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The Skins Can't Win With These Coaches


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2 minutes ago, ConnSKINS26 said:

Look at this!!! He will never ever question his instinct to run so often on 1st down. Never. He doesn't think it's up for debate, he thinks it's settled science and it only comes down to beating the man in front of you or not...not whether you should do it at all or not. 


He's so ****ing flippant about it, I want to punch him. 




He sounds dumber every season.

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5 minutes ago, TouchdownSkin said:


He sounds dumber every season.


Getting dumber the longer you're in our building would explain a lot about the winners who have come here and become losers. Jay was never a winner so the effects may have been even more devastating. 

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7 minutes ago, ConnSKINS26 said:

Look at this!!! He will never ever question his instinct to run so often on 1st down. Never. He doesn't think it's up for debate, he thinks it's settled science and it only comes down to beating the man in front of you or not...not whether you should do it at all or not. 






@Skinsinparadise tell ya boy to get his life right.



5 minutes ago, TouchdownSkin said:


He sounds dumber every season.




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It doesn't matter. We will never win with Bruce Allen and Dan Snyder in charge.

Fire Coaches? Great. Good idea. Bruce Allen will be in charge of hiring the next one.

Fire Allen? Great. Good idea. Dan Snyder will be in charge of hiring the next one.


We will never. NEVER. Be competitive under Snyder. Ever.

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13 minutes ago, Riggo#44 said:

It doesn't matter. We will never win with Bruce Allen and Dan Snyder in charge.

Fire Coaches? Great. Good idea. Bruce Allen will be in charge of hiring the next one.

Fire Allen? Great. Good idea. Dan Snyder will be in charge of hiring the next one.


We will never. NEVER. Be competitive under Snyder. Ever.


Eh. If this is the structure (and it is), then there's a possibility Snyder accidentally hires a stud GM if he finally ditches Bruce. That's the fulcrum. 


We need that top guy in place though, a real qualified guy with vision and final say. 


The real problem is that Snyder has been suckered into thinking that guy could be Bruce. He handed things to Bruce and thinks that's what he's supposed to do. 


But the guy needs to be qualified. That's the hurdle. 

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4 minutes ago, ConnSKINS26 said:

But the guy needs to be qualified. That's the hurdle. 


And who is ultimately judging qualifications? The guy who had Vinny Cerrato in place for 10 years (and canned John Schneider for him) and Bruce Allen for 9...


Only way I would look at this team any different is if they do something like elevate Eric Schaffer to President of Football Ops or some such title, and make Kyle Smith GM. But even still, the Snyder Spectre lurks.

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3 minutes ago, Riggo#44 said:


And who is ultimately judging qualifications? The guy who had Vinny Cerrato in place for 10 years (and canned John Schneider for him) and Bruce Allen for 9...


Only way I would look at this team any different is if they do something like elevate Eric Schaffer to President of Football Ops or some such title, and make Kyle Smith GM. But even still, the Snyder Spectre lurks.


Right. That's the problem. He would need to trust a consultant or current business-minded FO guy like Schaffer to lead him to the right GM. 


It has worked for other idiot owners before. 

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Just now, ConnSKINS26 said:


Right. That's the problem. He would need to trust a consultant or current business-minded FO guy like Schaffer to lead him to the right GM. 


It has worked for other idiot owners before. 


Jeffrey Loria won two World Series. Different sport, but just as big a douchebag as Snyder.

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I'm typically a defender of Gruden, but I kinda believe it. 


Watching Keenum I kept thinking he's doing exactly what Kirk would do. Look great early, then look worse as the game wears on. 


There has to be a part of that that's on scheme and adjustments. Imho this loss is on the coaches. Eagles are a good team and they made plays, but come on. We've seen this in so many previous seasons that's it's getting tiring. 

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The situation with AP and Guice is a perfect example of how horrid Gruden is as a HC. You mean to tell me that you came out in public and said it'll be week to week with AP? You mean you don't have enough creativity to allow them both to help your ****ing team? Last year it was maybe the end of the season where many of us were calling for Gruden to move on. The first game was symbolic of his entire tenure. Sitting AP for this game was unbelievably dumb. I don't normally make predictions, but I have a feeling Manusky and maybe even Gruden is out the door by week 6 if this passive **** continues.


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7 hours ago, Gibbs828791 said:

Mansucky was promoted from Barrys staff, that never made sense. Then they bring in a bunch of bum coaches that cant get jobs anywhere else, Ray Horton and Ryan. I always thought D personnel was overrated but these D coaches are outclassed and are not NFL caliber coaches. Manucky is lost as to what to call and I always knew he would cost us games. Remember the complaining from the players last year about this bum!

