFL QB with a weak arm. Except Peyton for the last half of his final season, when he couldn’t throw a ball through a pane of glass. And they still won the SB. But that’s more the exception which proves the rule than anything.
  9. Yeah but he never amounted to anything. OMAHA!
  10. Well, look on the bright side: they didn’t bring back Jon “wrong way” Bostic. Which, you know Ron REALLY wanted to do…
  11. There is a world where Jerrah blames Dak, lets him walk and retains McCarthy to start over with a new QB. There is also a world where Jerrah just cleans house and starts all over top to bottom. But he’s old and doesn’t want to go through a rebuild.
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