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A New Start! (the Reboot) The Front Office, Ownership, & Coaching Staff Thread

Message added by TK,

Pay Attention Knuckleheads



Has your team support wained due to ownership or can you see past it?  

229 members have voted

  1. 1. Will you attend a game and support the team while Dan Snyder is the owner of the team, regardless of success?

    • Yes
    • No
    • I would start attending games if Dan was no longer the owner of the team.

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9 hours ago, Peregrine said:


But man these hires seem quick and suspiciously like Snyder is trying to reactionarily placate the critics at all costs

The recent hires look like very good moves to me. But I wouldn’t disagree with some of the above sentiment, is does have an undercurrent of reputation building at the same time. The difference here might be that as well as rebuilding that reputation, we are also actually getting highly qualified individuals for the roles. That appears the case.

Therefore, dare I say they become really smart moves by ticking all boxes.

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This is terrible news but cancer can be beaten, I can't imagine going through treatment while having to coach a football team.


I wouldn't be surprised if he steps away from the team until he completes treatment.






Edited by JSSkinz
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We are cursed.   Get well Ron.  Do whatever you need to do, to beat the cancer.


If he has to step away, I assume they will have Jack Del Rio as interim coach; since he has previous head coaching experience.


A team can survive if their head coach has to step away for medical treatment; see Colts when Bruce Arians took over for Chuck Pagano.

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First, no need to jump to conclusions. None of us know obviously and I seriously doubt that RR, his family, his friends, or his docs would advise him to do anything that wasn’t in the best interest of him besting this. Meaning, if he continues to coach and be at the park daily that means the people that know have deemed it a good/safe decision and that’s good enough for me. Plenty of cancer treatments can coincide with a fairly “normal” day to day existence. Other treatments are much more invasive and would force someone to take a step back for awhile. 

Unlike a player, if a head coach does have to take a step back, they can still do their job and have a positive effect on the team. And right now, everyone is sort of used to doing things at a distance anyway. So if RR had to step aside for a bit, I think he could still make his presence felt and do his job via a proxy. Del Rio is more than capable of handling that role if needed. 

We don’t know if RR will have any success here and considering our track record it’s perfectly reasonable to question that. However, one thing we can be certain about is that RR IS highly regarded and respected by pretty much everyone. Players will play hard for him and won’t want to let him down. I don’t worry about any sort of emotional damage this could cause the team. Hell, I’m not sure much more damage could be done right now anyway. 

Hopefully RR will be just fine, handle treatment well, recover quickly, and miss little to no time at the park. But I don’t think it’s necessarily a season-sinker if he does have to take an absence. He’s the kind of guy with a large enough presence that it will remain even if he’s not there physically for awhile. 

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To be clear and specific, Washington HC Ron Rivera has Squamous cell cancer of his neck. He was diagnosed with it two weeks ago. He told his team
about it tonight. He plans to go on coaching this season, but has set up backup plans as well.
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