The problem that we face is this; no real football people want anything to do with Danny, Bruce and all the amateurish antics that go on within our organization!!! 


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1 hour ago, Unbias said:

I'm typically a defender of Gruden, but I kinda believe it. 


Watching Keenum I kept thinking he's doing exactly what Kirk would do. Look great early, then look worse as the game wears on. 


There has to be a part of that that's on scheme and adjustments. Imho this loss is on the coaches. Eagles are a good team and they made plays, but come on. We've seen this in so many previous seasons that's it's getting tiring. 


No Kirk would throw a INT or 2. Case missed a open WR that he's had no playing time with. 

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1 hour ago, BoycottEuphemisticFans said:

he will likely hand the team over to his son in 30 years from now.  his son could be as big a [come on man] as he is.....


I get you're relatively new here, but just from one person to another and with no authority whatsoever, be a better person. Thanks. 

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2 hours ago, Riggo#44 said:

It doesn't matter. We will never win with Bruce Allen and Dan Snyder in charge.

Fire Coaches? Great. Good idea. Bruce Allen will be in charge of hiring the next one.

Fire Allen? Great. Good idea. Dan Snyder will be in charge of hiring the next one.


We will never. NEVER. Be competitive under Snyder. Ever.


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You fire Gruden now and cut your losses. Look at all the young talent on offense and defense. Leave that at his disposal, and you're not only wasting immense talent and potential, you're going to end up demoralizing those guys. Gruden can't coach. He can draw up plays, but doesn't know how to use them when the D has adjusted to what his gameplan seems to be. He doesn't know how to manage the talent that he has, opting to favor certain players inexplicably over others when it's clear they are not the answer (Perine, Grant as glaring examples). I know the owner probably doesn't want to pay a guy millions just to sit at home doing nothing, but he's paying him millions now to accomplish nothing, so what's the qualitative difference? He has proven that he doesn't belong in the NFL HC Club, much like many guys who currently don a HC title (Patricia over in Detroit being VP of the non-deserving squad).


Even Quick Draw McGraw, our RT who's guaranteed for 3 or 4 penalties a game, said yesterday "Obviously we think he's a hell of a football player. He has a hell of a lot of juice left. Hopefully it's just a one-week thing and we can move forward". There were two "hells" in that quote, and it seemed like he wanted to utter a third one, telling Gruden where he could go. CT seemed equally confused and nonplussed by the stupid decision to make AP inactive, and he's perhaps someone who  might stand to gain from increased touches; but he realizes who the best back on the team is, and mentioned how AP makes every defensive wary and forces them to gameplan.


If we don't cut loose from this guy early, it's gonna get ugly. When Gruden is outcoached by Brian Flores (if he lasts til week 6), the wagon will have damn sure lost all 4 wheels.

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49 minutes ago, FrFan said:

Firing Gruden or anybody else won't help a bit if Bruce is still in charge.


Operative point for me.  I disagree with Jay on Adrian.  Said so, yesterday.  I probably have written the longest post dissecting Jay's play calling, did it last year, and I had plenty of criticism in that soup.  I've said a gazillion times, if Dan fired or reassigned Bruce and Jay is collateral damage I wouldn't mind it all.  Yet with all of that, I am considered a Jay homer because I don't see firing Jay as being any cure all.    the issues IMO with this team is at the top.   They've had Norv, Marty, Spurrier, Gibbs, Shanny, Zorn and now Jay.  And Jay ironically has had the best run in that mix.  The last three years have been the most consistent run of all of them.  Dan's next hire is finally going to be the fix?  Look I get the feeling because I've had that feeling plenty of times myself but I am burnt out on it, I don't buy it anymore.


Put a real GM in charge, and they can put anyone they'd like as HC.  Not only would I be fine with it but I'd love it because it would be the right structure.  But just dumping Jay and letting Bruce make the next call -- in my view, you are just as likely to get a dude that he's close with like Raheem Morris than you will some stud.  Guys like Lincoln Riley or name that hot shot name I doubt are coming here.  

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I know we got a running theme that Jay is the dumbest coach out there.  i do think the dude has weaknesses in the soup but I don't think he's a dumb man.  


The Junkies mentioned Jay wanted to trade or release Adrian but was overruled.   Two beat guys also said this off season that they heard that Jay this season is in a WTF mode where he doesn't care if he comes back or not and is tired of the grind of dealing with the FO.    Russell is one of the people who has made that point but he's not the only one, Sheehan said he heard the same and one other guy who am forgetting said something similar. 


Jay's comments on Adrian seem oddly spiteful for him.  And it has crossed my mind he's making a statement to someone above him.  But who knows, just a theory. 




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