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About bird_1972

  • Birthday 07/23/1972

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  • Washington Football Team Fan Since
  • Favorite Washington Football Team Player
    charlie brown
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    new york city
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  1. I'm kinda getting tired of all the Aiyuk drama. I really hope we don't take the bait on this one. We are rebuilding culture on this team! No distractions!!
  2. That, and we will have to commit to establishing the run game. No excuses given what we saw of BRob last year. We need to ride that stallion!!
  3. One of the benefits to him being criminally under-utilized the last two seasons is that he should have plenty of tread on the tires.
  4. Of all of the Ron holdovers, Quan Martin seems to be the winner of the bunch. Well, him and BRob. I do hope Dotson bounces back.
  5. I do hope Jahan can bounce back. So many dysfunctional things from the OC to the bad OL that could have contributed to his slump.
  6. Would LOVE to know who all the "Gold Commander" tags were on that draft board. From the video, sounds like we got 3-4 of them, which is pretty awesome. Gave me a lot more confidence that the FO comments post-draft about how pleased they were with how the draft unfolded wasn't just revisionist history.
  7. Yeah, I'm trying to skip over the posts/discussions that spend a lot of time and energy on the missteps of the last regime (Ron and even earlier). We've now excised the cancer, it's time to look forward to a healthier future.
  8. Whenever it's time for Wagner to retire (hopefully he has a few seasons left in the tank), would love to bring him on as a coach.
  9. I'm so glad we've closed the Dan Snyder chapter on this franchise. Let's burn it and spread the ashes among the four corners of the earth.
  10. Not sure who this Jon Snow cat is, but I agree that while I'm glad he respects and likes the franchise as a Lions fan, he offered no real insight. And yes, our OL is not one that can "get it done" barring some kind of miracle.
  11. Yup, just like a corporate turnaround. Agree 100% with your take.
  12. As painful as it will be to deal with the fact that so many of Ron's draft picks sucked, at least now we are on the path to having all of that bad management changed (hopefully).
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